A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 428 The Fourth Battle

"Is it possible for the Luo Dynasty to strengthen the ascension method on a large scale?"

"After calculation, the possibility is less than 5%. Strengthening the ascension method is not just about high cultivation. It also requires completing the ascension of the Heavenly Road. If you don't go through the training, don't master a lot of skills, and don't have top-level spiritual control, it will be difficult to complete the ascension of the Heavenly Road even in the ruling path."

Yun Ye nodded silently.

Good thing.

The calculation of the Nine Stars True Heaven Instrument is based on resource considerations and has nothing to do with the divine law. Even if the situation is chaotic now, it is accurate enough.

He began to look through the information and review the strength of the entire Tomorrow Country.

Xuan Realm, including all cultivators including him, 31.

Fa Realm, 112,580.

Spirit Realm, all citizens except those with congenital defects and too young.

In the 31 Xuan Realm, there are actually new generations whose talents are close to Yun Ye, but their spiritual control is far weaker than Yun Ye...

Even so, as their realms improve, their strength is rapidly approaching Yun Ye. It is estimated that in another thirty to fifty years, they can surpass him.

Except for the lack of the power of freedom, the young generation of the Tomorrow Club can already stand on their own.

"It's more than enough to maintain the status quo."

"The question is, how to clear the two major forces and open up a new path..."

Yun Ye took a deep breath.

In the countless calculations of the True Heaven Instrument, the same result was obtained. In order to clear the two major forces, a cultivator must reach the True Realm.

Only by reaching the True Realm can it be possible to break through the super formation with individual strength!

And this is only a possibility.

Destruction and liberation.

Heavenly Road Sublimation.

The top offensive means that can only be used in the super formation area.

And, the power formed by the self-destruction of the real person...

As the final force of the Millennium Dynasty, they have too many means to use in desperate situations. Things that have never been used cannot be considered by the current True Heaven Instrument, so even if there are people in the Xuan Realm who advance to the True Realm, it is only possible to break through.

It requires multiple True Realms to be completely safe.


Concentrating the power of the whole state, there are only a few real people, and they were all born a thousand years ago. Only the Pure Water Saint has advanced recently.

Tomorrow, I want to make a real realm cultivator appear. Not to mention the real realm method, the resources alone are almost impossible.

Zhen Tianyi calculated that if about 40 million people were completely restricted from practicing, the minimum resources for the True Realm cultivators could be gathered.

Nearly half of the population could not practice, which was no different from self-destruction, and it was equivalent to directly deviating from the basic concept of the Tomorrow Dao. At that time, the power of the Tomorrow Dao instrument would drop drastically, and even if they advanced to the True Realm, they would be seriously injured.

Moreover, these were only the required resources. Whether it could succeed or not, and whether the True Realm method was correct, were all unknown.

"The Nine Life Divine Method is not a Taoist canon. At this stage of the Profound Realm, it can only resist the disorder of the heavenly mechanism on a small scale, but it is difficult to work when it comes to the True Realm method. If not, tomorrow would not be so difficult."

Yun Ye shook his head and made a decision.

He convened a national meeting to discuss with all the senior officials, and then conveyed a decree to all the cultivators.

All the cultivators who saw this decree were extremely shocked and could not believe the words they saw.

"From now on, the national formation node rotation system will be implemented. Everyone must enforce it and cooperate with the chief to use the true immortal method to extract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"This spiritual energy will be used for spiritual medicine cultivation, technology research, and further sublimation of individual combat power. I hope that in the near future, we can sweep away the two major forces, unify the three states, and liberate all the suffering people!"

"Everyone, don't let the chief's sacrifice go to waste."

True immortal method?

Super formation?

What a joke, the chief doesn't practice anymore? !

No matter how surprised the people are, Yun Ye can't explain the reason. Except for the Taoist weapon users, it's better to bury the matter of the grand sacrifice forever.

The first batch of candidates was quickly decided, the super formation was activated, and Yun Ye activated the first will to extract a huge amount of spiritual energy out of thin air.

This spiritual energy is several times more than the entire spiritual vein, which completely alleviates the spiritual energy resources.

As long as there is spiritual energy, whether it is spiritual medicine, demons or spiritual mines, there are ways to make them, and the situation in Tomorrow Country will be stable again.

Since the whole country is divided into twelve groups, whether it is high-level or civilian, except for the youth period, they will take on the task of the super array node once a year. This fairness is still uncomplainable, especially the chief as the host, will maintain the array throughout the year, and will only stop when the super array is checked and repaired daily.

The rulers of a country have given up moving forward and made contributions to everyone. This kind of leading by example may not be on the right path, but there is absolutely no room for criticism.

In the following time, since Yun Ye no longer practices, he will naturally turn to cultivating latecomers.

In particular, many cultivators are born with the inheritance of the empty spirit root, with a natural talent, and can receive the advanced system that the Tomorrow Country has studied for a hundred years.

Among them, the powerful ones have already reached the Xuan realm and are regarded as Yun Ye's successors.

Of course, the evolution technology has never stopped. Many cultivators will try to accept the evolution technology and contribute their last bit of strength when they die.

Some even get a longer life because of the successful evolution and the improvement of the realm, which is not bad.

At the same time, the investment of a large number of professional skill points has also rapidly improved the theory of evolution technology.

After the deconstruction of the origin law, the spiritual gene has no secrets in front of the Tomorrow Country.

Evolutionary technology is about cracking personal genes and awakening the strongest fragments.

These fragments are extremely complex, and with the current technology of Tomorrow Country, they cannot be reproduced artificially, and can only be stimulated through evolution technology.

At the same time, there are also a large number of monks who do not have spiritual genes that can be stimulated. Even if the technology is perfected, they are doomed to fail.

This is one of the most outstanding research results of Tomorrow Society in the past hundred years.

In order to fit the current monks, Zhuo Qilian even compiled it into a magic method, which can be selectively awakened by its own power.

As long as the computing power is high enough and the calculation can be completed in a short time, the evolutionary form can be adjusted in a small range without fixing it.

This allows monks to adapt to various forms of battles and increase their strength, but high computing power means extraordinary talent and powerful magic.

This is rare, and most people can only catch up through acquired efforts, and it takes a long time to learn and master it.

After the rotation system was introduced, everyone had to act as a computing node, which not only exercised computing power, but also significantly improved spiritual control. More and more people mastered the evolution method.

With more people using it, it is not a pure loss-making business. The technology has also received more attention from the public, and the application is becoming more and more mature.

After a long period of application, the Tomorrow Nation finally assembled a hundred-man army of the Law Realm that mastered the Evolution Method.

The fourth war started again.

This time, Yun Ye and Zhuo Qilian fought together, and the rear was handed over to several powerful cultivators of the new generation. As Xuan Realm Dao Weapon Masters, they had enough strength and mentality to control the super formation, and the Luo Sheng Clan could not break in.

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