A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 411 Looking back at the twilight realm of life and death

"You have chosen the most terrifying path. Even if you kill the true immortal, the possibility of humankind's rise is slim."

Yun Ye sighed.

"Cut everything off, and immortals are invincible."

Hongtian shook his head, the scene cracked and finally collapsed, and her figure disappeared completely.

Yun Ye knew very well what Hong Tian meant.

Especially after experiencing the battle between the two emperors, he felt even more profoundly.

What kind of fucked-up world is this?

True immortals have repeatedly degraded human potential, cut off human possibilities, cleansed human beings at every turn, and buried all history.

In this situation, even if the Supreme Emperors discover the truth, they may only be in despair and cannot see any possibility of victory.

Immortals are too powerful and invincible. This is determined by the rules...

In this situation.

Instead, resorting to external forces became the only option.

Although Hongtian has only expelled four world gods, that is the number in the Hongtian world. There are still countless existences of the same type traveling in the universe, feeding on the world, and constantly looking for the possibility of strengthening themselves.

If they are both world gods and their rules are incompatible, then a true immortal who becomes enlightened through luck is compatible with the rules of all world gods and can grow by swallowing them.

The true immortals did not stay in the Red Heaven Realm. It was also for this reason that the Red Heaven Realm was the center of diversity. When they fell into the Red Heaven Realm, the fluctuations would spread to the entire diversity, attracting countless world gods.

It would be fine if they were willing to let the beings in future generations become immortals. It would take time for the world gods to notice and it would take time to come. It would be enough for humans to accumulate enough strength.

But they didn't want to.

When a true immortal obtains the Heavenly Crown Taoist Artifact, he can continue to give himself rules, making himself stronger and stronger, even transcending and surpassing the entire multiplicity.

Will you selflessly give this opportunity to others?

This joke is not funny.

Therefore, they can only leave the Red Sky Realm, deploy their backhand to suppress any possibility of attracting the World God, and then continue to condense the Tianmian Taoist tools to sublimate themselves.

But unfortunately, reality is far from expectations. Qingtian's plan ran into problems again after running for who knows how many years.

Xuantian appeared on the third day...

Although the history contained in the three heavenly wills is only the story before that, Yun Ye cannot know the reason for Xuantian's birth.

But Xuantian is there, neither disappearing nor hiding, and cannot be ignored.

Based on this alone, Yun Ye knew that there was something wrong with Qingtian's plan, which failed to achieve the idea of ​​letting him continuously harvest the power of heaven to achieve transcendence.

"The twenty-first step of the Heavenly Road is completed."

"Bloodline Recording—Recording completed, ascending bloodline optimization."

"Please record the method of ascending to the Dharma Realm. Record it once, and the full effect will be increased by 10% - the recording is completed. The method of ascending: Standard Spirit Pattern·No. 8."

Yun Ye recorded the No. 8 standard spiritual pattern with the most complete and exquisite structure.

At this level, the magic realm should have been recorded, but Yun Ye didn't have any good skills, so he still recorded the standard spiritual patterns.

This is the end of the 21st level of Heavenly Road.

Yun Ye's consciousness broke away.

Immediately afterwards.

The secret realm began to increase rapidly again.

The initial area was 300 square meters, and it was expanded to 30,000 square meters in the first stage, which is a hundred times, and the same is true for subsequent expansions.

Now it is the third time, and it has reached 300 square kilometers. It sounds quite big, but the largest country on earth has 17 million square kilometers, which is almost 56,000 times the size of the current secret realm, and the Huangzhou The area is completely larger than the entire earth, and the Yingyue Baohuan Secret Realm is far from a good secret realm.

"But this area can finally be used to grow some high-end medicinal herbs."

Yun Ye watched the secret realm continue to expand, and couldn't help but think of its principle.

Extract the power of the void and transform it into matter and spiritual energy...

In Hongtian's memory, Hongtian Realm was not as large as it is today. After she was sealed, someone created the Five Elements, and people continued to use the power of the Five Elements to open up secret realms, and the secret realms were constantly being absorbed by Hongtian Realm. This made Hongtian The scale of heaven has grown to this day.

According to Hong Tian's memory, when she condensed the Imperial Dao, her first true intention actually connected with the power of the void, transforming the power of the void into power.

After becoming an immortal, he transformed into the power of rules that created something out of nothing and directly exercised the power of the world.

And whether it is the power of rules or the power of void, it is not created out of nothing.

Some people use it, and some people must reduce it.

The World God left the Red Sky Realm to wander around in various places, precisely because the food supply was not reduced enough, and for the World God who was born in a barren land, the Red Sky Realm itself was also a big meal.

