A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 479 Past and Second Life

According to Dong Wang’s action trajectory.

Everyone knew that their repair time was very short, so they were racing against time, and no one thought they were safe.

They swallowed up a huge amount of spiritual energy, and took all kinds of elixirs at will, replenishing both their spiritual consciousness and life force in large quantities.

Except for a few Holy Army captains and external ministers with Xuanjing physiques, the rest of them were basically restored to full condition within a few pills, and the effect was astonishingly good.

But the Mysterious Realm requires far more resources. Even if there are higher-level medicines and pills, it will take several times as long for them to recover...

Of course, just a few times is not considered time. Their power is many times that of the mere Dharma Realm, and it only takes several times to recover. The various resources in this cave simply exceed the upper limit of their understanding. They have never heard of it. This level of treasure.

With the blessing of such huge resources, everyone feels more at ease, and the thrill of being hunted gradually subsides.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Ye's incarnation assisted everyone in severing the connection with the East King. This process used the Ten Heavenly Stems to destroy them in a targeted manner, which did little harm to them. They basically recovered after taking the elixir.

"Changdong wants to make a breakthrough. Once he breaks through, King Dong will no longer be his opponent!"

"He should be confident in choosing this time to break through. During this period, we need to use the large formation to defend. We must hold on even if we risk our lives!"

As soon as this matter was over, Shui Mingqin said.

"Ming Qin, not just anyone can control the formation. We are not familiar with all the details. How can we cooperate with the formation?"

Shui Suqing frowned.

"Indeed, the formation requires a long period of practice to coordinate with each other. I'm afraid Dongwang will be here soon, and we won't have time to get familiar with it at all!"

The expressions of Shui Qingya, Shui Riyue and the others also changed, and they also found that they seemed to be too optimistic.

This formation is indeed powerful, but if there is no one to control it, even the tenth level of power cannot be exerted. Is it really useful against the Eastern King?

"Now we can only adapt to as much as we can, it's better than nothing! There are massive resources here, and the East King who doesn't have the strength to resist the formation can support it for at least a while. We just need to hold on until Changdong breaks through! "

Shuimingqin said calmly.

"Don't talk nonsense, everyone. The reason why we are here specifically is because we can play a role! If you can't overcome this small difficulty in front of you, then you will die! It's just a formation, just learn it with all your strength. !”

The person speaking at this time was a senior member of the Holy Ministry who had never appeared before, Deputy Minister Shui Zhaoyi. Her consciousness overwhelmed other thoughts and urged everyone to start studying the formation immediately.

"Yes, with our ability, no matter how short the time is, it is enough to just master the formation! These things should be the control centers of the formation, right? There are twenty of them in total, and they have set up protective areas respectively to prevent anyone from Deliberately destroy it, leave enough room for reaction, let's get started!"

Shui Qingya got started directly. The cave had twenty suspended objects similar to beads, arranged around the wall, and there was a large one in the center.

Naturally, this large bead must be used by the strongest, so she walked to the wall and poured life into a small bead...

no response?

Shui Qingya was stunned. She immediately remembered something and injected spiritual power. At this time, the beads suddenly lit up and gave out a calm male prompt: "Injecting energy, the formation calculator is activated. Please enter the opening key to obtain the use." Permissions!”

"Open the secret key?" Shui Qingya looked at Yun Ye, there was no way she knew this.

At this time, everyone discovered that Yun Ye had closed his eyes. He didn't know what he was preparing for. They could only feel the strong fluctuations of spiritual thoughts gathering.

No one dared to disturb them and could only freeze in place.

A few seconds later, Yun Ye opened his eyes and activated his magic: "Everyone, relax your mind. - Memory projection!"

The power of divine magic enveloped everyone and invaded their consciousness.

Shui Qingya, Shui Riyue and the others hesitated for a moment, but still relaxed their minds...

Yun Ye is too strong.

Compared with Yun Ye, these geniuses are just rubbish. What is there to resist in this situation?

Compared with them, Shui Mingqin, Shui Suqing, and Shui Zhaoyi are more knowledgeable. They are in high positions and have far more power than the younger generation. Naturally, they can understand Yun Ye's terror better. Facing an existence of this level, they In fact, there is no point in resisting.

What really reflects this is that most of them just hesitated for a moment, and Yun Ye had already broken through their mental defenses and forcibly activated the magic.

Everyone's eyes widened, and a magic system called the Absolute Guardian Formation was poured into their minds, and they naturally mastered a vast amount of knowledge.

The Kingdom of Tomorrow has been studying the human brain for hundreds of years, and has evolved from being able to only delete memories to manipulating memories.

Even if the knowledge is directly instilled into the system, it is familiar to Yun Ye at this level.

When everyone opened their eyes again, the body pressed up familiarly:

"Tomorrow never sets, fight for the future!"

The entire control room lights up, and the consciousness of all the main players amplifies and spreads to the entire mountain range, and every node is extremely clear.

They cooperated subconsciously, and the entire formation began to move.

"I have transmitted the basic operation method to you. This is one of the top formations in the Kingdom of Tomorrow. With the assistance of the formation calculator, it will be at least 90% easier to control than the East King City formation. With your talents, you should be able to Get familiar with it in a short time.”

After Yun Ye finished speaking, the avatar turned into a ray of blue light and returned to the original body, and began to advance with all his strength.

Everyone was filled with shock as they recalled the knowledge in their minds...

But they didn't have time to savor it carefully. Their consciousnesses intertwined and they quickly became familiar with the formation.

at the same time.

The black mist rose, and the figure of King Dong suddenly descended. His spiritual thoughts swept across the surrounding area and brought them under control. Only the rest of the formation was covered in fog. Although he could forcibly see some things, the core area Totally blurry.

"There is such a formation. Is this what you rely on?"

He spoke.

The mountain was silent and no one answered.

There were only wild screams one after another, and powerful beasts were attracted one after another to kill the East King.


Dong Wang slapped his backhand, and all the disaster beasts within a hundred miles were annihilated into ashes, and then a massive black tide of resentment roared out, covering the entire mountain range and penetrating pervasively.

However, the mountains seemed to be frozen in time, and when the black tide passed by, they were not directly annihilated by flying ashes. Instead, they required laborious erosion to destroy them.

"A completely ultimate defensive formation, something from the Kingdom of Tomorrow... Ha!"

Dongwang's evil spirit overflowed.

He could see that this place had been solidified by the earth element formation for hundreds of years, and every particle of dust was unimaginably solid. Even if he was no longer what he used to be and had entered the realm of real people, he would have to at least destroy this formation. ——

ten minutes!

"The Great Transformation of All Souls, thousands of living beings contribute their vitality, and the heavenly wheel can be cast!"

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