A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 416 Advance to the mysterious realm! decisive battle! (one)

Yun Ye realized the benefits of a deep foundation. Above Xuantian, he could easily handle the impact of information without struggling too ugly.

After entering Xuantian many times and adapting to Xuantian's special characteristics, Yunye also began to try to open up his own Xuantian.

The development process is complex and difficult.

Not all places in Xuantian can open up Xuantian. There are places where the information impact is weak and it is easier to open up, and there are also places where the opposite is true.

According to the difficulty of Xuantian's development, practitioners divided it into four levels: heaven, earth, xuanhuang. The higher the difficulty, the stronger the strength after advancement.

Yun Ye's goal is not just to open up Xuantian casually, but also to make it as strong as possible.

Therefore, he kept wandering around, looking for larger areas with high-dimensional information.

During this process, every time Yun Ye traveled a long distance, he could see some Xuantian ruins left by ancient existences. These ruins were constantly melting, but because the nature of the power was too strong, they did not completely disappear.

The Xuantian Realm is at its highest depth, and they will completely step into the Xuantian Realm. There is no point in killing their bodies in the Red Heaven Realm. It only takes some time for them to return to the Red Heaven Realm...

Of course, there is another story about losing the coordinates of the Red Sky Realm.

The two sect masters Yun Ye killed were both beings who had ascended to higher dimensions themselves. It was the Xuantian body that killed them all that fell due to the Tomorrow Sword.

And their broken self Xuantian probably gradually disintegrated in time and could exist for a long time.

Xuantian, who is in the ordinary profound realm, cannot maintain this level for hundreds of thousands of years.

Building a strong self-Xuantian is equivalent to human beings training and strengthening their bodies, which is the defensive manifestation of this stage of the Xuanjing.

Even if he is practicing in the Xuan Realm, his Xuantian's defense power will far exceed that of his physical body, and his body size is not at the same level at all.

"It's getting more and more complicated..."

Yun Ye sighed.

It took decades to find the right path in the Dharma Realm. Nowadays, the Mysterious Realm involves so many things that it may take hundreds of years to find the right path. Perfect advancement is no longer possible!

Five years in the outside world and thirty-five years in the building.

One day, everyone was busy as usual. The monks were fighting, the bachelors were studying, and they were working hard for a better tomorrow.

To be honest, after decades of war, most of them have lost hope. Only the continuous emergence of research results has kept the people from collapse.

But on this day, the situation at the core intersection of the super spiritual veins suddenly changed, and the red river flowed in the sky, spreading thousands of miles, covering the entire sky of Tomorrow Kingdom.

When the Red River emerged, the super formation was activated, forming a barrier to isolate the inside and outside. The Red River swept past, and large tracts of mountains and rivers were ruined and drained of their vitality.

At the same time, terrifying auras sublimated from two directions in Shuizhou and Luozhou, heading towards the Great Wilderness Lingze.

"In less than a hundred years, a great power is born? This kind of disaster cannot wait any longer!"

"After five years, the power of inheritance is no longer enough to cause serious damage to us. At this moment, the new way is destroyed!"


After a faint word of "kill", the two major forces finally couldn't wait any longer.

The young man in imperial robes and the old man dragging the chain took action at the same time.

The two-line Tongtian Avenue extends all the way to Dahuang Lingze.

Hundreds of Xuanjing people set foot on the great road.

Coming soon!

In addition to the Luo Lord and the Holy Lord, there are three other true realms. There are two true realms from the Luo Saint Clan and one true realm from the Pure World Holy Land. There are five in total!

This is a decisive battle, they are coming out in full force!



Blue ribbons covered his whole body. Yun Ye walked out of the super spiritual center with a sword. Yue Xin's long hair was flying, and huge silver energy soared into the sky.

She has completely liberated the power of freedom. After this battle, the power of freedom will be completely exhausted!

"We have finally reached the Xuan Realm, Weiyang, are you sure?"

