A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 419 Decisive Battle (4)

"Pure water, forged into a sword shape, to cut off everything!"

The inscription flashed by.

The Son of Pure Water swung his sword directly, and a sword energy with no power, only waves and water light, swept over.

The speed was not fast, but it was completely locked, making people feel that it could not be avoided.

"This attack cannot be avoided, otherwise it will fall into a trap, and the power of the move will increase dramatically. Pure water, this is a power that does not allow any impurities. If the enemy avoids it, it will be impure. Pure water can cause conceptual type damage..."

Conceptual attacks can also be offset by mana, but the cost is dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of times the consumption. Generally, it can only be invalidated by a higher realm.

The Son of Pure Water can fight against the super formation. With his power, he can form a conceptual attack. Even if the super formation is damaged and released, it is useless.

This attack can only be resisted head-on!


Yun Ye controlled all the power he could control to fight against the sword of pure water, but the result was a crushing destruction.

But it doesn't matter.

"Three... two... one..."


Yun Ye finally adjusted all the states and let the formation enter a completely liberated state, then...

Let's welcome a new round of quantitative changes!

"The First Will!"

"Qi Xi! Heaven follows my position!"

The vast spiritual energy appeared out of thin air. The True Immortal Method extracts spiritual energy at the limit that the user can bear, and it is a rule method that will never weaken.

Yun Ye now controls the super formation, and assists with the power of all the cultivators in the Kingdom of Tomorrow. The limit of spiritual energy is immeasurable.

He does not intend to let the Son of Pure Water continue to play. If he continues, who knows what the other side can come up with?


Yun Ye and Tomorrow calculate at the same time, driving the super formation with the power of the Taoist instrument. The endless energy is like a pillar of heaven, extending to the sky.

They intersect and collide at the sky, turning into black energy.

The will of heaven turns to gloom and eternal silence!


The Yin-Yang Eternal Silence, which could be called the weight of the world, had completely exceeded the understanding of the Pure Water Saint. His Pure Water Sword did shine, was indeed powerful, and indeed completely surpassed his former self, but under the Heaven's Will Yin-Yang Eternal Silence, there was only a crushing destruction.


He roared, using all his strength to resist while being completely submerged by the Heaven's Will Yin-Yang Eternal Silence.

But all his strength was being annihilated, and the speed was so fast that the victory or defeat was decided in a second. It was impossible for him to survive by his own strength.

The Holy Lord of the Pure World Holy Land took action on the spot, and he was furious: "How dare you continue to use the True Immortal Method, you really deserve to die!"

If he had not long ago prevented this person from jumping off the wall, he would have established a barrier decades ago and isolated the Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze with a large number of sealing chains.

The sudden use of the True Immortal Method today is very likely to cause them to be implicated and destroyed by the Immortal Clan!

This is terrible!

He was terrified and must not let this happen again!


The Holy Lord was powerful after all. He broke through the will of heaven and turned to Yin Yongji, and forcibly rescued the Pure Water Saint Son, but he was also injured and blood fell.

Being crushed and defeated, and his blood was burned, the Pure Water Saint Son completely lost his fighting power. After he was rescued, he struggled to get up and looked at the spiritual energy column in the direction of Yun Ye, which was several times larger than the super formation. After a few seconds, he was angry and vomited blood under the influence of unwillingness and anger. Then he fainted and entered a sleeping state to reduce consumption.

"Send the Holy Son away."

The Holy Lord waved his hand and asked several Xuan Realms to escort the Holy Son away. The current result was not too bad. Pure Water did consume the opponent's power and exposed his trump card.

Even the True Immortal Method was used, I am afraid there is no back-up. With their strength, they can still win as long as they join forces!

Several weaker Xuan Realms took the order and took the Pure Water Saint Son away.

Just as they left.

An even more terrifying breath broke out.

"Second Heavenly Will!"

"Life! Strength and spirit cover it!"

Yun Ye clenched his fist, and the majestic magic power almost overflowed from Xuantian to reality, forming a majestic Dharma image and condensing the twelve-grade great life lotus.

In the past, he did not dare to use the true immortal method... Even if there was a barrier to block it, he would not take the risk. This was a bet on the entire Tomorrow Country.

But now, Hongtian has granted him the true immortal method again. If he is cursed again at this time, the one who will pay the price is probably the curser.

In this way, he can use the true immortal method with peace of mind.

With the activation of the second heavenly will.

All the spiritual energy controlled by Yun Ye was transformed into life force, and then instantly transformed into magic power.

Under normal circumstances, the use of the super formation is directly squandered in the form of spiritual energy, and there is no time to transform it into magic power.

This is also the reason why the spiritual energy of the super formation is enough to give birth to multiple true realms, but the actual power is just barely competing with the true realm.

But now, under the action of the second heavenly will, the time required for energy conversion is zero, and the burden on the body to convert energy is gone.

So, the spiritual energy of the entire super formation was instantly transformed into high-quality Xuan realm magic power.

