A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 427 Three wars in ten years, resources exhausted

Theoretically, the development speed of Tomorrow Country should far exceed that of the two major forces, and the gap will quickly widen.

But in reality, it is far from such an ideal.

Half a century has passed since World War II, and time has come to the 150th anniversary of the Society of Tomorrow.

Over the past fifty years, the changes that have taken place in Tomorrowland are all related to the rapid development of all walks of life. People's livelihood has improved greatly, but the growth of hard power is hardly ideal.

There is only one reason: there are too many people and not enough resources.

The destroyed super spiritual veins, even if a large number of extreme-year elixirs are planted, can only maintain less than two hundred Xuanjing monks.

If it were replaced by a legal realm, it could probably be expanded to 100,000 to 200,000.

With the birth of high-level monks one after another, resources are being completely divided. Problems have indeed arisen within the Kingdom of Tomorrow, and they are difficult to solve.

High-level monks can live for hundreds of years, and gain not only resources, but also lifespan, and a long time to control resources.

This has caused more and more people to slack off and find it difficult to return to the passion they had when the country was founded, and various research has been slowed down as a result.

In the past fifty years, the development of Tomorrow Country has not been ideal.

Yun Ye knew that the third battle should begin.

Different from the previous two times, this war is a demand of the people, because only war can innovate the country of tomorrow, redistribute resources, and stimulate the development of various technologies.

"After classes are solidified, do ordinary people think that they can only get opportunities through war?"

"Okay, let's take advantage of the three battles to clean up some insects."

Yun Ye signed the document.

The war officially begins!

The whole country was mobilized, and the conscription order fell on all high-ranking monks now.

In fact, many bachelors have been drafted into the army, and as long as they meet the conditions, they must participate in the war.

Coupled with the active participation of the people in the war, the Kingdom of Tomorrow quickly assembled a large army, with Xuanjing as the commander, Dharmajing as the main force, and Lingjing as the logistics. A full 100,000 troops marched to the Pure World Holy Land to face the Pure World Holy Land head-on.

Making spirit stones according to the spiritual realm, using spiritual stones to form formations in the legal realm, and using the tactics of the mysterious realm to integrate all forces to fight against real people, Tomorrow Kingdom pushed forward all the way, even if it met real people, it was not afraid at all, and could forcefully confront the real person.


Master Linglu continued to use his true methods to fight against the pure black power in front of him. He could not detect it with hearing, and could only feel the roar.

That was the sound of space shaking and shattering, and it was not something that normal sense organs could understand.

But even if the space is penetrated and the power is so powerful that it changes the world, Master Linglu cannot break through the shady curtain created by this pure black power.

He sighed and had to leave.

The army carries the only weapon of Zhuanyin Yongji. As the only weapon of Zhuanyin in the three zodiac signs, even if it is held in the spiritual realm, it can obliterate the Xuanjing, let alone tens of thousands of troops supporting Zhuanyin Yongji to fight.

Under this kind of power, Zhenren's power is not invincible and can be resisted.

Opponents of the level of Pure Water Son and Holy Lord cannot break through in a short time, and will consume a lot of power and need to return to replenish.

Of course, even if there is a turn to eternal silence, there will still be casualties in every collision between armies, but they are not massacred like in the past.

For a real head-on confrontation, Yun Ye still had to take action and fight with the Tomorrow Sword, but he was only one person, and the final result was that neither side took much advantage.

This war lasted for ten years, and tens of thousands of legal realms were killed and injured on the Tomorrow Kingdom side, and the number of spiritual realms was even greater.

The Holy Land of Pure World is not feeling well either. Except for the Holy Land, all the spiritual towns have been destroyed. Only Baichuan Spiritual Land, where the super spiritual vein is located, is intact.

This limits the development of the Pure Land, but not much.

Originally, most of Shuizhou's resources were located in Baichuanlingdi, and even if there were resources in other places, they were too scattered. There were usually small forces that served, and it was not in vain to obtain resources while lying down.

Now that Xindao has cut off this way of obtaining it, we simply don’t want it. It’s just a matter of budgeting more carefully in the future, which can still sustain it.

What really makes the Pure World Holy Land uncomfortable is that they have to consume a lot of spiritual energy to resist the attack of the new way, and watch their spiritual energy reserves being used up.

However, after all, they were the defenders and had the advantage of short supply lines. The first to be unable to hold on was the Kingdom of Tomorrow, so the Ten Years' War ended in three battles.

The Luosheng Clan also fought many times with the border troops of the Kingdom of Tomorrow. Both sides suffered losses, which restrained a large amount of the power of the Kingdom of Tomorrow. Otherwise, the losses to the Pure Land Holy Land would have been even greater.

Tomorrow will be 182 years.

"Are there not enough spiritual mineral resources?"

Yun Ye looked at the report in his hand and sighed.

After so many years of war, all three parties have carried out a large amount of violent mining.

The resources in the three states are almost exhausted.

Of course, the resources here refer to spiritual mineral deposits, and the area is limited to ordinary areas outside the super spiritual veins.

But this is an extremely bad sign. Many wars not only consume the population and redistribute resources, but also mean to acquire new resources.

Now that there are no resources in the outer areas, the war is just about consuming the strength of both sides. Especially in the Kingdom of Tomorrow, the ordinary people consume too many resources. There was a lack of resources for cultivation in the first place, but now there are suddenly more than 100 million practitioners. It's really overloaded.

In the past, Baishi Town could only support dozens of spiritual realms with the local aura, and the possibility of giving birth to a magical realm was extremely low.

Only because of the Yingyue Secret Realm, there are multiple Dharma Realms in Baishi Town.

Although the other spiritual towns do not have secret realms, they have more or less other advantages, such as excellent spiritual veins, a stable environment, and rich spiritual mineral resources. Only with these advantages can aristocratic families establish spiritual towns here, and Develop quietly and accumulate strength.

In other words, more than a hundred spiritual towns actually represent less than a thousand Dharma realms.

As for the total amount of spiritual energy in Dahuang Lingze, it is actually not as good as the outside world, but it is particularly concentrated and can be effectively used.

It can be said that raising 100,000 and 200,000 magic realms is the limit of the entire Huangzhou.

The huge population of Tomorrow Kingdom directly led to the depletion of resources in the three states.

Otherwise, according to the past development model, various spiritual mineral deposits can still be used for thousands of years. When the Immortal Dynasty comes and secret realms are opened, this land will become rich again without interruption.

"Reduce expenses, improve utilization, and try to detect undiscovered resource points."

Yun Ye didn't have a good idea and shook his head. At the expense of slowing down the development of Tomorrow Country, he tried to make the time for resource depletion come as slowly as possible.

If the situation continues to deteriorate, I'm afraid he can only continue to use the First Heaven's Will to extract spiritual energy. This will not only occupy his time, but also require countless monks to control the formation to share the pressure, which is equivalent to weakening the strength of the Kingdom of Tomorrow out of thin air. .

"Hey, at the end of the Moment of Reincarnation, the resources have been exhausted and the spiritual energy has declined. It is the fate of the Kingdom of Tomorrow..."

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