A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 412 The Three Dharmas Are All Dharma Realms

After a long period of training, Yun Ye also wanted to add the first rule...

Every time he reincarnates, the land of reincarnation will wash away everything in the secret realm, which is actually quite a headache.

Just tell him tomorrow that this idea cannot be realized.

The reason is very simple. The secret realm is a world. After reset, the power of rules will be left behind. You can use the power of rules to rebuild the secret realm.

But after the elixir and other things are reset, not even the spiritual energy will be left, but there will be a little power of rules equivalent to the secret realm.

To put it simply, it is regarded as a part of the body, and is turned into talent points just like the realm of cultivation.

Under this rule, binding elixirs and magic weapons with echoes is ineffective. It is no different from throwing them directly into the secret realm and being swallowed. It also wastes a lot of echoes.

After Yun Ye tried to write the rule of "confrontation with the land of reincarnation, no reset", Tomorrow told him that this was at least the same rule as becoming an immortal, and was completely unachievable.

For this reason, Yun Ye could only change his mind and allow the Taoist artifact to be more deeply bound to the secret realm.

Turns out, it works.

Taoist artifacts record countless information, and information about elixirs is naturally among them. Yun Ye uses reverberation to connect the channel artifacts with the secret realm, allowing the secret realm to mobilize the information recorded by the Taoist artifacts.

In this case, as long as there is spiritual energy, you can directly copy the elixir.

But because I don’t know the principle, I can only copy it exactly. This process will consume a lot of spiritual energy.

Making seeds requires a large amount of spiritual energy, and directly using spiritual energy to generate elixirs will be very costly.

If one day the Kingdom of Tomorrow completely breaks through the principle of elixir, I am afraid that it will be able to replicate it one to one without any loss. It will be more efficient than direct planting, which is promising in the future.

This rule solves a big problem.

The Taoist artifact contains all the information about the Kingdom of Tomorrow. According to this information, it is embodied by divine methods. In theory, a Kingdom of Tomorrow can be directly copied.

Things like the talisman seal assembly line and the automatic refining room are still very troublesome to reproduce manually. They require extremely high precision. If there are Taoist tools, you don't need to consider the measurement problem. The Taoist tools will directly mark out the range.

Since then, Yun Ye has reached the ninth level of physical skills, which is the state of perfection.

He challenged Pure Water Holy Son again to see how big the gap was, but he was killed instantly again, and there was almost no change in the result.

Compared with all enemies in the past, the strength of Pure Water Holy Son is completely different from that of other enemies. He can make Dao Masters bleed with just a wave of his hand.

Although Yun Ye's nine-turn body technique is powerful, the blessing of the heavenly path is infinitely close to zero. Even if the nine-turn has reached the realm of the only method, he cannot cross a big realm to fight with the pure water saint son. He is not even in the same dimension at all. Kill instantly with a wave of your hand.

He was not discouraged, and continued to practice silently, deepening his physical skills, making his ability to control life at the beginning of the fourth level more and more sophisticated, and getting closer to the fourth level.

the next ten years.

The Kingdom of Tomorrow has taken a different approach. In addition to the automatically opened secret realms, it has continuously used the ethereal method to forcibly open two secret realms and obtained a large number of magic medicines and secret treasures.

For those that cannot be pried open, you can directly use the power of freedom to seize control, which greatly relieves the pressure on resources and even makes you richer.

Yun Ye also returned to the Rain World Secret Realm, brought back the seeds of the Nine Masters' magic medicine, and used the Treasure Environment Secret Realm to accelerate growth, and recently obtained a complete body.

Of course, the price is that most of the spiritual energy generated by the super spiritual veins in the past ten years is swallowed up.

The nine main magic medicines that can be cultivated with hundreds of years of spiritual energy in the entire Rain World Secret Realm do require an immeasurable investment of resources. Yun Ye continued to use super spiritual veins to input spiritual energy for ten years, using countless spiritual medicines and demons as nutrients. After putting in the effort, he managed to develop it, so it’s no wonder that the nine main magic medicines were cultivated separately!

The resources required for the nine main magic medicines are too huge, and they not only require spiritual energy. This kind of magic medicine cannot survive in one area.

Even if it survives, if it grows too slowly, it will not have the corresponding lifespan to mature.

With the nine master magic medicines, Yun Ye no longer needs to wait and starts to advance directly.

As a magic medicine that contains the nine attributes of yin, yang, five elements, wind and thunder, the nine main medicines are almost a small world of their own, and can be advanced regardless of the method.


The spiritual energy rain fell wildly and fell into the Shilou. The spiritual energy of the entire super formation was gathering to facilitate Yun Ye's advancement.

These spiritual energy have been refined countless times, and are closer to Yun Ye's spiritual power in nature, and can be transformed more easily.

Yun Ye activated his secret technique and integrated the nine main magic medicines.

The sea of ​​consciousness and the spiritual space all shook.

He wants to advance to two major techniques in one go!

"'Resonance Method'!"

