A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 456 The Assassin on the First Day

The Immortal Slash Sword is a light.

The particles are rapidly gushing out, and the entire sword body is transformed into high-speed flowing particles. Under this spiritual method, all matter will be cut open!

If it is a mutual cut, he is more confident to kill the enemy!

"Nine Life Divine Method - Heaven's Law Preset!"

Yun Ye did not dodge or avoid, and swung his arm down, and with one slash, he directly cut the golden armor, and blood spurted out.

At the same time, the man in golden armor slashed Yun Ye with a sword, and the surface spiritual defense was immediately destroyed, but when it touched the holy suit, although it was slashed, its destructive power suddenly exploded in the distance.



At the moment when the holy suit was cut open, the man in golden armor knew that it was impossible to do anything, and suddenly retreated. Although there were blood splashing everywhere, it was only a minor injury.

He immediately wrapped his life force around the armor, gave it vitality, and healed the armor in an instant.

He looked at Yun Ye solemnly, in doubt.

He obviously hit someone, and the feeling was very real, but why did the power explode in the distance and didn't hurt Shui Changdong at all? What happened just now?

"Is this a divine method? Brother, has the future been fixed?"

Aside, Shui Wuge opened her mouth slightly, and she communicated with Yun Ye through her spiritual consciousness.

"As expected of a genius of divine methods, I saw the possibility that he and I would perish together, so I changed the possibility and fixed his future to be a sure hit."

Yun Ye took advantage of the victory and launched the Heavenly Principle Preset again. His spiritual consciousness exploded and turned his own attack into a sure hit.

He could feel that it was much easier to launch the Heavenly Principle Preset against this golden armored man than the Xuan Realm, which might be because of the realm.

Although the golden armored man was very powerful, probably the deputy captain of the third team, with the strength beyond the great disaster, his own realm was just a mortal, and the strongest part was just having a spiritual body. He did not have energy meridians, let alone spiritual meridians, to completely merge his own method with the spiritual body.

The reason why the realm is a realm is because it involves all-round evolution!

If you don't improve the realm, but only improve the strength, then it's just some numbers.

No matter how strong the physical strength is, even if you can directly pinch out a black hole, you can't break through the space.

However, if you improve your realm and control your strength, you can master the ethereal method in the mortal period, and it is no problem to shuttle through space and tear space.

Yun Ye slashed with a hand knife, and the golden armor man felt that he could not avoid it. He frowned, and the spiritual knife in his hand and the armor were integrated, emitting brilliant golden light, entering the awakening state. He slashed with a knife, and the power that was amplified again formed a destructive golden light, forcibly confronting Yun Ye.

But the result was no different. The power that was not compressed enough was like a piece of paper encountering an iron needle. It was pierced or cut in an instant.

The power of the golden armor man only hindered Yun Ye for a moment. The next second he was almost split in two, and blood was gushing out.

"It shouldn't be. Usually, we, the deputy captains, suppress the opponent's power with overwhelming force. When can we change our position so easily..."

The golden armor man barely avoided the vital point, and at this moment used the forbidden technique, suddenly decomposing and reorganizing again, and the injury instantly returned to normal.

This move was very costly, and the strength of the physique was permanently reduced by a large amount. It might be difficult to use it a second time.

He took this opportunity to retreat again and again and left the dangerous area.

Looking at the black-patterned white-armored man in the darkness ahead, the man in golden armor fell into deep thought, puzzled by his strength.

There is a saying that goes, one force breaks all methods!

He used this sentence to start his evaluation of the newcomers' fancy operations, because the fact is that as a deputy captain, his power is extremely huge, no matter what fancy skills, he can crush them, on this basis, various abilities and skills have room to play.

There is no doubt that the most important thing for an outsider is the hunting level. Only when the hunting level is high enough and the basic strength is strong enough, can he be invincible and reach the level of deputy captain!

But the reality is too absurd. In front of this child, all judgments are useless.

He can clearly feel that this eight-year-old child named Shui Changdong is not as good as him in terms of physique and life force. There is a huge difference, but this child can completely disintegrate his spiritual method and body method with a casual blow.

How did he do it?

"This unparalleled control can actually suppress the deputy captain of the Holy Department. It's incredible..." Shui Wuge observed something through her spiritual sense and was amazed. She realized that her brother's strength might be enough to easily get rid of the deputy captain, and there were still a lot of trump cards that had not been used. "Don't you have any other means? The deputy captain of the Holy Department is only at this level?" Yun Ye stood in the sky and looked down at the man in golden armor. If this is true, then he should be thankful, because the difficulty of the challenges he will face in the future will be greatly reduced. "A newcomer who has just entered the Holy Department has already reached the level of the deputy captain. You are really amazing. It's really an overwhelming talent gap that makes people despair. If you are given a few more years... No, it only takes a few months, you can leave me far behind. God is really unfair. You saints can always easily gain power." The man in golden armor pressed his chest, and white cracks spread. His armor shape was changing explosively. The golden armor continued to spread sharp blades, which wrapped him and finally exploded, forming a silver-white armor. Originally, his awakened form did not have wings, but this time he had them. They were silver wings that spread out over ten meters and were extremely gorgeous.

"It's the sublimation form! He hasn't completed the constant state yet. Entering the sublimation state ahead of time means burning vitality, but these side effects are not worth mentioning compared to the power gained! In the sublimation state, the spiritual suit will be completely liberated, and the power will burst out in the form of extreme squeezing performance, which can make the user's strength soar straight up!" Shui Wuge said, and the wings behind her absorbed the spiritual power of heaven and earth and entered the combat state. In the sublimation form, both speed and strength will be explosively enhanced. If you are not careful, you will be killed instantly. Even if she is watching the battle, she must concentrate. "The armor strength is increased by seven times, the power speed is twelve times, and the vitality output efficiency is also completely liberated. It can be used up in one breath. It is indeed an all-round evolution..." Yun Ye's thoughts flashed through his mind, and he also became serious. The divine method and the physical method were activated at the same time, and the body and spirit were amplified at the same time. "Boom!" The man in golden armor didn't waste any words. He stepped out of the air explosion and disappeared on the spot. With the sudden increase in strength, he had no spare energy to restrain his strength. Originally, even if he exceeded the speed of sound by unknown times, he would not splash waves, but now it is not possible. With this step, he entered a state of super speed, and everything flew by, which could be called teleportation.

"It's feasible. Shui Changdong can't keep up with my current speed..."

He thought he was already at his fastest.

But unfortunately, under Yun Ye's vision, all his movements were infinitely slowed down. Yun Ye's spiritual eyes were not for show, nor were the fourth-order high control of the divine and physical methods. The speed of a life in the material world could not exceed his observation ability.

Counting down.

Yun Ye silently used the Nine Lives Divine Method to calculate, looking for the cause and effect line, to change the possibility, and modify the result to what he needed.

The man in golden armor raised his hand, and the silver wings behind him disintegrated and turned into a brand-new weapon, which was far more powerful than before, and had a larger range of interference. A large number of sword bodies shot out together and worked together to kill.

But there is a saying.

You clicked the soldier.


The game is over.


All the swords passed through Yun Ye and hit the ground, causing devastating damage to the map, but Yun Ye himself passed through intact and directly grasped the heart of the man in golden armor.


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