A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 463 Infinite Circle and Yin-Yang Millstone

"Where is the soul? Is it a special dimension similar to Xuantian?"

"If you practice Xuanjing to the extreme, you can hide in Xuantian and control the energy clone to fight, but once you exert force, your position will be exposed!"

"This flying zombie will not be exposed in battle. It should be that the energy and the location of the soul are not synchronized. Is it controlled remotely by the connection of Yin and Yang spiritual method?"

Yun Ye activated the Nine Life Divine Method to trace the true life of the flying zombie.


The flying zombie also felt the danger. Its fangs grew out. It entered the state of true body magic. With a shake of its bone wings, the earth of dozens of miles exploded directly.

It didn't think that this alone could kill the opponent. It rushed to Yun Ye's location and punched him.


Yun Ye punched him directly, directly using at least 30% of his own life force and spiritual power. The rainbow ring evolved into a variety of spiritual methods, and finally turned into a thunder.

This is the extreme spiritual zodiac that restrains the flying zombie, with absolute suppression!

Even so, Yun Ye was still shaken away. The holy clothes squeaked and could not bear the great power of the flying zombie.

Under the Blood Moon Domain, the Flying Zombie can obtain the power of pulling up mountains, and has an overwhelming advantage in the same realm. With its amazing dead energy, it is definitely not a weakling.

On the other hand, although Yun Ye has walked out of the absolute spiritual line, the concentration of spiritual energy is still very low. Even if there is life force converted into spiritual energy, there is an overwhelming gap. The fact that he can contend with the undefeated is that the extreme spiritual thunder is too restrained.

"Into the subtle, huh..."

The Flying Zombie shook his hands, and the bright red in his eyes further surged, catching up with Yun Ye again.

It inherited memory and knowledge, and its understanding of humans is far beyond imagination, and even knows what skills Yun Ye used.

In fact, its control is not weak either. It has reached the third level of perfection, and is not far from the fourth level. The suppression of the fourth level cannot make up for the amazing body it has obtained through killing.

The Great Disaster Realm plus the amazing body and soul obtained by killing, its strength is far beyond Yun Ye's expectations.


Shui Wu Ge burst out with all her strength again, and used the strongest move in the sublimated state of the holy suit, "Water Color Paradise!"

The dreamy illusion unfolds!

Enveloping the Flying Zombie.

However, Feitian Zombie has entered the state of true body and supernatural power. Its realm is much higher than Shui Wuge. The illusion is completely ineffective. Even if it just glanced at it, Shui Wuge groaned and fell from the sky. In order to defend against this attack, the holy clothes were cracked.

The gap between the deputy captain level and the captain level is indeed too big. It can almost kill instantly, and the sublimation form cannot make up for it.

A puppet appeared on the ground and took Shui Wuge away.

The next battlefield is not something she can participate in.

"Nine deaths and nine lives can cause chaos in the world. No wonder everyone says that once Feitian Zombie appears in the world, if it is not eradicated as soon as possible, the world will be in chaos. Even complete crushing can't kill you. It seems that we can only slowly find the source of your life."

Yun Ye spoke.

"Chaos in the world? That's for you humans. My race does not kill demons, but only eats people. It can be said to be the right way!"

"If there were not so many humans to eat in this era, I would have stepped into a higher realm long ago. Why should I suffer the pain of thunder punishment here!"

Feitian Zombie said coldly.

"Is there still a heavenly tribulation in the world?"

Yun Ye narrowed his eyes.

"Foolish words! The 'zombie' you are talking about is born from the resentment of heaven and earth. It is extremely dark and gloomy. Wherever it passes, it will naturally be accompanied by the extremely bright and yang!"

"Today, let you experience the power of this extremely yang thunder!"

The flying zombie opened his mouth, and the majestic death energy rushed into the sky, piercing through the clouds and covering the sky. The blood moon was hidden because of this, and only the red light could be seen through the dark death energy.

After the black gas covered the sky, Yun Ye frowned. This looks like... dark clouds?


The next moment, the lightning snake moved in the clouds and gathered into a golden light hole in the center.

A beam of light like a thunder dragon suddenly hit Yun Ye.

"Open the door!"

Yun Ye subconsciously activated the ethereal method, and the thunder passed through, but the space splashed ripples and continued to intensify.

He immediately knew that the ethereal method alone could not completely defend against this move. The opponent's energy quality was too high. Although it was not a space attribute, it had also changed to the point where it could affect the space spirit method.

Even if Yun Ye did not have the perfect control of the fourth level, which could dissolve the attack to the greatest extent, he would probably be killed as soon as he came into contact.

To some extent, Jin Long was right. Each realm is a qualitative change. Conceptually, a powerful spiritual method may still work if it crosses one realm, but after crossing two realms, the power brought by the realm is enough to cover up the gap in the spiritual method level.

The ethereal method can only be used in the realm of law and below. Even the genius of the realm of law cannot defeat it. It needs to be strong in other aspects.

