A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 420 Decisive Battle (5)

"Want to leave? We were too weak to pursue in the past, but what about now?"

Yue Xin waved her hand, and the moon-reflecting sky descended, forcibly cutting off the way forward.

A huge silver moon fell from the sky.


Spiritual energy surged in like a tidal wave and poured into Silver Moon, greatly increasing the power of this move.

The gravitational pull of the light pulls everyone in, making escape more difficult.

However, this gravitational pull is not all the same.

Lord Luo's murderous intention was increasing sharply. He clearly felt that this move was aimed at his side, and the side of the Pure World Holy Land was ignored!

The feeling of the Pure World Holy Land was indeed the same. They all left without looking back, working together to break through the barrier of Yingyuetian, not daring to fight.

Yue Xin ignored them and focused more on the Luo Sheng Clan. She didn't know that the leader was Lord Luo, just because the Luo Sheng Clan was stronger.

Weakening the Luo Sheng clan can serve as a check and balance.

"Great Transformation of the Holy Body!"

Lord Luo manifested his ten thousand-foot Dharma Body. The Dharma Body glared angrily, clasped his hands together, and the Dharma Body's treasure ring enlarged, like a tight spell, trapping Yue Luo and forcing Yue Luo to stop!

But his expression was extremely bad. Although he was unparalleled in strength, he had already consumed almost all his true energy in the single blow. It was impossible for him to fight another enemy with the power of inheritance!

What's more, the King of the New Way's injuries were borne by a substitute. Even if the blow couldn't be completely replicated, only one-tenth of the power was enough to severely damage him.

Lord Luo looked to the other side.

"If the alliance fails, the price will be borne by you, as it should be."

The Holy Lord shook his head and ran away.


It's normal that the Holy Lord can't be counted on either. If he were to replace him, he would have to maintain his strength.


If there was a super formation in Luozhou to restore its power, he would not be afraid of the inherited power with only one-ninth of its power left.

But now, even if only the residue is left, he feels that it is extremely difficult.

"Boom boom boom!"

Master Luo retreated while fighting. Every time he struck, a mysterious realm burned, turning it into his energy source and reducing consumption.

But soon, a fatal crisis came.


Yun Ye clenched his fist, turned his left hand to reflect the moon mark, and released his power.

He originally thought that this battle would be difficult to win, and he could only use the power of freedom, but he did not expect that Hong Tian's immortal magic was so powerful. With the help of the super formation, he could not even compete with the five true realms after the Tianlu sublimation.

In this case, it is even more time for him to pursue the victory!

He has the Grand Sacrifice Key in his mind. Ultimately, he doesn’t know how strong he will be before he can meet the conditions. At least after he advances to the Mysterious Realm to protect the Kingdom of Tomorrow, his next focus will shift to the Grand Sacrifice Key. It is impossible to really practice the three methods to the mysterious realm...

If the unblocking is lifted and the real immortals cleanse the earth's surface, everyone will be in despair.

"Tomorrow, we will fight with all our strength."


"God's will turns to eternal silence!"

"Void Spirit Technique!"

Yun Ye holds his sword and suddenly kills Lord Luo through the air. The dark sky falls, cutting off everything here and entering a complete strangulation stage.

This scene completely changed Lord Luo's face. He no longer looked relaxed. The King of the New Way also used the power of inheritance. Was he going to keep him even at the expense of his own foundation?

What grudge?

What complaint?

Lord Luo knew that it was impossible to leave without any damage. He looked at the two real people and said, "The time has come to make a decision. A group of profound realms alone cannot stop this power."

Master Jinzang and Master Queyu looked at each other with complicated expressions.

They have a lifespan of 1,600 years, and with some life-sustaining methods, they can even live to 2,000 years old. Now they have just lived more than half of it, and they still have at least hundreds of years to live. Naturally, they don't want to die.

But this is Lord Luo's order, and their bloodline does not allow them to disobey the order.

"Lord Luo, let me come, Que Yu can help you leave!"

