A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 454 A sudden increase in strength

Li Xiaoxian and You Guanglin did not hesitate for a moment. Even if it was their first time participating in the battle, they showed strong adaptability.

Directly following Yun Ye's charge into the wave of disaster beasts, various extreme spiritual techniques broke out to fight.

With Yun Ye training, their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary outsiders. What's more, they are recognized by Yun Ye because of their extraordinary talents. They are also outstanding among the spiritual tribe, but some "ordinary level" disaster beasts cannot defeat them.

With extremely spiritual methods to increase their strength and powerful spiritual equipment, they had no problem solving the zombies in the second level of Yun Ye's previous trial.

Speaking of which...

The extremely spiritual method is not taught by Yun Ye, but is the common knowledge of the spiritual saints.

After two hundred years, there are basically no secrets in the Extreme Spiritual Technique. It is mastered by the upper echelons of the East King City. The Supreme Spiritual Technique is definitely a major contributor to the fact that the outsiders can increase their strength to the present level without practicing spiritual techniques.

Three people took action.

Li Jianbing and Shui Wuge just watched.

But the efficiency was actually very high. In just a few hours, new beasts gradually stopped coming, and the cleaning task was successfully completed.

Yun Ye jumped back to the city wall. In just a few hours, he completed a transformation, and his strength increased by 50% in all directions. This was simply more efficient than swallowing the best elixir!

Before, his divine and physical skills were around the mid-stage of Xiaocheng, but now he has reached the late stage of Xiaoqiang. If he continues like this for more than ten days, he will be able to complete the mortal realm and break through to the spiritual realm!

What's more, you will get points for completing tasks, and the treasures of heaven and earth can also improve your physical and divine skills, which will probably be faster than expected.

"Brother, your strength has grown..."

Shui Wuge looked surprised and waved his hand. The surrounding water mist filled the air, cutting off sound and consciousness, and Li Jianbing and others were not allowed to listen.


Yun Ye looked at her.

"You've become so much stronger, I can clearly feel your changes!"

"Although the foreigners did become stronger quickly at first, it wasn't that fast. Your way of becoming stronger seems to be different from ours?"

Shui Wuge said, "I can notice it, and I'm afraid others can too. It's very eye-catching and will make the sisters covet it."

"There are different ways to become stronger? I see, what about this?"

Yun Ye used his secret technique to restrain the fluctuations of physical body and spiritual consciousness, preventing his own realm from being discovered.


"It seems that my brother has really discovered a different way to become stronger. Well, you don't have to tell me. I don't have the confidence to keep it a secret."

Shui Wuge nodded after feeling it again.

"Indeed, I will learn it again when I have the opportunity in the future. There is no rush anyway."

Yun Ye nodded. The method was obviously deliberately erased. He could hide it perfectly, but Shui Wuge couldn't. If it was exposed, it would be a big problem.

"Well, the mission has basically been completed. Let's go back. It will be very tiring to stay dressed for a long time in the early stage."

Shui Wuge said.

"You guys go back first, I want to stay a little longer."

Yun Ye shook his head.

"...Brother, although one month is indeed very urgent, being too anxious will only make things worse. I am not joking. Using the Holy Clothes for a long time will cause the body to collapse. By then, one month may not be enough to recover."

Shui Wuge became serious.

"As long as you grow fast enough, Collapse won't be able to catch up with me. Wu Ge, you can go back first, or you can follow me."

Yun Ye said.

"...Then follow."

Shui Wuge said.

"If you can't hold it any longer, go back first, or you can just stay on the city wall."

Yun Ye nodded, and then said to Li Xiaoxian and You Guanglin.

"Thank you for your strength, Master. I wanted to lie down in such a short time. It is indeed a bit tiring to use the spiritual equipment. But as long as I use it more, I believe I will adapt to it, and I can continue to assist the Master!"

Li Xiaoxian smiled.

"I will work hard too."

You Guanglin said, after saluting, he returned to the barrier with Li Xiaoxian and Li Jianbing.

"Set off."

