"There's so much nonsense. It's not like I just made it up on the spur of the moment. Can I let you go just by begging for mercy?"

Yun Ye shook his head slightly.

On the side, Shui Wuge clasped his hands together and activated the holy attire. The illusion enveloped everyone, completely disintegrating their last ability to resist.

A few seconds later, all the 58 people present had removed their spiritual clothes, and stood motionless with their eyes dull.

Yun Ye randomly selected the eight required bodies.

Almost everyone in the Spirit Clan masters the dual spiritual method. With so many candidates, it is naturally impossible not to be able to pick out the eight dual attributes he needs.

"Brother, are you ready to destroy them all?"

Shui Wuge said.

"Hunting disaster beasts only brings a small gain. To really deal with the captain level, you still have to use their lives to make up for it."

"So, just keep a few ordinary members."

Yun Ye waved his hand, and fifty of the fifty-eight people immediately lost their life breath.

At the same time, his strength began to increase exponentially.

The practice of the three major methods follows common sense. Unlimited improvement cannot be achieved, and the body cannot withstand the energy that becomes stronger like a leap.

But the foreigners are different. Hunting can strengthen the body without limit, and even mana-level energy can be withstood by the body alone.

Yun Ye killed a full fifty people, and his body, soul, and spiritual power at the spiritual level all increased to the legal level.

He can even feel that he does not need any sustenance or magic medicine now. As long as he runs the three major evolutionary methods, he can directly advance to the legal realm by awakening the hidden spiritual genes and enter the semi-normal evil spirit god form. If so, , it is really necessary for God to block the God and kill the God and Buddha to block the Buddha.

The surge in power was huge, but Yun Ye easily controlled it without any abnormality.

After looking at it for a long time, Shui Wuge finally came to his senses and said, "Brother, is it over?"


——Clothes lifted!

Yun Ye's holy dress turned into a key, hanging on his waist, and dispersed the space barrier.

"I didn't expect that brother, you planned to destroy the second team from the beginning to gain strength. No wonder you have been irritating them..."

"Furthermore, it takes me a while to adapt to the surge in power just by killing some disaster beasts, but my brother doesn't need it at all."

"I'm afraid the four captains are nothing now. Even if they play some tricks, it's meaningless. The gap has been completely reversed."

Shui Wuge had a complicated expression and also removed her holy attire.

The world is dangerous!

My brother was too cruel, and he quietly set the tone of total annihilation.

"They are indeed nothing to be afraid of, but my target has never been the four captains."

Yun Ye clenched his fist, and five-color air currents flashed past.

Thinking about it carefully, he has never encountered any conspiracy or conspiracy along the way. Everything seems simple and unpretentious.


The simpler, the scarier it is.

The establishment of some countries requires countless intrigues, while the establishment of some dynasties only requires constant massacres.

When power crushes you, no conspiracy or trick will be of any use.

If you want to use a strategy, it means that your strength is not absolute, you have no confidence in yourself, or even if you can win head-on, you will suffer heavy losses.

During the Baishi Town period and the Yuntian Lingzong period, the control over knowledge was actually relatively strict, but the control over resources was only average.

There is not even a censorship organization in Baishi Town, such as Jinyiwei.

There are practical reasons for this.

A single judge can suppress everything and make noise. The judge can find it and destroy it with just one scan of his consciousness, without even splashing.

Although there were various divisions of functions during the Yuntian Lingzong period, they generally had a laissez-faire attitude toward the major spiritual towns. They would only forcibly recruit the heirs of some family heads and plunder some local resources. In essence, it did not matter what the localities did.

Again, what if there are monks in the place who have broken through to the Mysterious Realm? Without super spiritual veins, the road to the Mysterious Realm will only end here. If there is a rebellion, there are people who can suppress it. If you find it troublesome, you can just kill it with a Taoist weapon. , no matter how powerful the super spiritual vein is, it can still explode the power of a real person, and there is no possibility of any hidden dangers.

Under this situation, both Baishi Town and Yuntian Lingzong actually reviewed their internal members very broadly. They did not impose any restrictions, and they did not send anyone to monitor them to see if they were loyal or not.

It's totally unnecessary. Who can jump out?

Not even a super genius!

Is it possible to guard against super geniuses like Yun Ye who are born with knowledge?

Too redundant, a waste of time and energy!

But the East King City is different. The spiritual veins are drained, the knowledge is completely blocked, and it looks like they are afraid of the bottom taking off.

What does this reflect?

Is Dong Wang very wise?


Is he weak?

If it's the latter, you're lucky.

"My fate is A+, all from the blood of real people. Although this is my possibility in itself, it can also be regarded as part of my luck."

"However, there is a huge difference from the ultimate luck bonus. Will Dongwang be that EX-level existence?"

After making a cut, Yun Ye put away the dead people. These were all spare materials. The frost spirit method can be used regardless of whether the person is dead or alive.

As for the only eight people who survived, Yun Ye waved his hand and released the control of his body. All eight people turned pale and knelt down to beg for mercy.

"The captain battle is about to begin, follow up."

Yun Ye jumped out of the window with Shui Wuge.

All the windows here are floor-to-ceiling windows, which are used by the monks to shuttle quickly. Those who really need the elevator are ordinary people doing ordinary work.

The eight people who survived knelt on the ground and did not get up for a long time.

The fear in their hearts has not dissipated.

As servants, they once again experienced despair, their own origins, and their own weakness, which made them unable to control their own destiny.

They had so many core members of the Spirit Tribe, and a young son of the Saint Tribe actually killed them at will, and there were even many Saint Tribe members among them!

After this massacre, they once again realized that in this East King City, step by step, the person standing at the top has control over everything.

Soldiers versus soldiers, kings versus kings, the premise of all this is that they are not on the same team...

"If you think about it carefully, they are simply extremely arrogant."

"In front of the captain of the same team who has the power of life and death, he actually jumped up and made a fool of himself. If they don't die, who will die?"


Some people laughed miserably. Those who survived were ordinary members and could not participate in the decision-making of elite members or even the vice-captain.

Just a little bit away, they died in a daze!

"Fart! We can't afford to offend Shui Changdong. How can we afford to offend Shui Weibai, Shui Qingya, Shui Sun and Moon? Which name can make us die without a burial place at will?"

Some people lose control of their emotions and gnash their teeth.

"This is the reality. We are nothing but firewood. It is considered inferior firewood. Only the four captains can be called high-quality!"

Most people are used to it and can't help but ridicule.

"Don't say any more. We are just servants. Life and death are up to us. We have no choice. We just choose the less bad ending."

"Who would have thought that Shui Changdong said he was seriously injured, but he was actually pretending to be so crazy? Who would have thought?"

"Let's go. If you keep waiting, the time will come."


The eight people tidied up their appearance silently and jumped downstairs.

With their strength, they can easily walk through the air by running the extremely spiritual method at will. Naturally, they don't care about these heights.

After landing.

The whole place was silent, and the eight people subconsciously held their breath and did not dare to say anything.


The two figures were facing each other, their auras were suppressed, and they were facing each other tit for tat.

It is Shui Weibai and Yun Ye.

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