A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 421 Tomorrow will be the 100th anniversary, things have changed and people have changed

The Kingdom of Tomorrow entered a period of peace and began to develop rapidly. A large amount of resources were invested in various parts of the Great Wilderness Lingze, and extended to the entire Huangzhou.

Of course, Tomorrow Kingdom's plan is to proceed steadily, with the Huangzhou as the core to continuously spread the super formation, and prepare to build a spiritual power line covering the entire Huangzhou.

If the spiritual power transmission line can cover the entire Huangzhou, it will be equivalent to the super formation's sudden appearance. Yun Ye's strength can be fully exerted even at the border.

By then, the Luo Dynasty will be struggling in pain, and a better tomorrow is right in front of them.

It's a pity that the idea is good, but the actual implementation is completely unfeasible.

The spiritual power line is an excellent production of spiritual minerals, which consumes a lot of resources. Even if the entire deserted state's spiritual minerals are dug out, it will be difficult to cover the entire territory.

Not to mention that some monsters specialize in eating spiritual minerals. If they bury the thread casually, they will only end up being eaten up and wiped clean.

Set up a barrier to protect the line?

That spiritual energy is gone!

The route of Dahuang Lingze was barely maintained because the super spiritual veins could provide a large amount of spiritual energy, and the Nine-Star True Heavenly Instrument assisted in the deployment. Once a demon approached, nearby monks could be notified to kill it.

But expanding to the entire Barren State, there are not super spiritual veins everywhere, and the maintenance cost is really too high, and Tomorrow Country cannot afford it.

So this is not feasible.

In Tomorrowland's plan, the line will be stopped after connecting the entire Great Wilderness Lingze, and will continue after sufficient resources are available.

The super spiritual veins have been extremely damaged in the twenty years of war, and the current Kingdom of Tomorrow needs to restore the super spiritual veins.

Using the spiritual pulse regulating technique, the destroyed chaotic spiritual veins can be sorted out. The super spiritual veins themselves also have repair functions, and they will be restored if conditions are created.

At the same time, in some areas with serious problems, extreme elixirs are planted in large quantities to replace the spiritual veins to produce spiritual energy, which can also promote the recovery of the spiritual veins.

In addition to these, there are too many things in the Land of Tomorrow. Everything is moving forward and changing with each passing day. It is not like the Luo Dynasty that has remained the same for thousands of years.

Yun Ye was also practicing and studying, but he hesitated a lot compared to before and no longer tried his best to improve his cultivation.

It wasn't that he was slacking off, it was just that reality forced him to hesitate and evaluate the consequences again and again.

Grand Festival Key...

It's in his mind.

Once his strength exceeds a certain limit, the key will be unlocked. At that time, the problem will not be the survival of the Kingdom of Tomorrow, but the survival of the entire Red Sky Realm.

Therefore, every time Yun Ye practices, it is difficult to maintain the same concentration as in the past. Until tomorrow's 100th anniversary celebration twenty years later, Yun Ye has only practiced spiritual and physical techniques to the mysterious realm. This is still countless calculations. The result after knowing that the limit will not be exceeded.

After that, Yun Ye basically gave up practicing and devoted himself to cultivating a new generation of monks.

For example, the Evil Spirit God, as his substitute, has already reached the Dharma Realm in three ways, and is only one step away from the Xuan Realm. Many other monks in the Tomorrow Society have also entered the Dharma Realm and are waiting to open up their own Mysterious Heaven.

Among them, Shilou played a big role. Although Shilou consumed a lot of spiritual energy, its effect on accelerating practice was indeed unparalleled.

As the spiritual veins and spiritual energy gradually became abundant, Shilou could not only provide Yun Ye, but also the number of places had been increased. The reward that some new generation monks most hoped to receive was the time to practice in Shilou.

Although practicing in the Shilou will still consume your lifespan, it has no other side effects on improving your strength. Anyway, cultivation consumes time in the blink of an eye. Why not put the time of cultivation in the Shilou and the time of living in the outside world? ?

In this way, they will not be out of touch with the times for too long.

Their parents and friends would not say that they would be gray-haired as soon as they woke up, leaving them to live a miserable life on their own.

"Time flies, Dad, we succeeded, and finally established a foothold in Huangzhou. Although the road is still long, we will work hard, don't worry."

Tian Jialun placed incense sticks on Tian Jing's grave to pay homage.

Yun Yeyue Xin and the others also accompanied them. After Tian Jialun's worship, they bowed one after another to remember the leader who sacrificed his life for this hero.

Besides Tian Jing, there were quite a few people who needed to pay homage.

Poplar couple.

Yang Shi.



