A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 426 The End of World War II

"Is this the method?"

"It seems feasible! Chief, please gather people immediately to try. If it can be cracked as soon as possible, everyone will not need to be stuck at level 21!"

Tang Si stood up suddenly.

"Indeed, the spiritual genes have been cracked. We set some codes and it is easy to hide information in the spiritual genes."

"Implement it as soon as possible and crack it as soon as possible."

Many people nodded and thought it was very feasible and worth a try.

"Okay, determine the general outline and record the information according to the same rules. This will make things much simpler. The information will be engraved on the left forearm in the future."

Yun Ye agreed.

Many senior executives stood up and left directly to carry out this task. Among them were Yang Yu and Tang Si. They were about to retire. This would be the last research they led. The future belongs to young people. There are too many Geniuses have appeared, and their abilities are gradually surpassing those of previous generations.

The war ceased, and there was an eerie silence for several months.

One day, big names from all over the country gathered in the genetic laboratory. Everyone was eagerly looking forward to the results of the first pioneer.

The screen displayed the analysis results of the spiritual gene of the left arm, and paragraphs of text gradually appeared.

"The first level of Heavenly Road, fighting with many sages, witnessing the growth of human talent step by step, and witnessing the sages of human race opening up the path to immortality step by step."

"'Que', the first practitioner, the starting point of the immortal path."

"'Bone', pioneered the awakening technique, created the prototype of spiritual root recovery, and is the pioneer of spiritual techniques."


This new-generation genius easily passed the nine levels and recorded the nine people he met in detail, allowing the Kingdom of Tomorrow to finally unveil a corner of its ancient history.

The genetic testing is not just for one person, but also for several others. The information they obtained verified each other, and some overlapped, but most of them did not overlap.

"The first person everyone meets is 'Que', the first practitioner and the starting point of the immortal path. She is a physique monk who masters the method of burning blood to gain strength. It can be said to be the original form of all physique techniques, including life force. They are not born yet, they are still in the stage of vitality.”

"It turns out that the development paths of various methods are like this. It's really interesting, so interesting!"

"The things revealed in this are too extraordinary. There are gaps in history. The three major laws are constantly being destroyed and rebuilt. How many crises have human beings encountered?!"

"I'm afraid the results will be amazing, I can already feel it!"

The maesters all over the country were trembling with joy at this shocking discovery.

And behind the scenes.

Yun Ye stood in Yuntian Dao Palace and looked into the distance.

If the Heavenly Road is cracked, it will not be far away from completely excavating the secrets of history.

In reality, although he has experienced the first-order heavenly path several times, his information is limited and it is impossible to compare with the human sea tactic.

"The first level can randomly select heroes from any historical period, and what is pieced together is the entire history of the development of human immortality."

"The rest of the Heavenly Road are complete historical events, usually in modern times. The farthest era I have encountered is just the battle between two emperors..."

"If a large number of monks are modern in the historical period, it may be possible to perfectly restore what happened at the beginning. My guess about the battle between the two emperors only confirms the outcome. What are the details?"

Yun Ye is looking forward to all the fragments being reproduced. At that time, he can also learn from Yingyue Tianmen and extract these histories and make them into illusions, so that the monks can experience them in advance and increase the chance of passing the Heavenly Road.

However, as far as the era of practitioners is concerned, the battle between the two emperors is actually quite recent. Compared with the entire history, it is modern.

There may be many problems in finding out these histories, especially the information related to true immortals.

"These need to be paid attention to. All Tianlu information needs to be controlled."

History is being analyzed.

The most interesting thing is that since it is modern times, various methods are also being rediscovered.

After the destruction of some holy clans, their methods were also lost. Now that they have been discovered again, it would be extremely powerful if only one person could pass them on.

Yun Ye also encountered many similar situations, but his ethereal techniques were too powerful and could not be compared with ordinary ascending techniques, so he didn't care and only brought out some secret techniques or techniques that were not available in Tomorrow Kingdom. theory.

With the outbreak of the Tianlu Era, in order to gain combat power as quickly as possible, many monks chose to inherit the methods of the past and directly gain powerful combat power.

In order to ensure the power of the ascending method, Yun Ye also specially modified the career system and listed these inheritances as hidden occupations. Only a few people are allowed to inherit them. Only when the current user dies will the quota be opened to the rest.

The current Army of Tomorrow is also in this form. The climbing methods used by the army are not allowed to be used by civilians to avoid spreading the force.

It is worth mentioning that some people who use ancient inheritance are basically single spiritual root monks.

In terms of the power of the extremely spiritual method, it is difficult to reverse the gap with the ordinary method starting from the dual spiritual roots. There is no need to switch to ancient methods.

Judging from the data given by the research department.

Powerful step-up methods can almost increase the effect by more than ten times, and top-level step-up methods can also increase the effect hundreds of times.

But the problem is that the blessings from the step-up method are not even.

In the history of the Spiritual Realm Law, a large number of forces have had bugs and cultivated a large number of cannon fodder, allowing them to commit suicide after ascending the ranks and strengthening the Spiritual Realm Law. Therefore, even the Spiritual Realm Law is possible hundreds or thousands of times.

But the magic realm does not consume ordinary resources. Even if the top forces can produce it in batches, the quantity is definitely only one thousandth of that of the spiritual realm. In this case, it will be difficult to get stuck. Thousands of people can increase the power of the Dharma Realm Dharma Sect a hundred times, which makes it a super sect.

The two sects' methods for ascending the Dharma Realm generally only increase by a few times. The two sect masters' methods for ascending the steps only increase by about ten times. They can barely catch up with the Extreme Spiritual Method, but they are far from the only method.

When it comes to the Xuan Realm, the lifespan is eight hundred years, and half of the dynasty has passed directly. At least in the Luo Dynasty, the Xuan Realm ascending method has basically no possibility of increasing.

On the contrary, twenty years ago, Yun Ye killed hundreds of Xuanjing warriors in one breath, which gave them a lot of gains and greatly increased their strength, making it easier to deal with World War II.

After the First World War, the Kingdom of Tomorrow changed its thinking and no longer strengthened the spirit patterns. This was also the reason. It was okay for the peaceful era to last for thousands of years, and the spirit patterns could help the overall ascension.

But if it is only for a few decades, it is more effective to directly strengthen the spiritual method. The more people die, the stronger the power of the spiritual method.


After the Kingdom of Tomorrow experienced a strengthening.

World War II, which had been quiet for a while, broke out again.

It’s just that this time the focus has turned to the Holy Land of Purification. Lord Luo is indeed difficult to deal with, but what about the Holy Land of Purification?

It turns out.

The Kingdom of Tomorrow is not the only one making progress. Although it is slow on the other side, it has a rich heritage and various treasures left over from the past.

No, the Holy Son of Pure Water was awarded a top-level treasure pill that has been sealed for thousands of years. It has amazing effects and can help the Holy Son of Pure Water break through the realm.

After taking it, Holy Son of Pure Water, who was already a super genius, finally entered the real realm in perfect condition within twenty years, and his strength soared.

As soon as he stepped into the true realm, Holy Son of Pure Water gained power far beyond that of the Holy Lord. This was the result of losing part of his bloodline. Although this power was not enough for him to enter the wilderness and fight against Yun who was holding a super formation. Fighting night after night, but it was enough to suppress everything in Shuizhou.

After many attacks ended in failure, Yun Ye had to admit that the Kingdom of Tomorrow might not be able to deal with the two major forces in a short time.

World War II had to end here.

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