Yue Xin looked at the five real people floating in the sky and said.

"The use of power after the Mysterious Realm will be a qualitative change. With the support of the super formation, even five real people may not be unable to fight..."

Yun Ye said.

"If that doesn't work, we can only use the power of freedom."

Yue Xin shook her head.

"Hopefully it won't come to this."

Yun Ye looked at his left hand. After advancing to the profound realm, he had already sensed the source of the power of freedom.

It was the ruins of Yingyue Tian three days above. In the past, when he used the power of freedom, he used the anti-aircraft cannon to smash it into pillars. Now that he has advanced to the mysterious realm, he can already understand some of the mysteries of the power of freedom. At this moment, he uses the power of freedom. It is more than enough to fight against the two major forces of the Luo Dynasty.

In other words, even if he cannot win with the power of the Mysterious Realm, relying on the power of freedom after advancing to the Mysterious Realm, he can still protect the Kingdom of Tomorrow for hundreds of more years.

However, once he uses the power of freedom, he will destroy his foundation now, and it will be impossible to further become a real person.

"Ming Weiyang, you are really a genius... No, it should be said that your new way is very powerful, and you have actually deduced a way to advance to the profound realm."

"In this regard, we have to admit that you are very powerful."

Someone from the two major forces spoke.

But it was not a real person, but the Holy Son of Pure Water from the Pure World Holy Land. He had a prominent position and was as powerful as a real person. He talked to Yun Ye with approval.

Maybe ordinary people would find it inexplicable, but many monks were surprised when they saw this scene. This pure water saint actually remembered the name of the chief?

People may still remember the individual names of pigs, sheep, cats and dogs, but what about ants? What about microorganisms?

The top leaders of the two forces are cultivators, and they have evolved a long time ago, so they can naturally remember Yun Ye's name, but normally they only want to kill him, so they naturally won't address him properly.

The Pure Water Saint called out Yun Ye's name, which shows that he really takes him seriously, and no longer regards Yun Ye as a pig or sheep that must be killed as before.

"If you think we are strong, then retreat, otherwise a thousand years of Taoism will be gone today, well, it's actually pretty good."

Yun Ye also responded.

"You misunderstood. You are strong in potential, not now. It is not much more difficult for me to crush you than an ant. This is the reality. You don't understand the difference between ordinary forces and the Saint Clan. You are just a frog in the well. If it weren't for the inheritance power you suddenly obtained, it would have become history when you were making trouble." The Son of Pure Water shook his head slowly and said very seriously. He pointed at himself, "Maybe you don't believe it, but there is no way. Mortals can never understand the power of cultivators, just like you can never understand my power. Ming Weiyang, maybe you think that after advancing to the Xuan realm, the gap between us has narrowed, but there is no doubt..." "You think too much!" The Son of Pure Water walked out under the gaze of countless eyes, and the ocean tide emerged. Between the ebb and flow, a giant pillar that reaches the sky gradually emerged. This giant pillar that reaches the sky is unknown. It is beyond the horizon. It has complex textures all over the body and is wrapped with chains, as if blocking its power. The Son of Pure Water waved his hand, and the chain of the giant pillar broke, and fell into his hand, but it was a long sword with indescribable power. He drew out his long sword, and the blue blade of the sword condensed the power of the entire ocean. The aura spread instantly, forming a heavy rain covering the world.

This sword does not exist in the material world, but in a higher dimension, and can directly kill Xuantian.

This is the most important feature of Xuanbao, which can directly affect Xuantian.

Whether it is hiding Xuantian's power like Lan Wuyin, or killing Xuanjing, it is not comparable to ordinary law. It is a treasure that all forces value very much.

And this Xuanbao, obviously born with the vision, is the natal Xuanbao of the Pure Water Saint!

He drew out the sword and pointed it directly at Yunye, with a faint smile, the meaning is self-evident.

If you are not afraid, come and fight!

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