A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 462 Nine deaths and nine lives can bring chaos to the world

"Supernatural power, blood moon is coming."

Shui Wuge raised his head and saw the dark clouds receding and the blood moon rising in the sky. This blood moon was strange and uncomfortable, but it was better than the sky of eternal darkness.

"It can teleport within the range of its magical power, so be careful."

Yun Ye's eyes flashed with colors.


Shui Wuge nodded, unfolded the seven wings behind her, and flew into the sky. At the same time, the world that belonged to her descended, and the hazy anti-world began to suppress the arrival of the blood moon.

Since the opponent also had space capabilities, Shui Wuge did not enter the counter-realm, but directly used the counter-realm divine method to offset the power of the blood moon.

After finishing these things, Shui Wuge activated the magic method again and entered the charging state.

Yun Ye nodded, and the colorful circle in his hand suddenly erupted to reflect the virtual world in the sky, further blocking the power of the blood moon's magical power.

Feitian Zhan looked at the two of them and frowned a little. It was actually quite intelligent, so it could naturally feel that its own domain was being suppressed by the two of them.

I met two humans who mastered half of the field at once. Is there a human territory here?

"You are so weak, how dare you challenge me?"

It raised its hand, and the demonic power condensed, slapping down like a wave, and in an instant it enveloped the sky above the two of them.

"Array up!"

Yun Ye cast the magic spell, and the barrier rose to counteract the wave of demonic energy. However, the cracks appeared in a blink of an eye, which was far inferior to Feitian Zhan's casual attack.

He frowned a little. The characteristics of Daitian Xingzhen and Zhuanyin Eternal Silence were too obvious. In this life, he would try not to use the power of Ming Weiyang in his previous life.

For example, in the Dai Tianxing Formation, he only uses the most basic Eight Directions Formation, and will not enter the state of power where all the power is gathered together. Because of this, his strength is much weaker, but it is stronger than the ordinary formation.

Seeing that the demon power was ineffective, Feitian Zong stretched out his hand, and a deeper death energy emerged and gathered into a sphere.


The sphere shot out, and everything in its path withered. It was not easy to mess with at first sight. Shui Wuge also felt a strong sense of danger and immediately stayed away.

But she was surprised to find that no matter how far away she was, the sense of fatal danger still did not disappear.

After nine deaths, Feitianzhang mastered the method of using death energy. This is a mysterious magical power that can instantly kill all monks who have not been exposed to mysterious magic.

However, both people present have holy blood. This is the inheritance of real people's blood, and naturally they have means to deal with mysterious magic.

"Dance and song, sublimated form!"

"Permissions are liberated and we enter the unrestricted stage!"

"Sublimated form·Good God Transformation!"

Shui Wuge's right hand suddenly slashed through the air, the door to space opened, and a beam of light was injected into the forehead of the holy suit, and the authority was released.

The armor changed drastically, and white light spread from her head, changing part of her form. At the same time, the cracked white light turned into patterns and fixed on the armor. She temporarily gained the power to resist the mysterious method.

The water-colored wings flapped, and the water light fought against the death energy. Although she was still crushed and destroyed, she had room to escape and did not die instantly.

Good Divine Transformation is the most suitable and strongest ability to tap the source of bloodline, and it is naturally impossible for the bloodline of the saints to be without the power of the mysterious realm.

To a certain extent, neither Yun Ye nor Shui Wu Ge woke up completely.

The Good God Transformation itself is a Dharma Realm method, and it is difficult for low-level monks to bear it.

Yun Ye once used the Evil King Transformation to wake up only one pair of eyes, leaving the rest of his body unchanged, but even so, he was still exhausted and fell down.

The same goes for Shui Wuge. Although his physical strength is higher than that of Yun Ye, he is not a semi-energy body in the legal realm and cannot fully unleash the power of the Good God Transformation.

This is also the reason why the golden-armored man who assassinated Yun Ye before used his sublimation state to greatly lose his lifespan.

"After practicing this skill, I haven't really fought with all my strength, so let me test the sword with you."

Yun Ye saw that Shui Wuge couldn't resist the death aura, and he didn't hesitate to use his strength. He opened the door to space and punched out.

Under the blessing of the rainbow ring, even Feitian Zhan felt the danger. It suddenly tilted its head to avoid the punch and no longer maintained the explosion of death energy. But before it had time to do anything, the shining light exploded!


"A mere human being is not dead?"

The explosive power of Feitian Zheng shredded Yang Xing, his eyes burned with anger and murderous intent, and he flapped his bone wings behind his back and disappeared from the place.

The next second, Feitian Zhan unexpectedly appeared a thousand meters away.

It was originally able to teleport anywhere within the Blood Moon range, but now its distance has been reduced. If it wants to go further, it can only use a lot of power to break it.

"A mere human..."

Feitianzong flapped its wings and flew into the sky, approaching Yunye at absolute speed, but Yunye waved his hand, and the space was stretched, and its speed advantage was weakened.

Immediately afterwards, its body stagnated and was controlled by divine magic for an instant——

Another little human girl?


The rainbow ring turned into thunder, suppressing Feitian Zong's head with absolute attributes, and every inch of his body was annihilated.

There is no doubt that at Yun Ye's level, his grasp of the battle situation has reached its peak, and he can accurately grasp any moment.

But the battle is far from over.

The moonlight fell.

Feitian Zhan was reborn in the blink of an eye, and his aura was even a bit terrifying.

It looked at Yun Ye with a somewhat terrifying look: "Even my invincible body can easily penetrate even the spiritual realm. I really deserve to be killed!"

"Resurrection out of thin air? Nine deaths and nine lives can bring chaos to the world. It seems to be true."

Yun Ye narrowed his eyes, letting Feitian freeze into chaos, so there would be no need to fight!

This kind of demon with its subordinates everywhere in the world is not simple, and its bloodline becomes stronger as it evolves.

At the level of Feitianzhang, just the grievances of some ordinary people can create extraordinary disasters.

If the carrier is a monk with a higher realm, he may be able to enter a catastrophic realm as soon as he is born, which ordinary demons cannot reach after hundreds of years of cultivation.

And as far as the current feeling is concerned, this Catastrophe Realm can fight against Xuan Realm monks and troubled demons just like human geniuses.

If he is allowed to enter the mysterious realm, or the chaotic world level of demons, it will be extremely difficult to deal with. Even if he has reached the spiritual realm now, he may not be able to kill him. Now he does not have a super formation to help him, and even tomorrow is temporary It can't be recalled, and it's too difficult to fight beyond two levels.

"How to solve the nine lives and nine deaths, you can only find out for yourself!"

Yun Ye suddenly entered the evil king transformation state.

For a moment, the holy outfit was about to evolve, but he suppressed it. The sublimated form consumes too much vitality and is unnecessary.

Wrapped with blood-colored ribbons, Yun Ye's eyes finally opened up to the final form of the seven colors. For a while, Feitianzhuang could not stop the pair of insights.

He saw that Feitian Zombie was entangled between life and death, and that higher levels were constantly projecting its information, so that it could be constantly resurrected.

It was some kind of yin-yang spiritual method that separated the soul from the body. Every time Yun Ye killed only the body, the soul was not destroyed.

Of course, it is useless to simply destroy the soul. The body will automatically regenerate the soul. For dead people like Feitian Zhan, the meaning of the soul is far less than that of humans. It is only one of the elements that constitute their lives and is not essential.

They must be destroyed at the same time!

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