After many adjustments, Yun Ye finally knew that his talent was probably too high. Only high-level monks could conceive. Therefore, once the destiny was lowered, the birth time would be extended, up to ten thousand years. , directly arriving at the next reincarnation moment.

In other words, if he wanted to be reincarnated, he would have to wait at least two hundred years, otherwise he would have to give up other attributes and continue to strengthen his destiny.

By raising your fate to the EX level, you will not only be a real parent and child, but also your luck will be so great that one person's luck will be better than the luck of the entire dynasty.

Yun Ye really did this. For him, a high destiny is very likely to trigger great opportunities, and it may not be worse than talent.

But unexpectedly, the upgrade of destiny to EX level not only did not advance the time of Yun Ye's birth, but directly postponed it to five thousand years later.

Of course, the description of the reincarnation time is "within 5,000 years," and there is no lower limit. He may be reincarnated the next day.

But this is unlikely.

He probably understood that perhaps the person destined by destiny also depends on historical opportunities.

This is the difference between the leader of the peasant uprising army being reincarnated into a prosperous dynasty and a troubled time.

It is self-evident which age is more likely to be blessed by destiny.

This kind of historical opportunity does take a long time to wait. With the current situation of Tomorrowland, there is really no chance of a turnaround.

On the other hand, those with an A+ grade only need to wait for two hundred years. As long as the Immortal Dynasty does not arrive, the Kingdom of Tomorrow can still hold on for two hundred years.

Regardless of the cost, it would be easy for the Kingdom of Tomorrow to resist the two dynasties.

The reason why the Tomorrow Kingdom has been unable to conquer the two dynasties, Yun Ye feels that it is a matter of his own decision-making. If he had concentrated all his resources on one path early on, the Tomorrow Kingdom would have already had real people who could sweep the two dynasties.

But for the sake of fairness and to accumulate repercussions, Yun Ye chose to advance in all fields simultaneously, which wasted too much time and resources.

The path of spiritual practice has countless fields and branches. So what if there are hundreds of millions of monks in the country tomorrow?

These branches are the accumulation of millions of years in the entire vast Red Heaven Realm. If we want to go hand in hand, both manpower and resources are far from enough!


After finishing adding points to his talents, Yun Ye subconsciously called out a statement, wanting to see what would happen after the secret realm was reset.

As a result, the land of reincarnation did not respond.

Only then did he suddenly remember that in order to prevent Tomorrow's Kingdom from losing its Taoist weapon and being at a disadvantage in the Taoist War, he did not take back Tomorrow before his death, but let Tomorrow be placed in Yuntian Taoist Palace with his body. The seal can only be taken out during every Taoist battle.

He shook his head. This was the first time that he was not accompanied by Tomorrow. Moreover, if Tomorrow did not come back with him, the Yingyue Treasure Environment Secret Realm could not be reset. It was a loss of an opportunity for growth.


The level of the Taoist weapon on the panel is displayed as EX level, indicating that Tomorrow has become the strongest Taoist tool in the entire Luo Dynasty.

Even in the land of reincarnation, Yun Ye could feel that he could bring back tomorrow with just a thought.

"Are Taoist tools a tool of the heart, not limited by physical space?"

"Or is it that the place of reincarnation has nothing to do with this?"

Naturally, Yun Ye would not try to take it back. If the Kingdom of Tomorrow did not have the Dao Artifact of Tomorrow, the situation would be many times more difficult, and it would be impossible to sustain it for two hundred years.

However, if the Kingdom of Tomorrow is still destroyed despite holding the Taoist weapon of Tomorrow, then Tomorrow will die without hesitation and preserve its strength.

Theoretically, Yun Ye is a different existence in each life. Even if the Taoist weapon is destroyed, it can be reawakened, but he doesn't know whether the awakened Taoist tool spirit will be the familiar one tomorrow, so whether it is in terms of feelings or Considering the repercussions, Yun Ye will take back the Taoist artifact.

"It seems there is nothing left to do..."

Yun Ye felt disappointed.

He fell backward.

Chaos spread throughout the reincarnation place. As he fell, shrank and collapsed, his consciousness gradually drifted away in the warmth, falling into complete darkness.

The sixth reincarnation begins!

"Master, are you hungry?"

When Yun Ye opened his eyes again, he was born into a wealthy family. The room was bright and luxurious, whether it was the bed, curtains or carpets.