Jinzang Zhenren said quietly.

Once the decision was made, Lord Luo had no time to hesitate. He waved his sleeves and exploded with the last of his strength, "Let's go!"

"Take care of yourself."

The two words that Master Queyu left behind turned into the breeze and left with all the monks who had reached the profound realm or above.

The rest, needless to say, was all turned into nourishment for Jinzang Zhenren. He launched the Pilgrim Sublimation for the second time, bursting out the afterglow of life.


He forcibly intercepted Yun Ye and Yue Xin, and after doing whatever it took, he vaguely pulled Qing Tian down and gained part of his power.

At the end of his life, all was burned and turned into nutrients. His armor disintegrated, revealing a spotless white robe. The golden sword transformed into the golden armor was slashed out with a sword, causing a great shock in Xuantian. Yun Ye was also affected, and his steps slowed down. cut.

But soon, Yun Ye cut off this influence with a sword and killed Jinzang Zhenren. God's will turned to Yin Yongji to forcefully suppress Jinzang Zhenren's real body. The Tomorrow Sword killed the concept and did not allow him to roam the space at will.

Yuexin is also working hard, using great magic power to lock the location of Jinzang Zhenren's self-Qingtian, and directly enter the high latitudes to destroy Jinzang Zhenren's self-Qingtian.

As long as power is used, Self Xuantian or Self Qingtian cannot be hidden and can be located.


Jinzang Zhenren was ordered and could not escape. He was certain to die now, so why should he fear being directly attacked by Qingtian?


The self-blue sky exploded directly, all the energy used to stabilize the blue sky was released, and energy a hundred times its own strength exploded in the blue sky.

Even though they were two dimensions apart, the real world was in turmoil. Yue Xin fell from the sky, vomited a mouthful of blood, and looked a little disgraced.

But as soon as she came back, she saw Yun Ye stabbing Jin Zang's head with a sword, causing him to quickly disappear into ashes amid screams, which was a relief.

The Taoist artifact emerged and then shattered. Blue Tomorrow slowly walked out, absorbing all the reverberations and creating a million-level reverberation out of thin air.

It is normal for an old monster that has lived for more than a thousand years to have so many echoes.

"These real people are really hard to kill."

Yun Ye was not too happy. There were too many real people escaping, and he sighed a little.

This battle had all the right time, place, and people, but only one real person was killed?

Although there are only twenty or thirty people left in the Xuan Realm of the two major forces, their top combat power has always been that of real people. It doesn't matter if some of them die in the Xuan Realm.

His strength can only be shown in Huangzhou. If he enters Shuizhou and Luozhou, it is not certain who will defeat the other.

If the two major forces cannot be destroyed and resources are supplemented, the prospects of Tomorrow Country will still be difficult to describe.

"There's nothing we can do, we're too weak."

Yue Xin gathered her last bit of freedom and landed on the ground.

Although she did not participate in the battle, when the two forces collided violently, she used the power of freedom to protect the Kingdom of Tomorrow from heavy damage.

Because of this reason, a large part of her power of freedom has been lost, and the subsequent pursuit has almost exhausted all of her power of freedom.

"Don't use the power of freedom anymore. No one knows what will happen if you use it all. Today's Kingdom of Tomorrow, it is enough for me to protect it!"

Yun Ye reminded.

"Will do."

Yue Xin nodded.

The two turned their heads and saw countless people coming towards them, cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami rising.

The twenty-year war is finally over!

From the 60th anniversary of the Tomorrowland to the 1978, although the population has been growing, millions of people have died in the war, and the Tomorrowland has long been exhausted.

This time, although a large number of monks suffered heavy losses and their lifespans were shortened for decades, the war was completely ended, at least there was no danger of dying in battle.

With the current power of Chief Ming Weiyang, it is no longer possible for the two major forces to enter the barren state. Tomorrow's country will completely usher in peace, and will have a lot of time to develop itself and make up for the losses of these years!

"Long live the chief! Long live tomorrow!"

"Long live victory!!!"

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