Ning Xiao.

Wang Yao.

One familiar name after another, too many to count, and almost all the old generations have been buried.

The number of people killed in the war by the new generation is even more than imagined, numbering in the millions. This pain is enough to be remembered by the Kingdom of Tomorrow for centuries.

Spirit realm monks can live for two hundred years, but they are not as fragile as ordinary people. As long as they don't die in battle, they can definitely live for two centuries.

Their existence is indeed not easy for history to be forgotten.

"Eternal Law."

Yun Ye suddenly raised his head and called out to the young man with white hair next to him.

"What? You don't even care about worshiping the old man?"

Yongfa raised his eyes.

"If you lie here from now on, I will come to worship you every year."

Yun Ye said.

"Then I will probably eat your tribute. I haven't been able to win once. It would be nice to get it back after death." Yongfa smiled, as if he was amused by himself. He continued, "Realize your dreams and witness your achievements. As the saying goes, some deaths are as light as a feather, and some deaths are as heavy as Mount Tai. I feel like I have died without any regrets.”

"...The mentality is okay. Now everyone is criticizing you a lot. Try to live a few more years and make them mad." Yun Ye patted his shoulder.

"Twenty years of war, millions of casualties, they have reason to criticize, there will always be people who think that this is the right thing to do, right? I will definitely be remembered for a long time in the future, who cares!" Yongfa shrugged, not caring.

"Yes, you will definitely be remembered for a long time in the future, but I am still better than you, I will be remembered for eternity." Yun Ye smiled, showing his white teeth.

"I hope so. Unfortunately, I can only let you go to see it for me. I'm going to find my mother. Speaking of which, she always drinks tea and does experiments alone. Maybe I can accompany her." Yongfa waved his hand and left alone.

On the side.

Yang Yu watched him leave and sighed slightly.

"Why, don't you go after him? Why haven't you been together yet? How old are you? Seventy?" Yun Ye said.

In 1945, he was fifteen years old. Now it has been 100 years. Not counting the time in the Time Tower, he is also seventy years old. Yang Yu and Yongfa are the same age as him, so they are naturally seventy years old, but Yongfa is much older because he often stays in the Time Tower.

"With so much pressure, how can we be together? Can you help me solve the research work?" Yang Yu rolled her eyes at Yun Ye.

"If we don't love each other, how can we have the motivation to work? I didn't make you so busy that you can't take care of your lifelong affairs." Yun Ye quickly shirked the responsibility.

"Wei Yang... I would have ignored it if you didn't mention it. What about you? Haven't you found your ideal person in all these years? Now you can choose from the talented women and beauties in Mingri Country. Who doesn't want to marry a peerless hero?" Yang Yu came to his senses. Isn't Yun Ye the same kind of person?

Why should he say that about her?

"Ah... I'm under too much pressure. The two major forces are so fierce. I can't do anything about it." Yun Ye thought for a long time and couldn't think of a good reason, so he had to use the same words as Yang Yu.

Everyone around him rolled their eyes and was speechless about this person.

"Everyone is right. Why don't you have your ideal person yet? I really want to know how powerful your child will be, Wei Yang. A tiger father will have a dog son."

Tian Jialun walked over and said.

He is married, and his child is already in his teens. With his cultivation level, it is actually quite difficult to have children. The fact that his child is in his teens means that he has been married for quite a while.

"Yeah, why don't I have someone I like? I also want to know. Maybe I like the kind of fairy who is not in the mortal world, and how can anyone in reality match that kind of imaginary fairy?"

Yun Ye said with a smile.

"In fact, it can be explained." Tang Si suddenly said, "Marriage is just the desire of ordinary people. It comes from the weakness of the flesh and the instinct of the race to continue, while cultivation is evolution. As individuals become stronger and stronger, they can solve more and more problems, and the desire to have children will become weaker and weaker."

"Seeking a Taoist partner, a 'Taoist partner', in the final analysis, is a person with the same ideals, which is different from the marriage in the concept of mortals. Mortal marriage is an exchange of interests and emotional sustenance, but when practicing to a certain level, only the exchange of ideas remains."

It is difficult for the hearts of high-level cultivators to have flaws, but they may not necessarily not feel lonely, so some people will need a Taoist partner.

Yun Ye sometimes has some weak thoughts, such as if he had a perfect wife to support him and walk through history together.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

The Book of Reincarnation does not allow other people to play.

So Yun Ye can only laugh it off, he has too many concerns.

The crowd did not pester him, but just chatted and gradually walked out of the cemetery.

What appeared before their eyes was the hustle and bustle of the world.

Thank you all for your votes at the end of the month, thank you!

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