A woman wearing a simple long dress opened the red curtains, allowing the sunlight to fully shine into the room. Yun Ye turned his head and looked over. Although Yun Ye could not normally see the mansion due to his height, he was born with magical eyes. His eyes flashed faintly black, and his gaze suddenly penetrated the wall and looked over the entire mansion.

This is a garden villa with a large area. The architectural style is similar to that of the later period of Tomorrow Club. It is a very bright and majestic mansion style.

There are all kinds of flowers, plants and trees planted in an orderly manner - however, there is no spirituality at all, they are all ordinary things, closer to the gardens of ordinary rich people.

And whether it is the master or the servant, the dressing style is also close to that of the later period of Tomorrow Society, which is a relatively simple modern dress.

"Something's wrong...huh?"

A pacifier was shoved into Yun Ye, and the woman in a simple long dress gave him milk powder. He was very surprised, but he drank it anyway.

Although he only used the colorful eyes for a few seconds, it was really a big drain on the young body. He was hungry.

While drinking milk, Yun Ye fell into thinking.

Although he has not awakened his spiritual roots, is this an illusion? He couldn't feel any spiritual energy.

The family he was reincarnated into should have the blood of real people. Even if it declined, it couldn't have ended like this, right?

Or is this just an appearance?

In doubt.

Yun Ye drank a whole bottle of milk and was picked up by the woman in a long skirt and walked to another room.

"Dong dong dong."

"Madam, the young master is awake."

"come in."

A faint voice came from the room, and the voice was a little tired.

The woman in the long skirt pushed the door open with Yun Ye in her arms, and saw the curtains blown slightly by the wind and the simple bed beside the window.

In the room where Yun Ye was, although the bed had no spirituality, its workmanship and materials were obviously of excellent quality, with various complex carvings. The quilts and sheets were also fragrant and soft, and there were exquisite painted screens placed on three sides. As far as mortal supplies were concerned outstanding.

This room was different. There were no decorations. There was only a large white bed by the window, separated by a dressing table.

Apart from being empty and simple, there is no other feeling here. The only thing that people care about is probably the hostess of this room.

It was a pale black-haired woman. She was sitting on the bed, leaning on the bedside, and kept looking out the window until the woman in the long skirt walked in. She turned her head and looked at her child coldly.

She didn't pay attention to the presence of the woman in the long skirt, and just took Yun Ye without saying a word. After staring at the child for a long time, she said: "Shui Changdong, this is your name from now on."

"~~~" Yun Ye looked at her curiously.

As far as he felt, his mother in this life had some cultivation, but it was only at the spiritual level, which was too far away from the direct bloodline of a real person.

This cultivation level is really not enough to make him care, but it is this character and this attitude towards children that makes him very concerned.

"Mingju, take him to rest. This child is very smart. Don't do unnecessary things."

"Madam, please don't worry, I'm going to take my leave now."

Mingju took the child, bowed and turned to leave.

After walking out of the room, she glanced at Yun Ye a few times, full of awe. She agreed with Madam's words. This child was indeed extraordinary.

The lady's tone was flat, and she couldn't hear any emotion other than fatigue. Her whole person revealed a sense of coldness. Even if an adult would have felt fear deep in his heart when facing her, this child showed no such signs. It seemed that Innately capable of counteracting the oppression of the Holy Blood.

This was astonishing. She had never seen a newborn who could ignore the oppression of the Holy Blood. No wonder they did not shy away from meeting mother and child just after they were born.

This child's holy blood is more powerful than his parents!


Mingju put Yun Ye back on the bed, murmuring in her heart.

no way.

It was impossible for her not to be shocked.

The Water Clan is already the family with the strongest holy blood. This child's parents are the heads of the Shui Clan, and they are the people with the strongest holy blood.

In this case, a child can surpass his parents, not to mention how amazing his talent will be. I am afraid he is destined to become a great person in the Eastern King City.

Roar, after a day, I am back again. This life will be a brand new story. I will get rid of the previous impression and enter a new era.

So, why can’t I write longer? Because once it is repeated, it will be boring for me to write. I have already written enough about that old era in the previous five lives. In this life, I will write a brand new story and background, so as not to make everyone feel bored. .

At the same time, this life will also pay more attention to the excitement of the story, so we will temporarily cut off the battles with gods flying around, and see the big from the small, and reveal step by step how the world has changed since the Ming Weiyang star fell!

This story will also introduce the highest existence - the World God.

I hope that the Sixth Incarnation: God’s Coming to the Red World will make me happy writing it and everyone will be happy reading it too!


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