Yun Ye used the perfection-level resonance method to find the fusion point in a very short time, and took the nine main medicines into his body to take root.

The once fused twelve-grade golden lotus of great destiny emerged, its roots densely covering the whole body, and the lotus flowers blooming, covering the whole body.

Yun Ye knew that the paths of the two major medicines could not intersect, otherwise big problems would occur.

The twelfth-grade golden lotus mainly resides in the Dantian, which is the lower abdomen.

Yunye, the Nine Master Dharma Medicine, took root in his chest and head, splitting it into two.

The part of the head is illusory and is a spiritual medicine. As long as it does not intersect with the core area of ​​the twelfth-grade Golden Lotus, there will be no problem.

Not so with the chest part, which is in the form of energy and cannot interact with the power of the twelfth-grade Golden Lotus of Life.

Yun Ye's control is already extremely high, and at the same time, it is completely okay to open up the void in his body.

There was a roar inside him.

Divine magic weapons and spiritual magic weapons arrived at the same time to help Yun Ye open up the void in his body.

The magical weapon is an orb, which strengthens the automatic calculation ability. When the void is opened, it is merged with the Nine-Life Divine Magic, and a new Dafa is born.

The spiritual weapon is a three-story pagoda, which houses the three powers of God, fire, and water. The internal spirit of the weapon also has automatic calculation capabilities, which is only weaker than the divine weapon.

The void opens up, and divine consciousness and spiritual power are continuously compressed, turning into divine and spiritual mana and pouring into the void.

Spiritual magic and divine magic are turned at the same time!

Dafa arises by itself!

At this moment, Yun Ye's Huangzhou Peerless Personality was activated, and inexplicable power fell on the Dafa, causing it to undergo drastic changes.

Dafa is the power formed by the combination of three major forces: magic medicine, sustenance and spiritual power.

The birth of Dafa actually depends on luck.

If they fit perfectly and absorb all the advantages, then the most powerful magic can be born. Otherwise, it will be ordinary or even deteriorated.

The peerless personality can forcefully normalize possibilities and lead directly to one of the best outcomes.

It's a pity that Yun Ye's peerless personality can only be strengthened in one aspect.

He chose spiritual power.

As a result, the spiritual power suddenly changed, and the quality increased dramatically. It was originally sublimated by about 15 times, but it began to increase dramatically after the peerless personality was added.

20 times…

25 times…

30 times!

The final number stayed at 30 times. In other words, just the change in mana after advancing to the magic realm increased the power of Yun Ye's ethereal magic by 30 times!

This is the perfect progression!

This is the result after countless increases!

"The Void Dharma and the Nine Lives Dharma?"

Yun Ye's body was refined over and over again, and all cells were sublimated and turned into a semi-energy form, no longer pure matter.

His method has recorded the body's condition. Once damaged, it can be restored with a lot of mana, but because every cell contains huge energy, the repair process will be very slow.

Fortunately, he practiced the Great Fate Funeral and could reverse and repair himself, which could shorten this time.


Yun Ye clenched his fist, the three powers were intertwined, and the surrounding space was distorted. He had obtained the power belonging to the mysterious realm in advance, and he could affect the space with his own magic power, without the need for magic.

At the same time, after the mana flows throughout his body, he can feel that the control of divine spirituality has been greatly increased.

If he was now allowed to use his spiritual power to activate the Transformation of Yin and Eternal Silence, he would no longer need to rely on Taoist tools and true heavenly instruments. He could do it on his own.

But it is a pity that using magic power to transform into eternal silence is far more difficult than spiritual power. The assistance of Taoist tools and true heavenly instruments lags behind, making it difficult to fully exert the power of this realm.

"Mana is much stronger than spiritual power. Even if there is no peerless personality, the mana produced by the Nine-Life Divine Law is 20 times the quality. If I use the most perfect magic medicine and treasure, I should be able to increase the quality of the mana to the spiritual power stage. 30 times, and if there is the blessing of a peerless person, it will be even higher!”

Yun Ye has become a lot stronger. Now he can only be compared to his former self in two words: instant kill.

It was also the reason why Pure Water Holy Son killed him instantly.

Perfectly advanced, too strong!

After nine turns, the increase is a full 256 times. Even if the base is only 10 times, it is equivalent to 2560 times the spiritual realm stage!

What's more, the Holy Son of Pure Water has not yet perfected the Dharma Realm, but the Mysterious Realm. This gap is indeed impossible to bridge with nine turns of physical skills alone.

"We must enter the ninth level as soon as possible, right now in the building!"

Yun Ye was running the two methods while handling official duties.

He is gifted with the Seven Hearts of Wisdom, and multitasking is a basic skill. Even if he is dealing with official duties, his practice will not be delayed.

The time inside the Time Tower is accelerated, and one day outside is equal to seven days inside, which is very suitable for practice.

Yun Ye was able to cultivate to the ninth level of physical skills in decades, thanks to Shi Lou.

Of course, the price is a rapid shortening of lifespan.

His actual age is 85 years old.

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