A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 424 The danger of the spread of extremely spiritual magic

Yun Ye has been in business for many years, and his supporters make up the majority. A little opposition is not worth mentioning.

After the threat theory was exaggerated and screened many times, the army, which had been training hard for many years, set off immediately.

This time the army members are all the best of the best.

Unlike World War I, the purpose of World War II was to destroy the country.

Therefore, the strategic purpose of these elites is to destroy all the war potential of the Luo Dynasty, and they have considerable strength.

With the formation developed by Yue Xin as the core, each hundred-man Dharma Realm team can exert a strength comparable to that of the Xuan Realm. Only Tianjiao and Zhenjing can intercept wandering battles.

As for the current situation in Luozhou, only Lord Luo and Zhenren Queyu can solve it, but after all, they only have two people, and even if they can separate the incarnations, it is not enough.

As long as they are dispatched and guarded by Dao weapons, each team can retreat in an orderly manner. If they are forced to pursue, the law realm merges, and Yun Ye personally leads it, they can fight the real person vigorously, and there will be no crushing situation. Power gap.

It is true that Yun Ye himself is not powerful enough to destroy the real person, but after absorbing millions of echoes from Luozhou, the Tomorrow Sword has been able to exert its effect in Luozhou. However, the person who was killed by Queyu was extremely embarrassed. Even if his Taoist weapon was very powerful, he could not It has always supported this level of loss.

The Luo Sheng clan was caught in a situation where they could neither pursue nor defend, and were quite passive.

Yun Ye was not in a hurry. He had mastered the essence of guerrilla warfare and slowly started to fight against the Luo Sheng clan.

As a result, the Luo Saint Clan had no choice but to retreat to the Luo Lord Spiritual City, huddled within the super formation. Just like the Kingdom of Tomorrow, most of Luozhou's territory was abandoned.

However, the Luo Sheng clan responded very quickly and quickly asked for help from the Pure World Holy Land, allowing the Pure World Holy Land to divide their forces to contain the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

Yue Xin can no longer use her strength. If Yun Ye sets out to conquer, there is indeed a possibility that the rear area will be defeated.

Yun Ye could only go back and watch the movements of the Pure World Holy Land, just in case.

This will undoubtedly slow down the pace of the conquest of the Luo Sheng clan. Without the early warning of the Taoist weapon, the ordinary Dharma realm team will be broken at the touch of a real person.

Yun Ye's strategic goals are getting further and further away.

After all, there are real people in the Luo Dynasty. No super formation can't match it. Facing such an opponent with hundreds of Dharma Realm formations, there is only one death.

There are still a few people in the Profound Realm of one hundred, but today there are only a few people in the Profound Realm of Tomorrow.

Zhuo Qilian had already quietly advanced to the profound realm, so he was considered one.

The rest of the Xuan Realm are basically pioneers who hastily advance to the next level. Although the extremely spiritual method is definitely stronger than the two major forces, it cannot turn the tide.

When it comes to the Xuan Realm, cultivation becomes a bit idealistic. Only calculation ability can play a role. Tomorrow, the progress of Guoxuan Realm cultivation will not be fast.

The consumption of Shilou's effect on the mysterious realm is too great to support their long-term practice, and the value of directly cultivating the new generation is greater.

Today, there are many people in the Dharma Realm of Tomorrow, but only a few people in the Xuan Realm. This is also because the new generation of geniuses have not yet completely entered the Xuan Realm.

The war began and after reaching a stalemate, Zhuo Qilian stood up and said: "Leave the Holy Land to me. Divine magic does not rely on super formations."

As a being with countless trump cards, it is indeed impossible for Zhuo Qilian to be weak after advancing to the Xuan Realm. Yun Ye thought about it and felt that there was no problem. He handed over the task of blocking the Pure World Holy Land to Zhuo Qilian and put aside the research task for the time being.

Yun Ye rushed to the front line again. The army that originally only wandered around the Luozhou border immediately regrouped and led many times into the hinterland under Yun Ye's leadership.

The ultimate goal of World War II was to wipe out the two major forces, but the stage goals also had reasons for plundering resources.

After being trapped in the Great Wilderness Lingze for too long, the Kingdom of Tomorrow understood the importance of resources and invented various techniques to collect minerals, far surpassing the Luo Dynasty in efficiency.

Yun Ye leads the battle from the front, while the rear constantly measures where the mineral deposits are and carries out destructive development, all focusing on speed.

Only areas that are necessarily safe will continue to be exploited to maximize profits.

And just when Yun Ye thought the situation could continue, during an operation, Lord Luo suddenly took action. He found Yun Ye's location and used his crushing strength to kill thousands of Dharma Realms. He seriously injured Yun Ye within a few moves. If the power of freedom did not automatically revive, Yun Ye would most likely die in battle.

After this defeat, Lord Luo no longer hid, and moved across Luozhou, killing all intruders he could see.

This kind of strength is actually nothing. No matter how strong it is, Tomorrow will gradually catch up...

What really shocked Yun Ye was that Lord Luo used the extremely spiritual method!

The ultimate spiritual method was leaked!

