A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 433 The Way for Tomorrow

How much does it cost to maintain the formation?

Even a real person can't sustain it for too long, so someone needs to replace it!

This time, the Feng Dynasty also sent five real people to assist, almost all of them, just to prevent the new path from growing.

"The stars have changed!"

The two real people took action and replaced the space. Massive energy was injected into the formation again, forcibly delaying the disintegration of the formation.

The two real people who were replaced were both real people from the Luo Dynasty. They traveled thousands of miles in one step and returned directly to the super formation to replenish their strength.

This scene made Yun Ye's pupils shrink. He knew he couldn't wait any longer, so he immediately raised the Tomorrow Sword, and the black and white light feathers shattered into pieces.

The four real people who had originally changed their positions suddenly twisted and disappeared and returned to their original positions.

Master Queyu and Master Linglu were stunned for a moment. They had already left the Great Wilderness Lingze. What happened?

"The cause and effect has been changed, it's not good!"

"Quickly control the formation!"

The two real people from the foreign dynasty had been watching Yun Ye. Although they did not notice when they were changed, they knew that it was Yun Ye who did it. They couldn't help but yell to remind the two real people from the Luo Dynasty.

But this moment was enough for Yun Ye to do something.

He swung his sword again, and a black light feather shattered.


The already shaky formation was swept by a blue sword light, and the destruction began!

Gathering the power of all people to fight on the mainland, this is too amazing for tomorrow's increase. Her power is integrated with this authority.

In one thought, the world is rewritten!

Even the order of cause and effect can be killed by the sword of tomorrow!

"Activate the Taoist weapon!"

Ten national Dao weapons volleyed into the sky, and the Dao realms were unified. In terms of the number of echoes, they barely beat the Sword of Tomorrow. The power of the rules confronted the Sword of Tomorrow and did not allow the Sword of Tomorrow to rewrite anything again.

After more than two hundred years of development, the repercussions of tomorrow's Taoist tools have increased to 30 million, which has surpassed the Luo Dynasty. However, after the Taoist tools of the two dynasties were combined, they were still somewhat inferior.

However, tomorrow is a local battle, so what if the resonance of foreign Taoist weapons is comparable to that of the Luo Dynasty? If you really want to unleash your power, you still have to integrate into the Taoist realm of the Luo Dynasty, and your power will not be fully unleashed.

"The red sky in this world is marching on behalf of the sky!"

Yun Ye contracted the two powers and turned them into weapons, covering the Tomorrow Sword, and then the Yingtian Void World erupted, cutting off the positions of the ten real people.

"The eight desolate annihilation true formations, counter formation!"

Among them, eight real people in stronger condition took action without any confusion.

Time and space are instantly anchored.

The space for Yun Ye's interference has been broken, and the counter-formation will transform from a connected state to an individual state, with one person descending from one side to increase its power.

At this moment, ten Xuanjing practitioners surrounded and killed each real person. The Xuanzhen studied by Tomorrow Country was equally powerful, and was enough to temporarily cut off contact and not allow these ten real people to enter the main formation state again.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yun Ye suddenly vomited blood, the evil spirit god state disappeared, and the Taoist crown covering it also dimmed.

Maintaining the strongest state for a long time is too strenuous even for him in the Three Dharma Profound Realm. The body with its energy structure cannot bear it and is disintegrating.

"Chief! Are you okay?"

"Sure enough, it is too difficult to maintain the state of three-way evolution for a long time. If you continue, I am afraid that the foundation will be completely destroyed. Leave it to us next, and we will make sure they never come back!"

"Every time, it is the chief who turns the tide. This is very inappropriate. Even if we are not strong enough, it is up to us to stand up this time!"

"That's right. It's just one death. Why does the chief need to protect him all the time?"

A series of spiritual messages flashed across.

Either unruly, cold or passionate, the New Generation Mysterious Realm took action. They burned their strength and used the power of the super formation to fight against the top ten real people.

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

The ten real people indifferently mobilized their strongest power. Just now, they would not have broken the formation, but they were just deceived by the sudden rewrite of cause and effect.

At this moment, Ming Weiyang's strength is already reduced to ten percent. So what if he has a super formation and a true immortal method?

They are perfect beings standing in the sky, not afraid of a battle!

"Evil God."

A being who looked exactly like Yun Ye walked out. This scene directly changed the expression of the real people of the Luo Dynasty. They felt a familiar smell.

"Substitute death method."

Yun Ye activated his divine method to transfer all his injuries to this being whose aura was almost identical to his own. However, this time his injuries were too serious and his energy body was on the verge of collapse. One transfer was not enough.

"Back in time."

"Replacing Death!"

The Evil Spirit God recovered from his injuries, and then activated the death method again. Yun Ye transferred his injuries for the second time and completely recovered.


The faces of the real people in the two countries were as dark as ink.

This Kingdom of Tomorrow has too many methods. This time, even if ten real people gathered together to form an encirclement and attack, they could not complete the battle in one battle.

The absurd reality made them in such a state of mind burst into intense anger.



How could the power of just one state completely surpass the combined power of the two countries in just two hundred and fifty years?

On the surface, the entire Luo Dynasty only lasts for a thousand years, but is this really the case?

Of course it can’t be just a thousand years!

When they took over the Luo Dynasty, the Luo Saint Clan already had three true monks, and the history can be extended directly to before the war between the two emperors began!

If it really only lasts a thousand years, it is very likely that they will not even be able to develop the Mysterious Realm Dharma, let alone the True Realm Dharma.

All the methods of the Luo Dynasty are continuations of their own cultivation paths. How can the wisdom in them be matched by one person and one clan?

The Kingdom of Tomorrow relies on the vocational system, the bachelor system, and the system of universal practice and universal research. In just two hundred and fifty years, it has advanced hand in hand, reaching the realm of the mysterious realm in Yin Yang, Five Elements, and even countless sub-categories...

Their two dynasties are a whole level higher than the Kingdom of Tomorrow. In the past era, it took who knows how many years to take the step to the real state.

But what about Tomorrowland?

Relying on the Yizhou Super Formation, which was still in a semi-disabled state, it was actually able to fight against the combined efforts of the two dynasties and the top-notch formation set up by ten real people.

This weight makes them, who stand at the top of the two dynasties, feel fear in their hearts.

It won't be long!

The new way will replace them!

"It cannot be allowed! The new way must be killed! Otherwise, it will be a catastrophe for the entire Red Sky Realm!"

This strong emotion is felt in the hearts of all real people.

This is their instinct, so strong that they have never heard of this kind of fear. They cannot bear the feeling that the world is completely out of their understanding, and they cannot allow a dignified person to do whatever he wants and dominate the world.

In such a world, how can their thoughts be clear and how can they continue to practice?


The determination of the ten real people was reached. They broke through the obstacles with their elevated state of heavenly path, left the battlefield, and forcibly re-deployed the Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation.

This time, Yun Ye intervened in advance and suppressed the power of the formation of the eight real people.

But even if his condition is fully restored, he will not be able to enter the evil spirit god state for a short time. The spiritual gene reconstruction needs to be stable enough.

If he enters multiple times in a short period of time, there is a high probability that his spirit body will collapse and he will die directly. Even the substitute death method cannot save him. Now he is far from dead.

"Chief, a large number of monks are injecting power to maintain the Daitian March Formation, but this is only against the Eight Desolations Extermination Formation. There is no way to break the situation. We can't wait any longer. Just activate the power of sacrifice. Let me start!"

"For the way of tomorrow!"

One of them suddenly spoke, and without waiting for his consent, his whole body burned directly, turning into light points that converged on the sword in Yun Ye's hand.

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