A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 418 Decisive Battle (3)

"Our clan is derived from the ancient Qi clan. We have fought in all directions with the future Taoist Lord. Only then are we qualified to obtain a fiefdom and establish a holy land for the purity of the world."

"The Heavenly Path sublimates, reverses mortal blood, and gains invincible power. This is the strongest foundation of our clan."

Pure Water Saint Son traces his origins.

His physique is changing rapidly, and all kinds of special bloodlines are reviving.

Originally, his power in the Xuan Realm was indeed powerful, but it was only unilaterally powerful and had not been fully sublimated at the level of life. It was difficult to say that he could fight against a real person.

But with the sublimation of Tianlu, he achieved qualitative changes in all aspects, and this transformation only happened in an instant and could not be stopped at all.


The heart beats.

The Great Destruction breaks out.

The heart of Pure Water Saint Son was the first to undergo a qualitative change. Once the spirit was revived, the roar was enough to destroy the ordinary mysterious realm. It was a wave from another dimension.

"Destroy the Heart God!"

Under the beating of the heart, the bone marrow was also qualitatively changing, and together with the blood, it turned into a transparent color. This power infected the cells, causing all the power of the Holy Son of Pure Water to converge and return to nature. He took a step forward, and the space in front of him suddenly collapsed, and Chihe was destroyed. Cut off at the waist, and be devoured continuously.

"Haizang spirit body!"

Immediately afterwards.

The pure water holy son's spiritual roots also sublimated. The pure blue spiritual roots appeared together with a magic medicine, and finally separated from the body and gathered into a power representing authority.

This spiritual root authority is different from the true immortal method. It is connected to a higher dimension and continuously draws out power.

He integrated authority directly into the Sword of the Sea.

As Yun Ye exploded with his strongest power, condensing it into a sword and striking down, he actually withstood the attack.

One person withstood the suppression of the super formation, and he showed an unimaginable level of strength. However, this was not his limit, and his strength was still rising.

His pupils gradually became blank, and then he slowly closed his eyes. His perception was soaring, and the power of divine magic was also tapped under the stimulation of the Heavenly Road.

There are so many things that Divine Law can do. The power he awakens is called "Zen Mind", which can directly reach a peaceful and peaceful state of mind and gain perfect control over power. Generally speaking, it can allow people to directly transcend spiritual practice. stage, reaching the fourth level.

If you have the fourth level of control, that is, it is greatly strengthened, even if you cannot go further, you can minimize the possibility of mistakes.

Therefore, when the Holy Son of Pure Water swung his sword, the power of the entire super formation was temporarily blocked, showing a peerless style.

"Is this the genius of the Xuan Realm?"

Yun Ye was shocked by this power. It was indeed too powerful. The power that Tianlu Sublimation could increase was simply unbelievable.

The power of just one person can actually defeat the power of a state!

Although the super spiritual veins have been destroyed a lot over the years and their power has been greatly reduced, the spiritual power transmission lines have also increased the efficiency of the super spiritual veins, theoretically even surpassing the two super formations at their peak.

He has now activated about 50% of the power of the super formation. If he were to fight it alone, he would definitely not be able to fight it alone. At least it would take three methods to reach the profound realm.

However, this power is indeed powerful...


The Holy Son of Pure Water rushed towards Yun Ye, dividing the space with the ocean sword in his hand, and directly positioned Xuantian to attack.

Originally, because it was a high-latitude attack, it had the effect of being sure to hit regardless of defense. Now, after it has been greatly enhanced, it is almost certain to hit even if it is in the Mysterious Realm.


Yun Ye counted down silently, and the super formation used the Xuanjing method to forcibly block the attack of the Holy Son of Pure Water, canceling it out with sheer numbers.

His life control has reached the fourth level, and his spiritual control has reached the late fourth level, and he can already concentrate scattered power infinitely.

Under normal circumstances, the effect of this move can be said to turn decay into magic. Now Yun Ye has gathered the scattered power of the super formation, and has solved the last shortcoming of the super formation - the quality of the power is not high enough and will be High-level energy crushing.


The Holy Son of Pure Water combined all his strength and pressed against the hilt of the sword. The vortex surged from the sword body and rushed out for dozens of miles again, almost reaching Yun Ye.

Most of the monks on the tomorrow side were suddenly on tenterhooks and uneasiness spread. They were too afraid of the possibility of Yun Ye being defeated!

"Turn into eternal silence!"

The black curtain cuts across this short distance, and the power of the Pure Water Saint Son who penetrates the super formation hits the black curtain, constantly breaking through the power that burns the space.


However, the power of turning the Yin to Eternal Silence is too strong, and after being amplified by Xuantian's vision, it is already completely higher than the level of the Luo Dynasty's Xuan Realm.

The Holy Son of Pure Water sighed and retracted his offensive. He pulled out the sword flower in his hand and put it back into the scabbard. All the sharpness disappeared.

Yun Ye didn't think that he had given up the attack. He raised his hands and Zhuanyin Yongji exploded in all directions.


The Holy Son of Pure Water took a deep look at Yun Ye. The sword was erected in front of him, and some kind of shackles seemed to be liberating...

"Ah, Xiaochun is going to burn his bloodline."

On the Holy Land side of the Pure World, the girl in a pearl dress standing behind the Holy Lord suddenly said that she was the Saint of Water Moon and the biological sister of Chun Shui.

But compared to the Pure Water Holy Son, her power is indeed much weaker.

In this world of cultivation, unless talent is overwhelmed to the point of being completely unreasonable, resources, techniques, and teachers are all extremely important.

Shuiyue's own talent is not as good as that of Chunshui. If he lags behind in these three major aspects, there will naturally be no possibility of counterattack.

She is often a bystander, watching her brother sweep away invincibly, but because of this, she sees it extremely clearly.

Her brother is a man with extremely high self-esteem who will do anything to win.

Even if the opponent relies on a super formation, he still wants to win.


Even if burning the bloodline will cause great damage to the foundation, pure water will be used without hesitation.

"All power comes from one point, but it cannot be unified into thousands... The art of burning blood is the art that unifies all things into one!"

All the abnormalities in the mysterious treasure in the hand of Pure Water Saint Son disappeared with the surge of water, and all his own amazing power also converged on the sword body with the water flow.


Spreading on Xuan Bao.

"Even Xuan Bao can't hold it back? How powerful is this attack?!!"

The expressions of the Taoist masters of the two major forces changed.

Even though they tried their best, they could not damage the Xuanbao. Holy Son of Pure Water had already surpassed all of them. He was definitely a genius comparable to the Lord of Luo when he was a boy!

"Burning bloodline can turn all magic into one nature at the same time, and release it in the way with the strongest control. Naturally, the power cannot be compared with ordinary magic, but the price is also very high, especially in the state of Tianlu sublimation. It is not impossible to die directly if you use it below..."

Master Jinzang spoke, his pair of deep eyes seeing through the situation.

"Fall directly?"

Most of the monks frowned, and a general fell at the beginning, which was not a good sign.

They watch the battle...

Here comes the problem.

What kind of results can this blow bring?

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