A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 423 On the Eve of the Second War

In the past twenty years, Yun Ye has continuously tried to let the Evil Spirit God advance to the Mysterious Realm, but no matter how he tried, the Evil Spirit God could not open up his own Mysterious Heaven and would only be eroded.

When a problem occurs, you have to find the cause. After hundreds of experiments, Yun Ye completely realized that Self Xuantian is something similar to quantum. It must be observed by himself to be substantive, and it cannot be controlled by him.

"It seems that it is impossible to bypass the practice theory..."

Yun Ye sighed.

He has the Nine-Life Divine Law Book, which explains that the key point of advanced profound realm is that there is no problem with the soul.

He originally thought that he only had a one-sided understanding of the cultivation method. As long as he mastered all the data of Xuantian, he might not be able to forcibly help people open up their own Xuantian.

But it turned out that he was completely wrong. Self-Xuantian must be confirmed by himself, and there must be no problem with his soul before it can be established.

Its nature, in some aspects, violates logic and instinct, and is very similar to quantum.

In desperation, Yun Ye had to give up the conventional cultivation method of the Evil Spirit God.

In the past ten years, Yun Ye has allocated part of his resources to research conventional evolutionary techniques, and both the difficulty of evolution and the resources required have been reduced.

But as far as large-scale promotion is concerned, this alone is not enough, and sustained investment of resources is required.

On the contrary, the original law has been completely deconstructed, and the logic of all genetic codes has been determined.

Just like the periodic table of elements, as long as it is interpreted according to the rules, no matter who's genes, the effect can be calculated, what it expresses, and what the effect of the combination is, can be actually calculated, and the results are extremely accurate. Unless there is insufficient information, the error rate has already been It's zero.

At this stage, the career system no longer requires skill point deduction at all, and the Nine-Star True Heavenly Instrument can do it for you.

If you don't have money to use the computing power of Zhentianyi and can only use the professional system to deduce, then you only need to pay a symbolic skill point.

Because of this reason, the Kingdom of Tomorrow has completely entered the spiritual realm. Basically, as long as there is no problem with intelligence, you can definitely enter the spiritual realm before death.

As far as the current situation is concerned, most new generations enter the spiritual realm at the age of ten. Tomorrow there will be almost no ordinary people in the country.

All monks have become spiritual monks. In addition to the benefits of one monk serving as 10,000 ordinary people and greatly increasing work efficiency, the birth rate in the Kingdom of Tomorrow has also dropped sharply. It has dropped to 1% and is no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

But after the population exceeds 100 million, the spiritual realm is not bad. If the era of law is ushered in, the spiritual energy consumption will probably be so great that the entire Great Wilderness Lingze will be unbearable. Now that the population has stopped explosive growth, the senior officials think it is a good thing, at least There is no need to compete for resources due to overpopulation.

Children in the spiritual realm, because their parents are not mortals, cannot be ordinary from birth, and basically have quite outstanding talents.

The constant disclosure of bloodline factors has also led to the rapid evolution of the bloodline of the Kingdom of Tomorrow. Excellent bloodlines are mastered by excellent people, and then they are taken to higher heights and then spread. It is a perfect positive cycle.

To this end, Yunye has set up many competition mechanisms to further screen out abilities suitable for combat and research.

Combat competitions and research competitions are held every year to encourage the growth of new generations.

A large number of talents were discovered and efforts were concentrated on cultivating them.

These talents have real materials, and many monks have already reached the perfection of the Dharma realm and are close to the Mysterious realm.

There are also geniuses among bachelors who have achieved research results by themselves.

Nowadays, there are many technical sub-disciplines and a large number of directions for research, so it is unlikely that one person will sublimate a subject. Most of the research competitions are about the expansion of classification technology, such as more efficient source method algorithms.

After Yun Ye stopped practicing, he basically learned everything, mastered all the knowledge he could, and turned it into skills.

"Skills" refers to the level of manual operation. If Yun Ye keeps learning like this, he will not be able to become an all-around master. He can do a little bit of everything.

He really made the right choice to increase his learning ability in this life. With his current talent, he has no time to learn the things developed by the Kingdom of Tomorrow, let alone not increasing it. It will definitely not feel good to have a treasure mountain without being able to use it.

