A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 417: Advancing to the Profound Realm! Decisive Battle! (Part 2)

"Interesting, do you want a Xuanjing person to start the show?"

Lord Luo suddenly spoke.

He attracted a lot of surprised gazes. This Luo Lord looked too young, and had almost no breath coming out. Has he reached the state of returning to his original nature?

"What's the problem? Chun Shui is already one step away from being a real person. His talent is so outstanding that it is rarely seen in the world."

The Holy Lord carries countless chains, and the chains extend to the Holy Land of Purification, spanning hundreds of thousands of miles without interruption. These chains are similar to the chains used by the Holy Son of Pure Water to seal the Xuanbao Sword.

"No matter how talented you are, if you want to win with the blessing of a super formation, I'm afraid it won't work."

Lord Luo said calmly.

"Just be undefeated. The new way wins with faith. If they are not in the true state but can win or lose with their strongest person, it will be an obvious desperate situation. At this moment, they are about to lose the power of inheritance and their retreat is cut off. Can they still maintain this belief?"

The Holy Lord said.

He was different from Lord Luo, but he used a trick to destroy Xindao more easily.

Although this strategy still relies on strength and is a conspiracy, it is indeed a huge improvement for the two major forces that have always only had a simple word "kill".

If Yun Ye loses, it is indeed possible that the will of Tomorrow Kingdom to fight will be weakened out of thin air, resulting in a significant reduction in losses.

Yun Ye frowned and looked at Pure Water Holy Son. Although this person didn't mention a single word about dueling, Yun Ye knew that he just wanted to crush and defeat him one on one.

Then use the general trend to completely destroy the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

Yun Ye held the sword and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Use him as a breakthrough?

Are you treating him like a soft persimmon?

In his fifth life, he has been through adversity all the way, so what is there to be afraid of?

Yun Ye operated the Xuanjing method, and Chihe's vision covered the sky above Tomorrow City. Then the super formation began to operate, and endless spiritual energy was controlled by him.


The Red River spreads across the sky and across the Great Wilderness Lingze. Someone from both major forces took action to counteract the power of the Red River devouring life force.

"Perhaps you have some misunderstanding about our super formation...but it doesn't matter, I will help you understand."

He took action.

The mighty, thousands-mile-long river was swung by him like a long whip and suddenly smashed down.

Pure Water Saint Son's expression suddenly changed.

On this scale?

It is completely different from the Dharma realm. In what state is this advanced Xuan realm?

"It seems that it is not an ordinary advancement to the Huang class, at least the Xuan class... Is this really possible? The first great master starts from the Xuan class. Besides, this is not just the Xuan class, right?"

Master Queyu was a little confused.

Back then, he had gone through all kinds of hardships but could only advance to the fifth level such as Huang. He didn't even know how far he was from the first level such as Xuan, let alone higher?

Seeing this scene, he really couldn't hold himself tight.

"It's impossible, but the new path is too special."

Master Linglu of the Pure Land Holy Land replied. He looked at the Chihe whip falling from the sky and couldn't help frowning, "The Holy Son can advance to the Xuan level because of his special physique, the help of the Holy Land's secret realm, and countless precious medicines and spirits. With Dan's help, can a group of mortals in Xindao really surpass all that has been accumulated in the Holy Land for thousands of years?"


The Holy Son of Pure Water was directly smashed down, and a transparent glow erupted. He was also mobilizing great power to fight, but it was too far away from the great fate funeral method under the blessing of the super formation. He was directly smashed into space and fell into eternal darkness.

The Pure World Holy Land is not in a hurry. If it is solved at this level, it is impossible for them to establish him as the Holy Son. As the strongest Holy Son in thousands of years, Pure Water's power has surpassed that of a real person, even a super giant. Formations can also be fought.

as expected.

A second later, the Holy Son of Pure Water penetrated the great life and was buried, calming the destruction of space and returning to reality.

He held the water tower on his head, and the water tower rose into the sky, confronting Chihe under the ebb and flow of the ocean phenomenon, and once again erupted with amazing energy fluctuations.

"Pure Water Mysterious Technique - Infinite Tower!"

The Immeasurable Tower forms its own grand formation. Under the home court of the super grand formation, the spiritual energy extracted by the Holy Son of Pure Water is very scarce, but this is not the main purpose.

Through mysterious formations, the loss of one's own power is reduced and an internal circulation is formed. This is the essence of the Infinite Tower.

With the Pure Water Mysterious Law Infinite Tower, the Pure Water Holy Son can explode with power without hesitation, which is equivalent to Yun Ye who has a super formation, but the number is one order of magnitude lower.

"Xuantian is coming!"

The Holy Son of Pure Water activated the second vision, which was a sign that the Mysterious Realm was extremely powerful. He could bring the Xuantian Realm down with just one person, forming his own home field advantage.

Of course, the price is that the mana evaporates quickly and cannot be maintained for too long. After all, this is not the home court and cannot be supplemented with power from the super formation.

"Pure Water Mystical Technique - Disappearing Sea!"

The ocean vision disintegrates.

Power evaporates.

The Holy Son of Pure Water launched an invisible offensive. The air in his path was annihilated and the Red River collapsed. The power had indeed undergone a qualitative change.

"Xuan Tian?"

Yun Ye looked at Xuan Tian and couldn't help but smile slightly.

The arrival of Xuantian is indeed powerful. It can pull the already controlled area of ​​Xuantian into reality and form a home field that far exceeds the vision.


What if someone could analyze Xuantian?


"The analysis is completed, 87 bachelor skill points have been exhausted, all flaws have been solved, and can be reversed at any time."

Yun Ye waved his hand, and Xuan Tian began to reverse course.

Xuantian, who was originally completely under the control of Pure Water Saint Son, quickly lost control.

"The other party also came to Xuantian? No, he is directly taking my power!"

"How can this be!"

Even though the Holy Son of Pure Water had perfected the profound realm and had been immersed in the mysterious realm for two hundred years, he was still shocked. This was completely incomprehensible to him.

He immediately tried his best to explode his strength and regain control.

But unlike the collision of energy, Xuantian does not belong to him. The battle for control of Xuantian is more of a competition of computing power.

The entire Kingdom of Tomorrow is behind Yun Ye, and his computing power is many times that of the Pure Water Holy Son. How can his struggle be effective?

As a result, Yun Ye won overwhelmingly. Even with the realm advantage and the great blessing of the step-up method, the Holy Son of Pure Water was also suppressed and a large number of secret treasures were broken. He could only rely on the power bursting out from the mysterious treasure in his hand to survive.

"The ascending method has almost doubled and doubled the power of my method, but compared to the core spiritual veins of Yizhou, it is still a bit weak. It is such a powerful method that it can even seize control of Xuantian. If the Holy Land Can get..."

"Ming Weiyang, it seems that you just lacked strength before, but your essence is enough. Otherwise, it is impossible to reach the point of fighting me just by increasing the formation."

Pure Water Saint Son sighed and used his strongest move.

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

Everyone's eyes were forcibly locked at this moment, because Holy Son of Pure Water borrowed the blood power recorded in the rules of heaven and earth through the way of heaven.

This power is the greatest treasure of the human race. As long as you are a human race, you have contributed part of the power, so you have the right to know that this power is being used!

It's said to be a decisive battle, but it's not.

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