A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 434 Debt Taoist Rules, Continental Taoist Artifacts


Yun Ye only uttered one word and fell into silence.

Only the red sky in the present world, blessed by the Daitian Xingzhen, can hinder the power of the Bahuang Extermination True Formation. Without this power, even if the lives of the people in the True Formation are not affected, the ability of the super spiritual veins to produce spiritual energy will be reduced every minute. It keeps weakening every second.

The super spiritual vein is already half disabled, and if it continues to be destroyed like this, it will really become an empty shell and be directly downgraded. By then, the existing monks will not be able to make any progress, and they may not even have enough resources to restore their strength.

Without the power of the Evil Spirit God, the power Yun Ye controlled was far from enough to crush him, but he could only allow him to be sacrificed to generate the power to break the situation.

"Don't worry, it's a necessary choice."

This person faced the distance with his back to Yun Ye, and together with his clothes and magical instruments, he turned into a point of light and disappeared.

"The way to tomorrow!"

Thousands of monks chose to sacrifice themselves and turn them into firewood to fuel the flame of tomorrow.


Six more white light feathers were born, and the blue ribbon of the Tomorrow Sword in Yun Ye's hand extended, covering the sword body, and countless blue threads gathered.

The blue light also extends from the Tomorrow Sword to the clothes, with several blue textures appearing on the black Taoist robe.

Too many monks have sacrificed themselves, and tomorrow's Taoist artifacts have regained the power that once shined in the realm of dusk and sunset.

Yue Xin looked at this scene and lowered her head to look at the Yingyue mark on her left hand. The silver light band spread, and the blurry shadow of the goddess suddenly reappeared.

"Four seats..."

Yun Ye sighed.

"Lead by example, not to mention that I can't advance to the profound realm. The four-hundred-year deadline is approaching, so it's good to use the remaining heat... Weiyang, you can't die, you should continue to lead them on."

Yuexin smiled.

"I won't die."

Cut off all the foundations!

Yun Ye spoke calmly and swung his sword suddenly. Three white light feathers shattered. Visible to the naked eye, the power of the Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation dropped sharply.

The black light feather is a pure power amplifier.

The white light feather is the embodiment of people's prayers. It has a strong concept interference ability and can greatly enhance the ability of tomorrow's Taoist weapon to attack concepts.

Yun Ye directly used half of the white light feathers to weaken 30% of the power of the Eight Desolations True Destruction Array, and he once again shattered three white light feathers and three black light feathers, carrying the power of the red sky to destroy the entire formation with one sword. The eight desolate annihilation true formations.

This attack was forcibly blocked by multiple Taoist weapons, but only caused a few more cracks in the ten Taoist tools.

"Go on, Ming Weiyang, we want to see how many loyal subordinates you have left to die."

The people present were all real people, and even though their weapons were damaged due to anger, none of them stepped back.

They have already completed their deductions and believe that a battle is necessary. They can still barely fight against tomorrow's Taoist tools. Once the echo of tomorrow's Taoist tools surpasses them, I am afraid that with one strike of the sword, their Taoist tools will be half disabled. By then, with the help of real people's cultivation How to fight against Taoist tools?


Under the sublimation of Tianlu, the Eight Immortals tried their best to destroy the connection between Dahuang Lingze's super spiritual vein and the Red Heaven Realm.

The combined force of the current Hongtian and Daitian formations is indeed powerful, gathering the power of 200,000 Dharma realms and 100 Xuan realms. Their destruction is extremely slow, but they are indeed destroying little by little.

Yun Ye was in an absolutely rational state, with an expressionless face, and swung his sword one after another, causing cracks to appear on many national Taoist weapons, and they were about to disintegrate before his eyes.

"I make a wish for the destiny of the Luo Dynasty, and I will suppress all rebels!"

At this moment, Master Queyu added new rules to the Taoist tools. The power of the Taoist tools skyrocketed, and the light surpassed all other national Taoist tools.

Massive chains of order stretched out to cover the sky and block the attack of Tomorrow's Dao Sword. The chains penetrated the super formation and wanted to strangle Yun Ye.

However, Hongtian's Immortal Law blocked it for a moment. As the power of the same rules, although Taoist weapons have advantages, they cannot be completely ignored like ordinary laws.

"At the cost of a national Taoist weapon, I will kill you, Ming Weiyang, you are so proud that you will go to hell!"

Many real people said this.

A national Taoist artifact has millions of echoes. Once it is caught in a catastrophe, it is destined to be damaged. In the end, only one third can be recovered.

This price is indeed a bit huge. A state can only have one million echoes in a thousand years. They can accumulate tens of millions of echoes purely because they inherited it from the previous dynasty!

"The Immortal Dynasty is unified and worshiped by all parties, and the weight is determined by the Taoist artifact. A million echoes are enough to ask the Immortal Dynasty to grant a real person a seat."

"The power that has lived for two thousand years was destroyed by a bunch of weeds!"

Master Queyu's expression was gloomy, and he clenched his fist suddenly, causing the space to explode. He was furious. Masters whose Taoist tools were damaged were not eligible to join the Immortal Dynasty. If millions of echoes were offered to the Immortal Dynasty, it would be enough for ordinary people to be promoted to real people and live for two thousand years. .

And as a real person who is about to expire, he naturally wants to take a step further, be promoted to a distinguished position, and live another life!

Now, all is gone!

Although Lord Luo promised that once he breaks through the new way and obtains its tools, he will also take part of it as his merit and ask the Immortal Dynasty to help him go further.


Is it really possible?

Master Queyu is not naive. After calculation, he came to the conclusion that the possibility of Lord Luo fulfilling his promise is less than 10%, which is more to give him some hope.


The blue light emitted by Tomorrow's Dao Sword was blocked by the Taoist weapon of Que Yu. Although it could still cause damage, it was obviously much slower.

Originally, when he struck down with his sword, ten Taoist weapons would have more than two cracks. If he replaced it with a single Taoist weapon, it would basically be half damaged with just one sword strike.

But now, destroying Que Yu's Taoist artifact can only cause a crack, and after the Tao realm is connected, there will only be a shallow one.

Obviously, due to the addition of new rules, Queyu Zhenren's Taoist tools have reached a higher level.

This level is called "Continent Domain".

Forcibly adding rules can only reach the upper level.

The initial response of Taoist tools in Baishi Town is only a few hundred, but after the debt increases, the effect of state-level Taoist tools can be directly obtained.

The same applies to national realm tools, which can achieve the highest "continental realm" effect.

There are only eleven continents in the entire Red Sky Realm.

It is quite rare to reach the Taoist level of a continent with the power of three states alone. Generally, people reach the same level through debt.

Once the continental Taoist tools are completed, if Xindao wants to compete, it can only borrow the power of heaven and earth to make its own Taoist tools disaster.

If they remembered correctly, the Dao Weapon User of the New Way focused almost all the reverberations on Ming Weiyang alone, and there was no second million-reverberation Dao Weapon User.

Once you borrow money!

By then, Xindao will not be far from destruction!

Even if they retreat, the new way will weaken once every sixty years. Even if the new way is ruthless to divert the echo of the Taoist artifact and evaporate two-thirds of the echo, it will cause the effectiveness of the new way of doing things to drop off a cliff. They will do it again Surround and kill, something will happen!

They already have a chance to win!

But the fact is...

Is that true?

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