Yun Ye walked out of Yuntian Dao Palace.

The Dao Palace floats in the sky, with extremely high sightlines. Yun Ye's pair of spiritual eyes are indeed powerful, and can directly see through thousands of miles, and they extend all the way to Luozhou before being blocked.

After thinking for a long time, Yun Ye withdrew his gaze. Now is not the time to start a war. The Kingdom of Tomorrow has not yet fully digested its potential.

Over the years, he had done countless research but could not find the seal of Yin Yuekong. His cultivation had always stopped at the entrance to the Xuan Realm. He could not defeat Luozhou. If he wanted to conquer the two states in the future, he would have to rely on the national power of the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

"The Grand Festival Key... is really troublesome. If we can't find the root cause, we can only speculate, and we don't dare to make any progress."

Yun Ye sighed.

If we could know where the boundaries were and further improve our strength, the war to destroy the country would have begun long ago.

In this period, there may be hundreds of years left for him, but it is too short. The time wasted now will be paid by the country of tomorrow in the future.

"Yin Yuekong said that I will definitely not break through to the true realm. In other words, the limit of the seal removal is the perfection of the profound realm. I just don't know if it will be the profound realm or the perfection, or even lower, to trick me?"

Yun Ye's expression was dull.

The seal of the Grand Sacrifice Key was released in the Mysterious Realm, but it was impossible for him to break through to the True Realm no matter what. Yin Yuekong had a good prophecy.

But since he knows that the key to the great sacrifice is sealed, even if he jumps from this palace and dies outside, he will not practice again!

Even if he dies of old age, he must use layers of seals to isolate possible accidents, lest Yin Yuekong has a backup plan to force his liberation.

"Yongfa Ershu also passed away. Alas, he paid too much for the protracted war and his vitality was exhausted in advance!"

"We did blame him wrongly. Yongfa Ershu has always been thinking about the country. He has never had a wife or children, and has never heard of any negative rumors. In the final analysis, maybe we are just because Yongfa Ershu cannot awaken the Taoist weapon. , This is biased.”

"Indeed, the chief is the Taoist envoy. We know that he must be for the good of the country tomorrow, but it is difficult to count Yongfa. Without the endorsement of the Taoist, we were relieved until his death and his life was sealed and finalized. "

"Send him off!"

Within a few years, Yongfa, who had exhausted his vitality, passed away. The Kingdom of Tomorrow held a grand funeral for him to prove his merits.

With the death of Yongfa, the ill will towards him in the country gradually disappeared with the passage of time.

The Propaganda Department is still useful, enough to curb the voices of a few people and influence the masses.

Over the years, Yun Ye has been laying the groundwork, exaggerating the theory that the Luo Dynasty is a threat and Yun Yun must be eradicated.

Smart people knew after seeing this situation that the Second War was about to begin!

Moreover, the chief did not follow the example of the first war and start the war suddenly. Instead, he mobilized in advance to fully reduce the psychological resistance of the public.

However, even so, there are too many people who cannot understand Yun Ye's decision.

The country clearly has an advantage. As long as it develops peacefully, it will sooner or later gain the strength to sweep the Luo Dynasty. Why should it repeatedly provoke wars in advance?

Do you want to use the war to accelerate the development of the Kingdom of Tomorrow, so as to satisfy your own selfish desires and speed up your cultivation?

If it were not for his own interests, Yun Ye's decision-making logic would indeed be incomprehensible.

After all, ordinary people are missing a vital piece of information.

The time of reincarnation is coming.

In the entire world, there is not only the Luo Dynasty, there are too many powerful forces outside, and any one of them can easily crush the Kingdom of Tomorrow to death.

It's just that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, senior officials like Yun Ye artificially created an information cocoon to make the people think that the world is only so big...

To put it pessimistically, even if the most confident person knew that the Immortal Dynasty was about to appear, they would definitely think that the Kingdom of Tomorrow was destined to perish.

What are the consequences of the collapse of faith? Yun Ye doesn't want to gamble. He just wants to take more steps in the limited time and accumulate as much strength as possible.


Let the war begin!

War is the catalyst and the nourishment for the country of tomorrow!

This time there is no Yongfa to step forward. It is him who gave the order. Ci does not control the troops. If you want to win, you must use all means!

The fifth life is coming to an end.

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