A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 440 Brothers and Sisters

Yun Ye was swinging for a while, and suddenly a voice sounded.

"Brother Changdong."

A little girl threw herself into Yun Ye's arms. Before the sound rang out, Yun Ye didn't notice anyone approaching. He was momentarily surprised, but when he smelled the familiar smell, he didn't do anything extra and hugged her. little girl.

The little girl is only one year old, with a polished appearance and long black hair. Although she is very skillful in jumping towards her, her actual appearance is very peaceful. She is none other than Shui Wuge, Yun Ye's biological sister in this life.

"Brother, why didn't you call me when you went for a walk?"

"It's too early, Wu Ge, haven't you slept yet?"

"I don't like sleeping, brother, you know. I will fall into another world at night. Although my mother said it is a trial, I don't like it."

Yun Ye chatted with Shui Wuge for a while, when he suddenly saw two black cars parked at the gate of the mansion from a distance, and many people walked out of them.

"have a guest?"

Shui Wuge said suddenly.


A black-haired girl appeared in the air. She was wearing a very avant-garde dress, a short black silk skirt, and steel needles tied to her legs. She was more charming than lethal.

She bowed slightly to Shui Wuge and said, "Two of the seven spiritual blood clans are here to visit Madam. The young master and young lady will make new friends in a while. Please come with me."

Shui Wuge was a little interested. She finally stopped sitting on Yun Ye, jumped down and took care of her skirt, and said, "Brother, something interesting is coming. Let's go."

Although she is young, she gives people a sense of seriousness inexplicably.

Yun Ye nodded, surprised that a one-year-old child didn't have such an attitude.

After all, this is an existence that has inherited the holy blood. Even if there is no spiritual energy to support it, it has shown its importance early on.

The Man of Suimei Qin: Water Dance Song

Area: Luoyu·Luozhou·Dongwangcheng

Lifespan: 1/100

Fate: A (Sacrificing luck to be born into a real family)

Physique: B

Divine Sense: A+

Comprehension: B

Spiritual root: B

Taoist tools: 0

Strength: D+

Introduction: The son of the head of the Water Clan and one of the candidates for the head of the family. He was born with a weak talent, but he was also troubled by it and needed time to grow.

Shui Wuge's talent is a little lower than Yun Ye's, but they are all obvious talents, which are displayed as soon as she is born. On the surface, she is weaker than Yun Ye.

Even if she shows the power of her bloodline, she has no fighting power. At most, she can kill mortals at will. For special people, she is already a natural god.

Seven people got out of two cars.

Belong to two tribes respectively.

The leader of the first group was a domineering woman with ligated muscles. She wore red sleeves on both wrists, and a large sword decoration hung under her neck. Next to her were two children, one older and one younger. These two children were equally unruly. His temperament is weak and unruly.

The seventh group is headed by a man with wavy blue hair. She is wearing a light blue dress and a sun hat. She also has a large sword decoration hanging under her neck. She belongs to the same organization as the muscular woman. She only brought a very large sword with her. A beautiful big boy, the big boy has lively eyes and is very dull.

The two groups were greeted by a young manservant.

before sweeping.

The footman called everyone by name.

"You Wei Ling, as well as the eldest son Gong Jiqian, and the second son You Xiongshan."

"Li Jianbing, the eldest son You Guanglin."

"You seven, please follow me. Madam is still dining, please wait a moment."

The footman turned.

All seven people nodded and followed.

During the process of walking through the garden, the two core figures of the Eldar chatted for a few words. The content was about something, just simple greetings.

The eight children looked at each other with caution.

Gong Ji's Eight Clan...

Now comes the spiritual blood clan.

In reality, they are all servants of the Holy Clan, so members who inherit spiritual blood must report to the Holy Clan.

There is no beating or filtering involved.

If it is valued, it will be directly transferred to a certain member of the Holy Tribe, and eventually join the Inner City Holy Tribe with this member of the Holy Tribe.

This is a crucial trial. The benefits of retreating directly to the Holy Ministry in the inner city are too little. You have to struggle in the city just like them to get a small amount of resources. It is extremely useless for the family and the individual. !

The group retreated into the mansion and met with the apparent ruler of the Eastern King's City.

A long time ago, eight children were led aside by the footman.

The Shui clan has a small population and has a large number of buildings, and each household has a luxurious mansion and garden.

There are a lot of them similar to Suimei Qin's mansion. When they are gathered together, the area is already comparable to a city. It would take a long time to drive across it.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally surprising that a lake appears in the clan's land.

At the edge of a turbid lake, Yun Ye took off his shoes and walked a few steps outside the water, feeling the coolness of the lake.

Shui Wuge is even more exaggerated. She is already lying outside the lake. Because of her bloodline, she can sink no matter what. She can even run around under the water at will, which is very convenient for playing.

After waiting for a while, the person I wanted to see arrived.

"Master Shuizhang Dongduo, Sister Shui Wuge, good morning, I am You Guanglin, I am seven years old this year, please give me some advice." You Guanglin is Luoluo Xiaofang, with a dull personality, is he afraid of anything because of his identity.

"I am Li Xiaoxian, eight years old, and this is my brother You Xiongshan, seven years old." Li Xiaoxian also said.

You Xiongshan hid in front of his brother, like a shadow.

Before the introduction begins.

The guardian of Shui Wu Ge, the man in short skirts suddenly appeared, and she said to several children:

"This lake is a battlefield. If you leave the lake area, you will lose. Master Dongduo, the water chief, and Sister Shui Wuge, you guys used to fight outside here."

"Fight? Why?" Yun Ye glanced at Duo Nan in short skirts strangely.

The white-haired Duonan was slightly startled, and then said: "As a saint, Master Duo, you need some servants. These children are your optional targets. At the same time, you must improve your abilities to gain the support of the family and retire earlier. Entering the Holy Ministry of the Inner City, abilities need to be practiced, so naturally you have to fight.”

"Specifically, members of the Holy Clan will choose their servants between the ages of seven and ten, and then accept the family's trial. If they pass, they can retreat into the Holy Ministry in the inner city. Master Duo and the eldest sister should have finished selecting their servants so early. There is a small chance of delaying the retreat to the Holy Ministry in the inner city."

As the administrative body of the East King City, no one wants to withdraw from the Inner City Holy Ministry.

Even members of the Holy Clan hope to withdraw as soon as possible.

Shui Wuge and Yun Ye were obviously too old, and it was unusual to ask such a question when they knew about the Inner City Holy Ministry.

"In other words, they used to come here often?"

Yun Ye said.

"If it's just them, there will be no one else. If they do, they may not be able to become the servants of Master Duo and Sister. Duoye and Sister's other brothers and sisters are also competitors. No matter what, they must be defeated. - There is no winner. Only then can you become the head of the previous generation.”

Many men in short skirts said.

Um, I accidentally changed the setting and forgot to change the previous one. Youzu are two boys.

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