A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 439 East King City

Yun Ye opened the door and walked downstairs. The servant Ming Ju quickly followed and said, "Master, where are you going so early?"

"Take a walk." Yun Ye said.

"Then please come to the restaurant. It's better for your health to eat something to fill your stomach before taking a walk." Mingju suggested as she glanced at the bright sky outside the window.

"Sorry to trouble you," Yun Ye said.

"No trouble, the kitchen is always preparing various pastries and tea. I can bring it out for the young master right away. Please wait a moment." Ming Ju, as always, did not give Yun Ye a chance to say anything else, and quickly disappeared from sight. .

Yun Ye walked into the restaurant and sat down.

There is a large TV screen hanging on the wall of the restaurant, which is always on and showing various news.


An indifferent black-haired woman flashed past. She was sitting in an open space in the garden, seemingly delivering a speech.

But when Yun Ye saw it, the speech had already ended, and the program switched to playing some stories about the "Four Foreign Scholars" in the Eastern King's City.

"Recently, the Southern Foreign Sergeant Major returned from injury. It is said that he encountered an extremely powerful beast. Let us pay close attention to the follow-up situation..."

"Captain Wang Lixun of the Northern Department has successfully been promoted to the first-class foreigner. He has reached the first-class level of the fifth generation and will soon be promoted to the spiritual blood family. From now on, the six spiritual blood clans will be renamed the seven spiritual blood clans. Let us celebrate the addition of another one in the East King City who can fight in the darkness. Onward heroes!”

"This year's foreign exploration casualties are lower than in previous years, and the level is also improved faster. Is there any result?"

A moment of effort.

Mingju walked in pushing the dining cart, placing plates, and said: "Master, are you interested in foreigners? Don't worry, master is a super genius with holy blood, and will directly enter the inner city Holy Ministry in the future. These foreigners are just The young master is just a low-class person who needs to be managed."

"Mingju, what is the Inner City Holy Ministry? I haven't seen it on TV?" Yun Ye asked after taking a few bites.

"The Holy Ministry of the Inner City directly manages the entire East King City. Its minister is a person who is less than one person and more than ten thousand people, second only to the "King Envoy" who controls all the rights in the East King City, or in other words, the city lord. If it is the young master, maybe I can surpass your elder sister and younger sister and become the minister." Mingju put down the dinner plate and stood quietly, waiting for Yun Ye to finish her meal.

Even if it was just breakfast, there were ten plates laid out. Yun Ye said he only ate a little, but in fact he finished all ten plates in one go.

Since there wasn't much food on each plate, Yun Ye couldn't say he was full.

He yawned and pushed the door open for a walk.

Reincarnated person: Yun Ye

Area: Luoyu·Luozhou·Dongwangcheng

Lifespan: 3/94

Fortune: A+

Physique: B

Divine Sense: B+

Comprehension: A

Spiritual Root: S

Taoist weapon: EX

Secret Realm: E

Strength: B

Introduction: The only big family in the Eastern King City with the Holy Blood, one of the heirs to the head of the Water Clan, born with top-notch qualifications, destined to achieve greatness.


Yun Ye sat on the swing in the garden, swinging casually, while Ming Ju stood guarding him silently, not daring to be separated for a moment.

The Luo Dynasty on the panel became Luo Domain.

The specific description is: the collective name of the three states of Shui, Luo and Huang.

In other words, the Luo Dynasty has disappeared, and this land no longer has a clear ruler.

In these two hundred years, the Kingdom of Tomorrow successfully wiped out the Luo Dynasty?

Then why did the East King City appear?

He has lived in this city for three years and has already established some basic impressions. To be honest, Yun Ye is full of doubts about this city.

From what he saw, the concept of monks did not seem to exist in East King City. Even if his mother Shui Mingqin in this life had spiritual realm cultivation, she never regarded herself as a monk, but called herself a saint.

As far as Yun Ye knew, the Shui clan seemed to be the ruler of the Eastern King City and had the highest power.

Shui Mingqin, the head of the Shui family, is the city lord of the East King City. - At least on the surface.

Yun Ye could feel a strong sense of disharmony in this city. Although it was ordinary and peaceful, he was born with the insight into all things. Even if he could not fully awaken it due to the environment with zero spiritual energy, he still felt some things that ordinary people would not feel. to something.

For example, "horror" and "resentment".

Although it might have been left over from the past, Yun Ye couldn't ignore it and kept digging around to get information.

But unfortunately, the history before the establishment of Dongwang City has been completely erased. Anyone who asks, "Didn't Dongwang City be built by our ancestor Dongwang?"

The only thing that can be known is that before the establishment of the East King City, some catastrophe seemed to have occurred in the world, causing people to huddle in the city and never leave the city.

In order to survive, they even use mortal technology on a large scale...or in other words, the technology of the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

The water and electricity systems in East King City are all available, similar to those in the 1990s. Although there are no various psychic technologies, ordinary people can live a comfortable and stable life.

Not to mention the Shui family, they basically use the most advanced equipment, TVs, radios, and even game consoles already exist.

Today's Dongwang City can be described as prosperous.

Moreover, it is said to be a "city", but its actual area is almost as big as a small country on Earth. Even the largest country on Earth, Dongwang City is one-tenth the size.

The current Dongwang City is vast and sparsely populated, with abundant living resources and extremely superior living conditions. Even if you don’t work at all, you can still get relief. In addition to being unable to practice without spiritual energy, it is a brand-new Kingdom of Tomorrow. Yun Ye Looking all the way, I feel that the era of peace has arrived.

But this is not the Kingdom of Tomorrow after all, and everything makes Yun Ye feel weird. Because of this, Yun Ye never relaxes and insists on practicing.

Without spiritual energy, the spiritual method is basically useless, and he has not regained the true immortal method, and cannot practice with the first will of heaven.

In this case, it is the physical and divine methods that were originally difficult to practice that take advantage.

The two paths of cultivating body and soul can still be continued without spiritual energy, but they are extremely resource-intensive. Without a panacea, the cultivation speed will be extremely slow.

Three years have passed, and even if Yun Ye is extremely talented, he has just laid the foundation for both divine and physical skills.

"At this time in my previous lives, I would have already reached the perfection of the mortal realm. What is going on in this Eastern Dynasty? Why don't I even have the slightest bit of spiritual energy?"

"Completely monopolized?"

Yun Ye had one conjecture after another in his mind. Since Shui Mingqin had cultivation, it meant that there was still spiritual energy, but it was only a privilege for a few people.

The possibility of being monopolized is actually very high.

In the past, it was difficult for formations to completely extract the spiritual energy from the surrounding world, but Tomorrow Kingdom invented a large number of related technologies in order to improve the utilization rate of spiritual energy.

If someone uses it for monopoly, it is not impossible to completely drain an area of ​​aura.

If that were the case, that would be terrifying...

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