For example, Yun Ye's spiritual roots that are close to perfection, the perfect control of the fourth level that has almost reached the end, and the innate power of the evil king transformation...

"Good God Transformation!"

"True Spirit Transformation!"

"Evil King Transformation!"

"Ultimate Evolution Method - Evil Spirit God!"

Yun Ye crossed his arms and opened them suddenly. The rich flames enveloped him. The Dawn Chasing Darkness Saint Suit immediately disintegrated and entered a fully sublimated form.

The fully sublimated form of the Dawn Chasing Darkness Saint Suit decomposed and turned into a soft white robe covering the body. A round of black sun appeared behind him.

Under the shining of the black sun, Yun Ye was revealed floating in the air.

"Has it fully sublimated into a domain?"

Yun Ye could feel that the demonic power around him was separated and could not infect him. This was already the final form of the holy suit. The intense consumption of vitality made Yun Ye frown.

He just has a perfect spiritual realm. The most difficult problem is that the energy reserve is insufficient and there is no time to use it up. Turning on the fully sublimated form will intensify the consumption. He must solve the problem within ten seconds.

"It's just a cub?"

Feitian Zhan saw Yun Ye's true appearance and subconsciously judged that Yun Ye was not an old monster, but a genuine super genius.

As Feitian Zombie, it was bred from extreme anger and resentment, completely different from Ling Zombie. At this moment, it had endless killing intent in its heart!

Kill this cub, absorb its power, and sublime yourself!

And just as the thought arises.

Feitian Zheng suddenly noticed a terrifying force emerging. He suddenly looked at Yun Ye's hands and saw five colors intertwined, and star-like power was being born!

"It's really troublesome. You should advance to the Dharma Realm before you come back. After using this move, your vitality was severely damaged."

The five elements of spiritual power emerged in Yun Ye's hand and seemed to begin to flow. The colors gradually transitioned and turned into a perfect five-color rainbow ring.

The faster the flow speed, the more unstable the entire rainbow ring becomes.

"Stab it..."

Under Yun Ye's senses, the space around the rainbow ring quickly collapsed and converged toward the center, and a star-like brilliance was born.

This is a kind of power that has been condensed to the extreme. It has surpassed the everlasting silence since its birth.

Unfortunately, it is not a transcendence in power, but a transcendence in special attack.

Turning to Yin and Eternal Silence is a special space attack.

And this blow...

Aiming at Feitian Zhan!

Injecting all his strength, Yun Ye won with this blow!

"Infinite circle!"

The rainbow ring spreads and covers the battlefield in a spherical shape.

Feitianzong was horrified. It felt the danger from the depths of its soul. This blow was specifically aimed at it, in order to destroy its immortality!

If it is not blocked, it will really be dead when it dies, and it cannot be resurrected through magical powers!


Feitian Zheng roared, and the massive death energy collided with the thunder. For a moment, cracks appeared all over his body, and it was shattered into pieces by the backlash.

However, a power far beyond Feitian Zheng's control was born!

Yin and yang and life and death are exactly the characteristics of zombies. By practicing yin and yang and reversing life and death, you will become immortal!

Although Feitian Zhan is far from reaching this level, there is still a glimmer of possibility to forcibly use the power of yin and yang, but the price is that the power of nine deaths will be wiped out!

"My clan is invincible! Yin and Yang appear!"

The words fell.

The yin and yang millstone appears and collides with the rainbow ring!

Girl, I've been restless because of Black Myth for the past two days, and I've been writing till late at night. Today, I'm just waiting for Black Myth to release a new trailer. Everyone else is expecting major revelations, so I'll just fast-forward to the release. A chapter version will do, too. , urgent, urgent!

Previously, a certain Penguin invested in game science, and then immediately made an important plan to leave his job, but I can't believe it. Although there are a lot of people talking about conspiracy theories, this is a coincidence, but is Penguin in the clear?

Following my gut, I thought the pill.

Following logic, I still think pills.

Penguin invests in foreign games and does not interfere. Does that mean it wants to not interfere? The key is, is it qualified to intervene? Without the two major channels, Penguin is just a loser in the world. It would be nice to give you the opportunity to spread money, but it still wants to get involved in management. It’s just a dream.

But there is a saying. In China, Penguin is the big brother. Anyone who makes games has to pay tolls. Only a few companies can get around it. Just take a look at what games are available in China.

I just want to ask, why can foreign game studios make good games if they invest in them, but not domestic ones? Is it because of race?

To put it bluntly, after investing, I went to make krypton gold online games and mobile games, and I am good at risk management.

I personally feel that the popular Black Myth has too much potential. To prevent the second Paimon from appearing, invest in it in advance.

I hope this wave is just an investment, and if I really don’t interfere, I’m still waiting for Black Myth to become popular and make a stand-alone game, so the probability of being busted is low.

(I saw a bunch of people under the Black Myth video listing game companies that Penguin invested in to prove that Penguin is an angel. I immediately had high blood pressure. This navy is really good at cleaning. If you don’t pay attention to the logic, you really can’t react...)

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