A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 468 Captain Battle Begins

Shui Weibai frowned and stared at Yun Ye, feeling unhappy.

She was not distressed that all her subordinates were killed. They only had a few years left, and they could not extend their lifespans.

The real problem was that these powers were given to the enemy for nothing!

Shui Weibai felt annoyed after just a simple calculation.

She could have suppressed Shui Changdong before, and it was not a problem at all.

But after slaughtering fifty people, Shui Changdong must have stepped into the captain level. She didn't know how much trouble it would take to defeat him!

"It's really unexpected, Shui Changdong, who would be willing to be loyal to you if you killed the whole team now?"

Shui Weibai said coldly.

"There is only a future now."

Yun Ye spread his hands.

It seems that after losing, he was only demoted to deputy captain, but the question is, where did the captain defeated by Shui Qingya and Shui Riyue go?

Of course he died!

After being demoted to deputy captain, if he did not return to the captain position within a year, then everything is over, and his lifespan will be directly reset to zero according to the East King's regulations!

The battle for the throne is a battle for power, but also a battle of life and death!

"Very good... As expected of the son of the head of the family, you found a way to break the deadlock so easily. I hope you really have a future!"

Shui Weibai could only admit defeat, but the murderous aura in her eyes became stronger.

Even if she only had less than ten years to live, Shui Weibai did not intend to die. She wanted to live to the end, not a day less!

Any obstacle, even the son of Shui Mingqin, must be crushed!

"Mom, if Shui Changdong continues to grow at this speed, there may be some opportunities next time!"

Shui Riyue sent a message with her spiritual consciousness.

"I won't give him a chance. After a year, it will be the end of his life. I may even kill him directly."

Shui Weibai said indifferently.

Although they are all captains, the strength gap between the four captains is huge.

She, Shui Weibai, is not a vain reputation for being the first. Shui Changdong is indeed a genius, but he is still too young to surpass her hundred years of accumulation.

In addition, Shui Changdong's own holy blood is also a problem.

It would be almost the same if Shui Qingya had this talent!

"If mom goes all out, no one can beat her."

Shui Riyue nodded with satisfaction.

Shui Changdong has indeed entered the captain level, but he is still far from Shui Weibai, the top captain level, and his winning rate is still very low.

"Are we going to fight here?"

Yun Ye suddenly said.

He looked around.

Although there are teleportation nodes, there are no defensive barriers. —— Even if there are, I am afraid it can't withstand a few hits from their level.

"The battle will naturally take place outside the city. It's just a good opportunity to teleport together. Who knew you would be so straightforward and kill all your subordinates directly!"

Everyone thought.

Shui Suqing also came out. She glanced at Yun Ye lightly and said, "Shui Changdong, I agree with your reason for killing them, but without manpower, you will fulfill their duties, and you will take over the affairs in the south."


Yun Ye's response was not sure whether he agreed or disagreed.

Once the residents of Dongwang City die, they will disappear directly, and no one knows where they go. The Dongwang regulations stipulate that ordinary people can be allowed to disappear, but on the day when the foreign soldiers of the four departments die, the Holy Department must recover them and allocate personnel to execute them on the same day.

Some outsiders could only accept their fate, but they were not willing to become the nourishment of the Holy Department. The Holy Department had to do it themselves. "Everyone is here, let's go!" Shui Suqing was resolute and left as soon as he said he would. The teleportation beam fell, and everyone fell into a state of weightlessness. After a few seconds, everyone opened their eyes again and fell into a desolate land. Only the teleportation building under their feet stood alone. This is the area within the absolute spiritual line, and the concentration of spiritual energy is completely zero. For the cultivators who use the spiritual root method, this means that they have no endurance, and their power will also be lost by half. They don't practice the spiritual root method, and the stored spiritual energy is very little. When it is used up, it will consume life force, and the power will definitely be affected. It is impossible to achieve a lossless conversion like Yun Ye. "Is this a venue specifically used for ranking battles?" Someone murmured to himself. As far as the eye can see, there are traces of destructive destruction everywhere, and it is obvious that it is not formed naturally. Some places even have residual power, showing a sense of madness. I am afraid that the power of the user is extremely concentrated, which can leave traces until now. "Shui Riyue?"

