A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 432 The red sky in this world, marching on behalf of the sky

Cracks spread on the complex retro text of the Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation, and a hole appeared.

Yun Ye punched again, wanting to take advantage of the victory and destroy the true formation in one go.

But unfortunately, he suddenly realized that the barrier had more than one layer. The second punch was blocked and could not break the second layer of barrier.

"What an astonishing power. Although it is only the first level, it is almost equivalent to the barrier created by eight real people working together. How can the mysterious realm be so good?"

Master Queyu whispered.

"The method mastered by the new way is indeed extraordinary, but compared to the power of the new method, what is more important is the super formation and the people in the main formation. Without the assistance of the super formation, without Ming Weiyang, this extremely spiritual method alone is not enough. fear."

Linglu Zhenren said.

Many real people nodded, Ming Weiyang was too defiant and mastered the true immortal method, which was most of the reason for their current predicament.

On the other side, seeing that the second attack was fruitless, Yue Xin and Zhuo Qilian also took action.

"Mobilize the super formation and break through the barrier!"

"Night and dawn, start!"

They presided over a corner of the formation and cooperated with hundreds of Xuanjing people to activate the entire super formation and launch strategic weapons.

Immediately, a dark beam of light suddenly penetrated, the surrounding space was burned, and a large number of objects were unknowingly brought closer to each other.

This change was too obvious, and the scope of destruction was too wide, causing the entire terrain to be distorted after the space disappeared.

And it is precisely by causing devastating interference in space that he can keep up with Yun Ye's rhythm and bombard the barrier.


The second layer of the barrier was shattered and disintegrated.

But everything was not over yet. At the same time that the third layer of barrier appeared, the first and second layers began to recover visibly to the naked eye!

"It's not good. This Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation probably has eight layers of barriers. It is based on eight directions and distributes its power to the entire land!"

Zhuo Qilian frowned.

"more than……"

Yuexin has been infected with the power of freedom too much, and has gradually been able to see some things that ordinary people cannot see.

From her perspective, only one or two of the eight real people were exerting force, and the real formation was not fully activated at all.

This formation is far more powerful than it is now!

"Weiyang, use all your strength!"

Yue Xin said.

"This is the first time since we gained the upper hand tomorrow that with the support of the super formation, we will gather the strength of the whole country to fight!"

"This battle!"

"Must win!"

"I'm so angry! God obeys me!"

"It's your fate! You can overcome it with your strength!"

"The soul is here! The soul is here! Set the four directions!"

"The red sky of the present world!"

Yun Ye let out a long roar, and suddenly activated the three wills of heaven. The mighty power was instantly transformed into a hazy bright red world, in which time flew by, things changed and people changed in a blink of an eye, and contained mysteries that Yun Ye could not understand at present.

As soon as this majestic red sky realm was born, the focus of the battlefield gathered, and the aura contained in its power made the eight real people look solemn.

Behind them, a large number of mysterious realms appeared, burning their power and injecting it into the Eight Desolations True Formation. The broken pieces were immediately repaired and returned to the intact state again.

Subsequently, the eight real people threw out a large number of magic weapons, treasures and even mysterious weapons as nodes to share the pressure of the formation and face the battle in full condition.

At this moment, countless rainbow lights rose in the sky opposite, and finally converged on one person.

"The five elements gather together to unite all changes into one!"

"The sky is missing a corner, let me make up for it!"

"——Array on behalf of the sky!"

All the light converges and eventually turns into black, which contains all the light.

At this moment, Yun Ye dressed in pure black feathers, put on a simple crown of thorns, stretched out his hand, and a black and white orb suddenly appeared.

The Daitian Xingzhen originally used the power of eight people to leverage the power of a corner of rules, allowing the user to gain the power to change the world.

But now Yun Ye changed it to gather Yin Yang and the Five Elements, combining infinite power to form an array.

This is too difficult. It was very imperfect a hundred years ago. Not to mention the birth of the orb, even the feather coat and crown were hazy.

Today, this trick is finally more than half completed and can be actually used.

The Dai Tianxing Formation is activated.

Yun Ye stretched out his hand, and the invisible calamity energy wrapped around his arm and finally injected into his body. The black feather coat immediately completed into a black Taoist coat.

Under the strong wind, the black Taoist robes rustled, but Yun Ye's mind was clear, and countless mysteries flashed past.

"It seems that the Daitian Array has some resonance with the Great Tribulation. Let's take advantage of the victory and pursue it."

The cold blue tomorrow appears.

Yun Ye nodded, flicked the black and white orb in his hand, and fell into the hilt of the sword surrounded by the moon-reflecting orb. For a moment, the light shone brightly, and pure black and pure white light feathers spread.

Each of these light feathers has six paths, rotating around the hilt of the sword. It is a special power condensed from the power of all peoples, which can rewrite the world with a single thought.

Yun Ye held the Tomorrow Sword and nodded silently.

Immediately afterwards.

The majestic world suddenly spread, and its boundaries covered the Great Wilderness Lingze, re-stabilizing the fluctuations of the Great Wilderness Lingze, and dragging it back to the Red Sky Realm.

As Yun Ye raised his sword, the power of the Daitian Marching Formation unfolded together with the Creation Red Sky, hitting the Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation, breaking through seven levels in one breath.

"Using eight directions as an formation consumes countless resources. Once the formation is completed, the power of all directions can be harnessed to form an eight-layer barrier!"

"Each of these eight layers of enchantment will be twice as powerful as the previous one. It actually broke through seven layers in a row..."

"It's not just seven floors, it's already crumbling!"

The eight real people frowned, watching a large number of treasures disintegrate, bearing the backlash on their behalf.

They stimulated their true energy, tried their best to repair the Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation, and forcibly confronted the Kingdom of Tomorrow’s ultimate means. However, in terms of total strength, they were far inferior to the Tomorrow Country. The cracks continued to spread, and the Eight Desolations Destruction True Formation could not be suppressed. to disintegration.

"Attack with all your strength."

Lord Luo's true energy exploded in half and turned into a sky-high pillar to support a corner of the formation, forcing the formation to maintain its strength.

After he mastered the extremely spiritual method, he did become much stronger, but his true energy would not increase because of this external extremely spiritual method. He was just going against the trend, and it was difficult to change the overall situation.

However, three of the other seven real people burst out their true energy together with Lord Luo, injecting power and forcibly holding up the formation.

How huge is the energy of a real person?

They did hold back, forcibly confronting the True Immortal Technique supported by the Dai Tianxing Formation, forcing the formation to last for several more hours.


Yun Ye ignored the burden on his body and waited silently. With the power of Tomorrow Kingdom now, he could indeed defeat this formation in one breath.

However, these real people have too much remaining power, and it would be meaningless if there is no result in killing the real people after defeating them.


The bell at the core of Tomorrow Kingdom rang, but it was warning everyone that the super array's overload operation had reached its limit, and every second it continued would cause damage to the array.

"Enough of delaying until this point!"

A faint voice sounded.

Yun Ye suddenly raised his head.

Above the ambiguous red sky, at some point, there were two real people standing, looking down at the Great Wilderness Lingze, regarding the Kingdom of Tomorrow as their prey.

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