A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 441 My sister’s strength

On a clear lake.

The water ripples.

A black-haired boy stood on the water, with air tremors and air currents exploding around him, as if someone was attacking him continuously.

"Boom boom boom!"

A phantom landed ten meters away, gasping for air, but it turned out to be a strong young man with red flames spreading from his body.

"Master, you are too strong. I didn't expect that even if I try my best, I can't even break through the defense..." You Guanglin said helplessly.

"This is the power of the holy blood." Yun Ye pushed everything to the blood, and he dispersed his life force, "How is your brother? It's been a year."

"Although it is dangerous outside the city, it does allow people to grow quickly. My brother's strength now far exceeds mine. Perhaps only the young master can defeat him." You Guanglin actually didn't think Yun Ye could defeat his brother. The difference after a bloody battle, Just staying in the ivory tower is insurmountable.

"I see, then keep working hard and get qualified to participate in the trial as soon as possible." Yun Ye nodded.

"Please rest assured, young master, I will try my best!" You Guanglin looked solemn, without any of the silence he had when he was a child.

"It's my turn, young master, do you want to rest?!" Li Xiaoxian suddenly intervened in the conversation and waved to the two of them from a distance.

You Guanglin immediately dodged a hundred meters away and said: "Dealing with my young master won't consume much physical strength. Xiaoxian, don't be too arrogant."

"Let's get started." Yun Ye said.


The corners of Li Xiaoxian's mouth raised, and she smiled happily. Three-color textures burst out on her forehead, with gold, red, and green complementing each other.

next moment.

The surface of the lake was rippled with waves, and gilded water plants suddenly shot up from the bottom of the lake, forming an all-round attack with no blind spots in a blink of an eye.

The three attributes are combined into one, the metal element enhances the sharpness, the fire element enhances the thrust speed, and the wood root control enhances the water plants that can be seen everywhere in the lake.

This is not a triple spiritual method, but a combined spiritual method. It is just a simple superposition of power, with the feeling of 10+10+10=30, so the difficulty of mastering it is extremely low compared to the triple spiritual method.

Of course, although the difficulty is low, it is still not something that ordinary people can learn at the age of nine, especially now that the aura is not visible and the moves are purely based on life force.

Yun Ye circulated his life force, so that his physical fitness increased sharply, and he easily kept up with the attack speed of the gold-plated water plant. He took a few steps, but did not use brute force to tear it apart, but directly injected his life force into the gold-plated water plant. In an instant, his control was reversed.

Instead, the gilded waterweed turned around and attacked Li Xiaoxian.

Li Xiaoxian has encountered this situation many times, and she is not surprised. She concentrates on controlling more gold-plated water plants to attack.

These frailties are many times stronger than steel under the control of water plants. They are constantly colliding, tearing and canceling out in the air. The confrontation is thrilling and thrilling. Missing a moment can lead to being penetrated on the spot.

But it was no surprise that Li Xiaoxian was at an overwhelming disadvantage. Even if Yun Ye let go, her space for movement would be quickly reduced.

In the end, a waterweed penetrated Li Xiaoxian like a spear, pushing her into the water, and the winner was determined.

A few seconds later, Li Xiaoxian climbed up, cut off the waterweed with his hand, and then pulled out the waterweed from his body.

She barely bled and the wound healed on its own.

"It seems that I have almost reached the critical point. If I continue, it will be difficult to improve. I can't keep up with the young master's pace at all."

Li Xiaoxian pressed his abdomen and could still feel some phantom pain.

"You have done your best to train your body and hone your skills. Defeating many opponents is enough to prove it. As long as you enter the Inner City Holy Department, you will make progress at a speed far beyond ordinary people. Before that, just concentrate on polishing. "

Yun Ye said.


The two said in unison.

Yun Ye returned to the Patriarch's mansion. As soon as he got close, the girl in costume sitting on the garden bench stood up and said, "Brother, do you still plan to stay at home? Only by entering the Holy Ministry in the inner city can you further improve. , Use your talents! Didn’t my mother say that my brother’s talents far exceed mine? Why are you still staying there when I have already entered the Holy Ministry?”

Shui Wuge is wearing a pure white princess dress, which is divine and lovely.

A pearl necklace hung on her chest, and a key-shaped crystal was attached to her fair chest. As she spoke, she held the necklace in her right hand, as if she wanted to tear it off on the spot.

"I still have doubts about the Inner City Holy Ministry. You don't need to care about my choice. Or, Wuge, do you want to have a showdown with me?"

Yun Ye said.

"No..." Shui Wuge subconsciously objected, but immediately she waved her right hand and said decisively: "No, I really want my brother to enter the Inner City Holy Club and compete with me on the same stage. Without my brother, even if I win everything Man, I still feel uneasy!”

"You can fight anywhere. If you want me to defeat you right here, that's fine with me. Even if you enter the Inner City Holy Ministry, you can't be my opponent." Yun Ye said.

He wanted to solve the problem once and for all, so he told Shui Wuge without any secret that she could not be his opponent.

"It's so unfair. I'm already much stronger than before. If my brother doesn't join the Holy Ministry, I won't have the joy of victory."

Shui Wuge laughed, she said it tactfully.

Only by entering the Inner City Holy Ministry can you understand how terrifying the increase in strength here is.

Compared with the past, she was not improved several times, but a leap of thousands or tens of thousands of times.

Although her elder brother's fighting ability was strong and had been overwhelming her a few years ago, it was meaningless when his strength was absolutely crushed.

Of course, as a gentle sister, she would not tell such cruel facts.

When he enters the Inner City Holy Ministry, his brother will understand what she means. When the time comes, he doesn’t know how he will react when he recalls the present moment. ——A little bit more looking forward to it.

"Brother, you are wasting your future."

Shui Wuge didn't expect her talk to have any effect, so she raised her hand, blue light gathered, and a water ball condensed in the palm of her hand.

Although it is just a water ball, the energy and destructive power contained in it cannot be explained by common sense.


The water ball flew out, expanded suddenly, and shot directly towards Yun Ye along the ground surface. Its control was so exquisite that the ground was not damaged in any way.

All the power was concentrated on Yun Ye.

After doing all this, Shui Wuge walked towards the gate of the mansion without looking back and gradually disappeared.

She knew very well that the destructive power of this blow would probably make the current elder brother unable to fight back, but she was not willing to watch this scene.

"I hope my brother can wake up soon. Even if you are a saint, you have no time to waste, especially... you are my brother."


What she didn't see was that after the smoke cleared, Yun Ye was unscathed and the water ball was easily resisted by him.

In the smoke, Yun Ye looked at Shui Wuge's back with his multi-colored pupils, thinking a lot in his heart.

"With this kind of improvement, is Wuge really just in the mortal realm?"

"It seems that this so-called Inner City Holy Ministry has some secret existence that I don't know about. Perhaps it will be the source of this city's anomalies..."

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