The self-Xuantian controlled by Yun Ye, under the blessing of this vast amount of Xuan Realm mana, has completely covered the entire Great Wilderness Lingze for tens of thousands of miles.

Its power, even Luo Lord and Saint Lord were shocked, and had to be on high alert. Hundreds of Xuan Realm formed a formation, connecting the two states' super formation.

"The third will of heaven!"

"God! God!"

"Set! Four! Directions!"

Yun Ye completely activated the Red Heaven True Immortal Method, the three wills of heaven merged into one, a shadow flashed, and a magnificent world fell into his hands, and countless time evolved.

Hong Tian opened up the path to immortality, attained the first immortality, swept across the world, expelled the gods of the world, and forged the road to heaven. All these achievements condensed into the three great wills of heaven.

The first providence, spiritual energy was born out of thin air.

The second intention is to transform spiritual energy into life force.

The third providence transforms life force into divine power.

When we reach the third stage of providence, the three major providences merge into one, and the world created by Hong Tian in the past will be recreated with the power of divine law. With this method alone...

Can be customized in all directions!

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

All five real people activated the Celestial Path to Sublime, resurrecting the strongest power of their clan.

Although the Luo Dynasty is no longer the first dynasty to be entrusted by the future Tao Lord, the monk families that have reached the heights they are today are basically the original heroes and followers. Without this kind of power, it is obviously impossible to change the dynasty.

"Destiny belongs to our Luo clan, so what about the true immortal method? It's still a dead end!"

"At the moment of reincarnation, you are not the one who can take the stage. Kill me!"

The five great immortals directly returned to the physique that existed only during the Mythical War ten thousand years ago, making people tremble, and their mere breath made the land evaporate thousands of miles away.

Within ten thousand miles, it became a complete hell, being blown away over and over again by joyrides, and torn apart over and over again by the breath of substance.

They must rely on the Heavenly Road to ascend and join forces to fight against Hong Tian's immortal magic!

A mere century-old new way of doing things, wants to turn things around with the help of a true immortal method? They do not allow and will never tolerate this happening!

A large number of profound realms on both sides also burned with power, formed a formation, and contributed the most peak blow.

Hundreds of profound masters from one side join forces, including dozens of masters in the profound realm. Formed in such a formation, it is already comparable to a real person!

The two major forces are also assisted by super formations. Although they are far apart and their power is greatly reduced, they can still form a huge increase.

Generally speaking, the two major forces can form the combat power of ten real people after joining forces.

And all this power poured into the Great Wilderness Lingze Tomorrow City without mercy.


The peak strength of both sides collided at the junction!

The sky and the earth are pale.

The result of head-to-head confrontation is the endless destruction of huge forces, forming a completely uncontrollable chaotic area.

It was a long time after the collision that Yun Ye regained consciousness. He was already bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his body was cracked in large areas.

The aftermath of the power came back to him, and he would have destroyed himself just because of that...


At the same time, almost most of the monks in the Kingdom of Tomorrow screamed, all their strength was drained, their bodies were destroyed by the violent spiritual energy, and their life spans were completely reduced by decades.

And this is just the backlash to the controller after the two forces collide, and has nothing to do with the true immortal method. If such a huge power is mobilized without the true immortal method, it will only take an instant to make thousands of monks in the Kingdom of Tomorrow free themselves. destroy.

Perceptual recovery.

The situation on the Luo Dynasty's side has gradually become clearer.

There were originally at least two hundred Xuanjing people, but after just one attack, less than one-tenth of them remained.

Yes, the Kingdom of Tomorrow is fully practicing and already has a population of hundreds of millions. The backlash has been equally divided among tens of millions of people, which is naturally much lighter.

There was no equal share on the part of the Luo Dynasty, and the Five Realms almost transferred most of the pressure to their subordinates...

But even so, withstanding the blows of the three major gods, in addition to Luo Lord and Holy Master, the other three real realms of the five major realms were also half disabled.

The three Zhenjing all had gloomy faces, staring at Yun Ye, wishing they could eat his flesh alive.

"He's going to die too..."

"Can you do it all at once?"

"If you don't kill, you will be in trouble later!"

Divine thoughts flashed through.

The five great realms all want to completely destroy the Kingdom of Tomorrow, but even Lord Luo is extremely afraid. He is not sure whether the other party can continue to use this power.

Although he seems to be uninjured on the surface now, how can the backlash really be completely transferred?

Even if it is completely transferred, the real energy he consumed is real. Now that there is not even a tenth of the real energy left, how can he resist again?

"Evil God."

The door to the secret realm next to Yun Ye opened, and the evil spirit god who looked almost exactly like him walked out. The substitute death method was activated. He transferred all damage to the evil spirit god and restored himself to full condition.

Immediately afterwards, the evil spirit god activated the power of time retrieval to erase his own damage.

This scene directly shattered the luck. The two major forces completely gave up and finished the battle. If they continued, even the real person would be at risk of falling. It was better to retreat to the super spiritual vein and wait for the Immortal Dynasty to clear a new path.


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