Yun Ye and Shui Wu Ge disappeared into the city wall, crossing the darkness at an alarming speed and going deep into it.


here we go!

Within the boundary of East King City.

In the deserted wilderness, a man and a woman looked at each other from a distance.

"It would be too hasty to start on the first day."

the woman said.

"Shui Changdong provokes us, isn't it just to make us take action?"

the man answered.

"I feel it's more about arrogance, so I can't let you pass. It would be a pity for such a super genius to die before he has grown up."

said the woman.

"It's great to be the son of the head of the family. Someone can interfere at all times. If it were the spirit clan, no one would care about it at all, and he would be dead long ago, right?"

The man sighed.

"We Spirit Races generally don't have Saint Races sending people to assassinate us. If you think about it carefully, are we worthy?"

The woman chuckled.

"You talk so much about whether you are worthy or not, are you a beast?"

The man suddenly took action, thunder and lightning penetrated the wilderness, dark clouds appeared out of thin air, and the scenery of the world was immediately changed.

The woman also smiled and took action, a white star ring emerged, and the terrifying power that tore apart the world gathered into one body, and she fought against the thunder with her bare hands.

"Haha, it seems that others have also been stopped. The envoy is really paying attention to this child!"

"Don't worry, the miscellaneous fish will slip through. And you also know that this is the son of the envoy. How can you be allowed to assassinate him casually? If you want to kill the son of the envoy, first prepare an assassination event that can perfectly bypass us. !”


A great war began.

Yun Ye naturally didn't know that Shui Mingqin had taken the fish he had caught in advance.

He was getting further and further away from Dongwang City, killing people indiscriminately.

He used the five extreme spiritual methods as if they were his arms, reaching the pinnacle. He could turn ordinary disaster beasts into ashes with a wave of his hand, turning them into food for him to become stronger.

And just as he said, as long as he became stronger fast enough, fatigue would not catch up with him.

As a cultivator of the fourth level of perfect spirituality.

Yun Ye's control of power has been superb. He can let energy directly penetrate the gap between matter and spiritual power into his body, so no matter whether it is pupil technique or repulsion, it will be directly shattered upon contact.

Therefore, every bit of Yun Ye's power can cause hundreds of thousands of times the effect, and there is no such thing as exhausting power. Every time he kills an enemy, the power consumed is far less than the power increased, achieving a situation similar to a perpetual motion machine.

"At the beginning of the fourth stage, I can transform one force into ten thousand. After going through the three stages of no damage, concentration, and dispersion, I have reached perfection. Now, every bit of my strength can probably form a million times the effect. It is really an exaggerated state. If it were not for the reform of the professional system, I am afraid that I would not be able to reach this state in five thousand years."

The five-color spiritual power in Yun Ye's hand circulated, and it dissipated as he clenched his fist.

Most combat professions choose to improve spiritual control, so they also have a leap-forward understanding of how to improve spiritual control. By the late Mingri Kingdom, the top batch of cultivators have been able to enter the subtle realm, and even borrowed light to reach the middle stage of the fourth stage and obtain the "concentration" characteristic.

At the beginning of the fourth stage, no damage, the spiritual power flows without damage, so that the spiritual power can be controlled at will until it is completely consumed.

In the middle of the fourth stage, concentration, the spiritual power gathers into a point, allowing the power to be concentrated and exploded, forming a destructive penetration.

At the high fourth stage, dispersion, the spiritual power spreads into a sphere, and a punch can shatter the surface of a hundred kilometers, dispersing the power to the extreme. Similarly, if it is the enemy's power, it can be dispersed in the same way to invalidate it.

The fourth level is about attack, and the fourth level is about defense. Once these two are achieved and perfectly integrated, one will enter the stage of fourth level perfection.

After Yun Ye reached the fourth level perfection, he felt that there was no further progress and no way forward. Otherwise, he might really achieve the achievement of a single spiritual root in the mortal realm to kill the magic realm.

"Not enough, this power is far from enough."

The black lines on the surface of Yun Ye's holy clothes flowed and gathered on the back. Something seemed to break out of the cocoon, and the single wing suddenly spread out.

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