Yun Ye remembered that Shui Riyue became the captain two years ago. Her power has been passed down for so long, not inferior to the Xuanjing cultivators.

"Brother, the deputy minister and captain Zhenjing are not here again. I'm afraid they do have some plans..."

Shui Wu Ge conveyed the divine thought.

"Are the deputy minister and captain Zhenjing my mother's people?"

Yun Ye asked.

"Not their people, but they can always be restrained."

Shui Wu Ge said.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if four of them are together. If Shui Suqing wants to take action, she must be prepared to die. The possibility is zero."

Yun Ye shook his head.

Shui Wu Ge thought so too. The sisters didn't know the strength of their brother. Even if they arranged something, it would not mean much to the brother now.

She was relieved.

"Captains will take turns to fight, starting from team one. Does anyone want to challenge?"

Shui Suqing's voice spread.

"I give up."

Team one only has one deputy captain Shui Gongque, who has no strength to challenge Shui Qingya.

His eyes have been locked on Yun Ye and Shui Weibai throughout the whole process.

The focus of this captain battle is still on these two.

The others thought so too.

Hundreds of eyes gathered.

"Then let's start the second team. I'm also looking forward to the young talents showing their strength, and I'm even more looking forward to whether they have the strength to match the power of the East King."

The corners of Shui Suqing's mouth turned upward, revealing a slightly crazy smile.


Shui Weibai walked on the white sky road and reached the other end of the sky in an instant.

The wind wings behind Yun Ye spread out and flew into the sky.

Shui Riyue nodded silently: "Sure enough, although I don't have powerful supernatural spiritual roots, I have completed a variety of secondary spiritual methods through my own practice and combination, and the Five Elements Spiritual Roots have also exerted corresponding power in Changdong's hands."

"Did my sister see it too? His control is extraordinary. He can easily control the second level spiritual method without the help of spiritual roots. The five elements spiritual roots can exert more power in his hands than the alien spiritual roots." Shui Qingya road.

"It's far beyond imagination! Normally, how is it possible to use multiple extremely spiritual techniques at the same time?" Shui Riyue is also a super genius, and that's why she understands how valuable it is.

The superiority of the Extreme Spiritual Method lies in its efficiency. As long as one spirituality is cultivated to the extreme, the other spiritualities will also reach the ultimate state simultaneously.

This characteristic lowers the threshold for dual spiritual arts. Outsiders from the East King City can basically master dual spiritual arts as long as they have multiple spiritual roots.

However, the proficiency of the second-level spiritual method has to be relied on by oneself. To cultivate it to perfection is also a huge project, and it will take a lifetime to complete it if you are talented.

Geniuses like her, Shui Riyue, have only perfected a dual-level spiritual method. Not to mention perfecting the real core Yin-Yang spiritual method, Xiaochengdu is a million miles away and has only scratched the surface of it.

And what about Shui Changdong?

Almost every spiritual method he used was at a perfect state, and he could command like an arm, and there was no downgrade at all.

It's only been eight years, so even if they started practicing in their mother's womb, it would be useless.

Shui Changdong's talent is too exaggerated!

"Shui Changdong, Shui Weibai, the challenge rules are as follows: No matter who of the two sides admits defeat, the battle will end immediately. Intentional attacks and killings are not allowed, otherwise they will be punished with "death penalty". You should know that this is an irresistible law, don't worry Leave it to chance.”

"At the same time, each captain only has two chances to lose. The third defeat will directly impose the penalty of death. Shui Changdong, you can also choose to reconcile with Captain Shui Weibai. After all, there is still a chance."

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