"Although I was prepared...but it came too fast!"

"Once the monks of the Yiluo Dynasty switch to cultivating the ultimate spiritual method, how can we be our opponents? We will be dragged into a protracted war again!"

"If there is another protracted war, the domestic development rhythm will be shattered again!"

The entire top management of Tomorrowland was in an uproar.

War is okay, but only if they take the initiative!

Now the Luo Dynasty has somehow mastered the extremely spiritual method. Once it is promoted, the overall strength will inevitably increase dramatically. This will be too detrimental to the Kingdom of Tomorrow!

"Wait a minute, given the situation of the Luo Dynasty, is it possible for them to decentralize their knowledge and let everyone switch to the Extreme Spiritual Technique? What if a monster appears and surpasses them? Lord Luo's mere mastery of the Extreme Spiritual Technique is proof. I'm afraid he will I will not teach the Supreme Spiritual Technique to another real person!”

Tian Jialun said.

"Even if they have the ultimate spiritual method, they don't have the courage to open up. They are inherited from the family, cherish their own secrets, and are filled with the idea of ​​​​owning everything."

"Although the Ultimate Spiritual Technique is powerful, nine points belong to the subsequent development of spiritual patterns. The Ultimate Spiritual Technique that no one developed is just like that."

Yue Xin said lightly, not optimistic about the Luo Sheng Clan.

These remarks made the senior officials think carefully. Someone said: "Luo Lord is so strong that we can no longer defeat him under normal circumstances. Even if he is alone, he is probably enough to stop us from making any progress. What should we do next?" Is good?"

"Don't be too optimistic. It is possible for all members to transfer to cultivation. With Taoist tools in hand, the monks who practice the extremely spiritual method can be used as consumables. They will be destroyed together when the war is over. As for Master Queyu?"

"They all have extremely spiritual skills, but Lord Luo is still stronger. You have to know that even if he is a real person, Lord Luo can order him to stay behind and die. He has incomprehensible authority."

Yun Ye crossed his arms and said seriously.

Many senior officials fell silent.

Seeing that everyone was silent, one by one stood up.

She is a woman who wears gorgeous clothes. She is top-notch in appearance and dress. She has waist-length black hair and has a strong wifely temperament.

This person is considered to be the star of Tomorrow Kingdom among the people. His name is Jiang Peiyao. He is a monk who majors in divine magic and is very good at controlling emotions.

She is the head of Institution No. 9, and her main function is literally.

However, as a magical monk who is good at controlling emotions, Jiang Peiyao usually works in the propaganda department and rarely interferes with other departments.

"It seems that the two major forces no longer intend to defend. They have begun to send people to bribe the people. They have also noticed our public opinion offensive and have begun to try to fight back."

This time, she only raised one point.

According to Jiang Peiyao, the two major forces seemed to have finally discovered that the vast majority of the people in the Kingdom of Tomorrow did not know that the Immortal Dynasty was about to appear, and thought they had enough time to grow up, so they sent people to bribe ordinary people to bring about the reincarnation. spread the news.

"Although the public was extremely disgusted with the two major forces and notified us as soon as the incident occurred, this kind of propaganda was stillborn. However, as the intensity of the war increases and people's resentment accumulates, sooner or later someone will be bribed. We need to make early plans. ”

Jiang Peiyao said.

Everyone's expressions darkened, another piece of bad news.

"Leave it to you, Jiang Peiyao. It shouldn't be difficult to control domestic public opinion with your methods."

Yun Ye didn't care at all about this problem.

Although some people have always been dissatisfied with him, those people are too few to make any waves.

With the state machine in hand, even if all knowledge is allowed to be learned by people, it is only knowledge and does not represent wisdom.

The Propaganda Department has been operating for many years, and it has fully proved that people's thoughts can be manipulated at will, not to mention that Jiang Peiyao's major is to control emotions, even a monk will be interfered with without knowing it.

Is this a problem?


The Sword of Tomorrow held by Yun Ye also has the effect of tempering his will and strengthening his belief in the Way of Tomorrow. For those who firmly believe in the Way of Tomorrow, let alone trivial rumors, it is useless even to talk about it in front of them every day.

"I will, and there will only be peace in the country."

Jiang Peiyao showed a reserved smile and nodded to Yun Ye.

She just mentioned that as the head of the department in charge of this scene, she naturally knew how to do it for the best effect, so she never worried about the result.

As long as the chief gives permission, she can use any means to solve the Luo Dynasty's actions.

Propaganda of public opinion requires people, and in the Kingdom of Tomorrow, there are Taoist tools, divine laws, and broad masses of people in the investigation. It is really stupid to engage in a public opinion war with the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

Totally unfeasible!

It is still possible to carry out these operations when the Luo Dynasty is directly attacking the door, but now is the period of advantage for the Kingdom of Tomorrow!


Yun Ye also recognized Jiang Peiyao's methods. This is a master who can make people sell her in just a few words. The most terrifying thing is that she acts upright and it is difficult to feel disgusted. With that face, she is the most dazzling star in the Kingdom of Tomorrow. The stars are second only to Yun Ye and Yue Xin who turned the tide in the war.

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