A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 422 The Origin of the Dynasty

The high-ranking monks are constantly falling, and the entire Red Sky World has been blessed by this, and the spiritual energy is recovering greatly.

However, the Luo Dynasty was indeed too far away from the center, and the phenomenon of the fall of the throne had less impact.

After the war, the defeated forces of the two major forces spread to the two states, causing a far-reaching impact, so much so that Yun Ye could get echoes from the two states even as far away as the Barren State.

At the same time, the calamity energy entrenched in the two states was also flowing towards Yun Ye, gradually forming the power to bring about great calamities.

But unlike the time in Baishi Town, this time the catastrophe came very slowly and did not break out in one breath.

According to Yun Ye's judgment, this should be because the Luo Sheng Clan's Taoist artifacts were not in danger.

Without catastrophe, there would be no moment of reincarnation, and the power of the catastrophe could not be fully stimulated.

As the most powerful force, the Luo Sheng Clan established the Luo Dynasty by relying on real people's combat power rather than Taoist weapons. Naturally, there was no reason to set Taoist rules that defied heaven.

But here is a question, how did the Luo Dynasty establish the Luo Dynasty?

Pick up leaks after self-collapse?

This question actually aroused the thinking of many scholars. They specially collected information from the two sects and wanted to reconstruct the process of changing dynasties.

The result is very vague, with a lot of loopholes that cannot be explained. The establishment of the Luo Dynasty seems not as simple as imagined.

To put it simply, the Taoist artifacts of the last dynasty must reach the national level. If you struggle to the death, you can borrow money to get a rule that can kill real people instantly.

In other words, if you want to fight against each other, you must be a national Taoist weapon, and the other side must also borrow money from the other side, otherwise the power will be unbalanced.

If the story is developed according to this logic, the Taoist tools of the Luo Dynasty should also bring about great disasters and collapse as the moments of rotation gradually increase.

But in reality, this did not happen to the Luo Dynasty. The Taoist tools did not bring disaster, and they defeated the previous generation of dynasty with a complete attitude.

In other words, either the previous dynasty collapsed on its own, or the Luo Sheng clan destroyed their Taoist artifacts after establishing the dynasty.

Let the new Taoist weapon absorb the old Taoist weapon. Although it can only retain one-third of the echo, it can eliminate the disaster and pay the full price.

After research by the scholars of Tomorrow Kingdom, they are more inclined to the Luo Sheng tribe to destroy their Taoist weapons to avoid disaster.

This can also explain why the royal family of the Luo Dynasty does not have crushing strength and is not as authoritative as the Ji family of Baishi Town.

In order to avoid being destroyed like the previous generation, they probably chose to compromise and gave part of the benefits to the Pure World Holy Land and the former Holy Sect of Huangzhou. They later took it back step by step and launched many wars. However, they have not completely completed it until today. Success only disintegrated the Holy Sect in Huangzhou and gave the Tomorrow Society a chance to rise.

In this way, Lord Luo is also a person, not as narrow-minded as ordinary monks. It can be said that the order not to damage the spiritual veins of Huangzhou was also issued by Lord Luo.


Luo Lord Lingcheng.

Lord Luo suddenly opened his eyes. His aura was as deep as the dark scene of hell. He stretched out his right hand, and inexplicable textures extended under his skin. Looking at the powerful force the textures brought to him, Lord Luo couldn't help but mutter to himself: "This Is it the Extreme Spiritual Art that can be so terrifying, easily surpassing our clan’s thousands of years of Heavenly Path inheritance?”

"No wonder a mere ant who has just entered the Mysterious Realm can actually fight with me. This is not only because of the true immortal method and super formation, but also because of this extremely spiritual method!"

twenty years ago.

The two major forces were defeated, the Xuan Realm was completely destroyed, even a real person was killed in the battle, and the energy of the entire Luo Sheng Clan was severely damaged!

This shocked Luozhou so much that most of the forces fell into panic, fearing the possible war of annihilation that would follow.

