A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 455 The Adaptation Stage of Holy Clothes

"This is?"

Yun Ye suddenly realized that he had absorbed more energy, and immediately realized that there had been a change in the holy clothing.

Black smoke wings?

"It seems that my brother's adaptability to holy clothing has been upgraded to a new stage. However, as the strength increases, the burden will also increase. Brother has not yet entered the permanent form. It is best not to use the wings in non-important battles to reduce stress."

Shui Wuge said, and then she reacted, "Oh, by the way, generally speaking, the initial form of the holy dress is called the original form. This is the form in which the holy dress consumes the least and has the lowest power. It just adapts to the user's power increase. Yes The stage with the least ability to use holy equipment.”

"When there are changes like wings, it is an awakened form, and when this awakening is permanently solidified and there is no need to consider the physical burden, it is a permanent form. In fact, there are changes above, which will gradually release all the power of the holy suit. It’s just that I can’t do it anymore. It’s already my limit to maintain a constant state.”

"Hey, it took me two months to complete the awakening. I didn't expect that my brother would wake up without even needing a day. No wonder I can pass the third test."

"If you want to quickly improve its fitness, you can try to analyze its structure. Forcibly controlling it is very slow." Yun Ye said.

"Analyzing the structure... the holy clothing is too complicated for me to understand."

Shui Wuge was helpless.

If she could, she would have done it earlier, but her ability was really limited. No one in the East King City taught her about making spiritual equipment. She didn't know where it came from, so she could only choose to use it or not.

"Yes, it is better to use a method that suits you."

Yun Ye realized that his method could not be replicated and said no more.

On average, Shui Wuge's talent was weaker than that of his fifth life. After five hundred years of accumulation, she had to spend the same amount of time to master it.

"Go on, dance song."

Yun Ye spread his wings behind him and prepared to continue hunting, but as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly looked in a certain direction.

A large number of possibilities flashed through his eyes, and Yun Ye couldn't help but smile.

finally come!

He has been waiting for a long time!

"What's wrong?"

Shui Wuge looked in the direction he was looking, and saw only a deep darkness. All light was swallowed up in the darkness, and even the vision blessed by the holy clothing could not penetrate too far.

"The assassins are coming."

Yun Ye said.

And it wasn't far away, and when he noticed it, they had no room to escape.

In this era, the secrets of heaven are still chaotic, and the power of predicting causal lines is still very weak. The only way to capture mental fluctuations is with the nine-life divine method.

In this life, he did not practice any kind of divine method or physical method in the past, including the nine-life divine method, so the effect of the divine method did not reach the extreme.

If it weren't for the Book of Reincarnation's Nine-Life Divine Law Ceremony, which could amplify the magic, he might not be able to react until someone is in front of him.

"There was an assassination on the first day, and my mother cared too much about my brother. Is she so sure that my brother can overcome obstacles?!"

Shui Wuge's face looked a little ugly.

As the son of a royal envoy, she naturally has someone to protect her, and her guardian will protect her even if he sacrifices his life.

But there is only one exception, and that is the enemies Suimingqin allows.

This chosen enemy is a trial, and you will die if you cannot overcome it.

Her first trial was experienced after two months of training, and it was also during that life-and-death crisis that she completed the awakening of the Holy Clothes.

My brother actually had to go through this kind of trial on his first day...

This is too cruel!

"What does it matter? The sky of the world has been shrouded in darkness. Without the ability to transcend everything, what's the point of living?"

"That's what I asked for!"

A fire burned in Yun Ye's heart that he had not seen for a long time. When the Tomorrow Kingdom was in power, he thought too much as a leader and almost lost his emotions and motivation.

But in a new life, everything starts over, and he is still the angry young man who swallows thousands of miles like a tiger!

"Well said, if you don't overcome despair, what's the point of living? I've been struggling with this problem for so many years..."

"Shui Changdong!"

A sword suddenly spanned dozens of miles, and the light of the sword dilated Yun Ye's pupils, illuminating the darkness.

A man in golden spiritual clothes slashed at him with a sword, and golden light burst out, showing countless golden rays of light, which seemed to be fixed and converging on the sword in his hand!

All of this gives people a strong sense of danger, which must not be underestimated.

"Brother, this is Second Sister's subordinate, who is good at the Golden Fire Spiritual Technique!"

Shui Wuge's consciousness warned in advance.

"Everything is silent!"

As soon as Yun Ye raised his hand, the gray world spread.

The huge golden light cut through the gray world, and its destructive power cut through the gray world for a moment, but in the end it was suppressed step by step, leaving no room for development.

"The extremely spiritual method of water and fire...can you just restrain me?"

The man in golden spiritual clothing took advantage of the fact that he was not completely surrounded and retreated suddenly, out of the attack range of Silence of All Things.

His strongest spiritual power lies in a single point of breakthrough. But the destructive power of the knife is strong, but the destructive power of other areas is weak. In addition, the spiritual power attributes just restrain him, and there is a damage bonus. Once he breaks through forcefully, he may go as far as Half of the knife was still swinging, but the body was already frozen.


The man glanced at his spiritual sword. There were cracks invisible to the naked eye on its surface. After just one confrontation, his sword was about to break.

"What a terrifying control power. Do we need to expend more power to protect it?"

The man raised his head and looked at Yun Ye, and the sight under his spiritual suit seemed to be like a knife, which was painful.

"How dare I provoke you if I don't have any strength?"

Yun Ye once again spread out his black wings behind his back, his figure disappeared, and he suddenly accelerated towards the man.

Although it has gone a lot deeper, the spiritual energy here is still extremely thin. It is impossible to use spiritual methods on a large scale. If you want to fight, you still have to close the distance.

"It's not good to be too proud. Do you want to seek death by approaching me?"

The golden-armored man suddenly erupted with a white glow that wrapped around his body, and rushed directly in front of Yun Ye despite the silence of all things. As long as the distance was short enough, he could still withstand it.

After all, monks have three methods, and the spiritual root method that lacks spiritual energy is not the strongest in this era.

Yun Ye smiled and gathered the extremely compressed power of silence in his hands, condensing it into a glow.

This glow followed his arm from top to bottom.

At the same time, the man in golden armor also slashed with all his strength.

The two blades did not meet. At this moment, the man in golden armor did not even hesitate at all. Instead of avoiding it, he exploded with even greater power!

The entire golden armor seemed to be burning and entering a state of awakening!

In this desperate era, what can we do to survive?

It's just a difference between dying early and dying later, why not just use it to bury the super genius of the Saint Clan!

With both divine and physical skills fully activated, the golden-armored man focused all his attention on the dual spiritual method of gold and fire, injecting a steady stream of vitality into it!

"Immortal - Cutting Sword!"

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