Especially the Red Sky Realm, which has continuously devoured the secret realm and grown to this day.

"I have become a huge disaster. The key to the great festival is sealed in my mind and cannot be controlled by me, even if I commit suicide."

At a glance, Yun Ye saw that everything was a dead end.

Not the most desperate.

Only more desperate.

But Yun Ye still moved forward with a heavy burden. His wisdom was really ordinary. He could only take one step at a time, and he couldn't even say these things out loud.

With his level, it is impossible to know these secrets, and in the future, the Taoist Lord will definitely still be watching the Red Sky Realm, and he will be able to see everything he wants to see like a heavenly road.

If it is possible for him to become the strongest, he must find a way to block the future deduction of the future Dao Lord, otherwise he may not be able to do anything.

But this hope is too slim. The divine method that even a true immortal can predict is obviously at the same level as the Dao Code. I am afraid it cannot be studied through research and needs to be given rules.

"If I upgrade the Nine Lives Canon to a Dao Canon, can I fight against future divine laws?"

Yun Ye fell into deep thought.



Yun Ye clapped his hands and fell asleep.

He wanted to regain his energy and continue his journey to heaven.

What's there to think about?

He has no idea how to upgrade to the Great Ceremony!

The expansion of the secret realm has made the research of medicinal herbs much more convenient.

Moreover, the super formation has been gradually established. Tomorrow Kingdom can concentrate the spiritual energy of the Great Wilderness Lingze and input it into the secret realm, so that the growth of the secret realm can be accelerated infinitely.

Spiritual energy is directly input into the secret realm in liquid form. In this case, even magic medicine can be matured within a day, not to mention the assistance of Shilou. The research speed is much faster than conventional. The achievements of a powerful force that take hundreds of years may not be as good as You have to go to Tomorrowland for a month.

Only the forces that are also the masters of the secret realm and can set rules at will can surpass the Kingdom of Tomorrow in terms of the speed of medicinal research.

The development of magic medicine is changing with each passing day, and more and more monks are breaking through the magic realm.

But soon, the Land of Tomorrow began to control magic weapons.

There are countless demons in the wilderness of Lingze.

In theory, countless magic weapons can be made and incalculable magical realms can be cultivated.

However, there were too many massacres in the Kingdom of Tomorrow, and the demons in the entire Great Wilderness Lingze were rioting, giving birth to an unusually chaotic world. Even Yun Ye had to take some effort to kill them. If it continued, I am afraid that the bloodline of the ancestor of the demons would be burned into the world. The rules came automatically, giving birth to a power that could destroy the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

"No wonder the Luo Dynasty wants to blockade the Great Wilderness Lingze. Even if the Great Wilderness Lingze has countless resources, it is impossible to harvest too many in a short time. It can maintain a scale ten times that of two sects at most, but this is far from enough for us!"

The senior management at tomorrow's meeting will be in a bad mood.

But they can only accept the reality, improve utilization rate, and use limited materials to make more magic weapons.

Suffering will only make them grow, it will never stop them!

Everyone is fighting hard.

The same is true for Yun Ye.

He refined what he had learned, kept moving forward, and climbed to the sky again and again, hoping to step into the thirty-first level.

But there is a difference between reality and ideals.

He went back to ancient times and saw countless terrifying battlefields. Even if he had the ethereal magic, these battlefields were not powerful and it would take a lot of time to explore the way before he could pass them.

This level of difficulty is already a dead end for the rest of the group tomorrow, and the possibility of passing is infinitely close to zero.

that's all.

Two years have passed by in a blink of an eye.

Everything is developing. In the past two years, Liu Youmei has barely completed the required research. Tomorrow Country has completed the Yin-Yang Armed Forces "Twilight Realm" at a huge cost according to her plan. This is a time enchantment that can trace back life and death. It sounds very heaven-defying.

Unfortunately, due to difficulty, neither Tomorrow Country nor Liu Youmei have the ability to complete the full set of research.

Although the "Twilight Realm" can retrace life and death, only the lives that have died in the "Twilight Realm" can be retraced, and when retracing the time, mental confusion and loss may occur.

Under various restrictions, the Twilight Realm only looks incredible, and can actually only be used for research.

And this is enough.

The Kingdom of Tomorrow has invested a lot of resources in a desperate plan to complete it, and it only needs to go as far as this!

"Then, the experiment begins..."

Hundreds of culture tanks are erected in the Twilight Realm, and tens of thousands of researchers shuttle around, recording every change.

In each culture tank, there is a cloned individual.

Taking Ming Weiyang, who is the most talented and accomplished person in the Kingdom of Tomorrow, as the prototype, they want to create the most powerful war weapon that can be mass-produced.

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