Their combat power is irrelevant, but people are needed to run Luozhou, people are needed to manage the formation, people are needed for maintenance, and people are needed for resource collection.

Therefore, Lord Luo still used some means to calm them down (referring to casually killing the whole family), using Taoist weapons in the air, and some means to scare these people. There really was no trouble in Luozhou, and even the efficiency was only reduced due to the reduction of personnel. , rather than individual reduction.

After all, Lord Luo doesn't care about the process. As long as the result does not meet the requirements, he will kill him. It is simple and crude, enough to arouse all initiative.

As for the problem of reduced creativity, the original Luo Dynasty was not very creative, and he did not want the lower class to be creative.

Taken together, it equals no loss.

After solving the issue of stability in Luozhou, the Lord of Luo himself has to consider how to deal with the invasion of Xindao.

After the victory of Xindao, the King of Xindao also carried out many attacks on his own, but they were all blocked by Zhenren Queyu. Without the super formation, the strength of the King of Xindao was just that, and it could not be taken seriously.

But the King of the New Way is just entering the Xuan Realm for the first time and will grow. With the potential of the King of the New Way and the New Way Kingdom, it is not difficult to achieve the perfection of the three methods.

At that time, with the terrifying power of the extremely spiritual method, even if he masters the Celestial Path Sublimation, he may not be able to defeat it. And the Celestial Path Sublimation is not something that has no side effects. If you use it once for a short time, your body and soul will be unable to do so. bear.

Without the Heavenly Road Sublimation, even if he has become a real person, I am afraid he can only rely on the power of the super formation to survive.

As long as the opponent is willing to be ruthless and eat away at their spiritual veins, the Luo Sheng Clan will be defeated sooner or later.

This possibility undoubtedly makes Lord Luo feel uneasy.

He must find a way out.

The Ultimate Spiritual Technique is one of the reasons for the strength of the new way, and now that he has mastered part of the Ultimate Spiritual Technique, perhaps he should try to turn it into his own power!

He has become a real person. The so-called real person actually means becoming an immortal. In ancient times, it was said that as long as he became a real person, he would be on the verge of becoming an immortal.

In this era, a true person refers to a perfect state, where the soul and body are completely integrated, so one can live for 1,600 years.

But this perfection is a limitation for the current Luo Lord, because the self-destruction of the true realm cultivator requires the separation of the body and soul, which is generally a way to self-destruction, so once the true realm is achieved, it cannot be re-cultivated.

As a cultivator who has already walked a distance in the true realm, it is even more impossible for Luo Lord to walk the path of cultivation again.

At the same time, because the true realm combines the body and the soul, there is no longer any three methods, only the difference in who is in charge.

For this reason, the true essence of the true realm can simulate the zodiac sign that one has, and has a unique advantage in using spells.

Luo Lord himself does not have the manpower to develop complex extreme spiritual methods, but only transforms what he has learned, but he has also gained unimaginable sublimation.

The maximum power of ordinary spiritual methods is 10, the extreme spiritual method is 30, and the only law is more than 100.

This change does not make any difference when it is left alone, but when the spiritual methods are integrated and the power is multiplied, it shows a huge gap.

Yun Ye used to have weak spiritual roots, but he could rely on this amplification multiple to overcome the realm of law, not to mention the strongest cultivator of the Luo Dynasty, Luo Zhu.

After twenty years of deduction, Luo Zhu completely transformed all his knowledge. Even without the blessing of the Ascension Method, the power of the new method has surpassed the past!

And because he could not rebuild, Luo Zhu only compressed his power into spiritual patterns and used spiritual root transplantation technology to create an external energy cycle.

This is obviously not the peak, but for a cultivator of Luo Zhu's level, just doing this can make the strength surge, which is even more fantastic than a miracle.

This part of power is enough!

It is enough for him to last for hundreds of years. This period of time is enough for the unification of the Red Heaven Realm. When the Immortal Dynasty arrives, the new way will be an ant among ants, vulnerable to a single blow, and will naturally perish!

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