A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 480 Stepping into Xuantian

The Absolute Guard Formation was a defensive formation formed by the combination of divine and earthly methods in the past. It had been pushed to the extreme in those days.

But after all, that was the formation back then. Who would have thought that in this era, in addition to the power given by the realm, killing could also gain power out of thin air?

Although this gain becomes more difficult as it goes on, and requires killing opponents of the same level to increase it significantly, it is enough to change the quality of the monk.

Dongwang condensed the so-called "Heavenly Wheel", and when he struck it, the mountains shook violently and gradually disintegrated.

It takes ten minutes to crack the formation, this is no lie!

Within the formation, everyone was trembling all over, desperately manipulating the formation to repair it, and swallowing the elixir in large gulps to increase the power of the formation in the form of overload.

Dongwang attacked aggressively, and every attack could not be blocked by an individual. Shuimingqin's side could only rely on the large formation to barely defend, and it was shaky.

Even so, everyone was overjoyed. They didn't expect that the power of this formation was so powerful that it could really stop the Eastern King.

Yes, in their eyes, it was a miracle to be able to stop Dong Wang. Dong Wang was already stronger than them by countless levels. Theoretically, one strike would be enough to kill them conceptually. The mere spirit formation also wanted to Resist?

Are you kidding...

"This formation is not just a spiritual formation, there may be something connected behind it!"

Shui Mingqin was one of the very few monks who knew the realm, and he vaguely sensed something.

"What's connected?"

Everyone gritted their teeth.

"I'm afraid it's connected to Xuantian... Otherwise, we can only use the Heavenly Road Sublimation to resist attacks from the real person realm."

Shuimingqin hesitated and said.

The characteristic of the Xuan Realm is that they are promoted to Xuantian, can control cause and effect, and launch attacks from high latitudes. Even if their physiques are comparable to those of the Xuan Realm, they are only comparable.

The so-called comparable means that it is inferior to it. It can be compared in terms of destructive power, but it will be completely inferior in real combat.

Only by equipping spiritual equipment and using sublimated form can this shortcoming be made up for.

Generally speaking, in order to resist mysterious magic, spiritual equipment can also resist ordinary space interference, unless the strength is really too different.

The holy clothing is better than the spiritual clothing, but it has not yet reached the level of real people. Even Shuimingqin among them has to activate the heavenly path to sublimate to barely resist the real people.

Moreover, this kind of real person only has a realm and has never experienced killing to become stronger. If he were replaced by Dong Wang, he would only be killed instantly without even trying.

Such a huge gap is obviously not comparable to a spiritual formation. If it can be achieved, either this spiritual formation is a state-level super spiritual formation, or there is something extra hidden.

And this spiritual vein is obviously not a super spiritual vein, it can only hide something extra. Shuimingqin, as the core main formation leader, has a vague feeling, so she guesses that this formation should be connected to Xuantian, and after an amplification, Only in this way can the strength to resist the Eastern King be demonstrated.


The formation was weakened again.

Everyone's expressions changed, I'm afraid it won't be long before it is broken if this continues!

Shui Mingqin immediately said: "Using the Heavenly Road to sublimate one by one, we can only gamble. Bet that we can survive until Shui Changdong advances! The first one will be you, Wu Ge!"


Shui Wuge, who was dressed in blue armor, took a deep breath and entered the sublimated state of holy clothing. A long skirt was added to her body, and her long hair began to turn into energy streamers.

Her physique was traced back to its origins, and she gained the power recorded in the Heavenly Path!

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

Yunye's magic method, the nine-turn foundation combined with three, turned into three pillars, which can be said to open up the high-latitude world in an instant.

His accumulation in this life has surpassed all the profound realms of the Luo Dynasty, even his previous life!

In his previous life, he instantly sensed Xuantian and started looking for the coordinates. In this life, he would naturally be faster but not slower.

Immediately afterwards, Xuantian's positioning was also skipped by Yun Ye.

Although he has been practicing the tenth method for the past ten years, Yunye, who had been waiting for a month to accumulate strength, had not waited in vain. Xuantian's progress had reached the point where he had cracked the login key. Just relying on his personal computing power, he could not wait for a month. There is really no way to break through the time.

It is worth mentioning that whether it is sensing Xuantian or locating Xuantian, Yun Ye can complete it within a few seconds.

As a veteran who has been in Xuantian for hundreds of years, it is impossible for him not to know where Xuantian is, and he often uses Xuantian-level power in this life. He has already adapted in advance and does not need to inject a large amount of mana like in the previous life. Looking for Xuantian.

In his previous life, it took him a month to complete the positioning. In this life, he only needed a few seconds. He basically spent a month deciphering the secret key.

And when they arrived at the cave, Yun Ye used external force to start the third step!

Crack Xuantian’s login key!

Standing in a time and space where Xuantian is complex and beyond human understanding, Yun Ye is at home like a fish in water. The Nine-Star True Heavenly Instrument incorporated into his body quickly deciphers the secret key to Xuantian.

This step is not difficult for Yun Ye. The spiritual formation and the Nine-Star True Celestial Instrument work together to calculate, and his own calculation ability is also exaggerated.

In this life, he has reached the Dharma Realm with his physical body. He is extremely strong. In the Dharma Realm, he has the calculation power of the Xuan Realm.

The originally long calculations were nothing to him, and the various knowledge accumulated by Tomorrow Country was also organized into powerful algorithms.

Although everyone's Xuantian secret key is different and cannot draw on the experience of those who have ascended to the sky in the past, the algorithm only saves personal calculation speed and can be used universally.

Yun Ye made crazy calculations, and the Nine-Star True Heavenly Instrument even entered a state of destruction and liberation, burning all its computing power.

At this desperate moment, Yun Ye's own potential exploded like never before.




The progress is advancing rapidly, with an increase of 6% or even 7% almost every minute, which is shockingly fast.

It only took him ten minutes to complete the login key that took hundreds of thousands of years for ancient monks to calculate!

Talent, magic weapon, skill, physique, formation, experience...

This massive accumulation is turning into a miracle.

At this moment, Yun Ye is no longer mediocre. He is breaking out of his cocoon and becoming a butterfly, transcending his own limitations.

"It took me two years to complete the calculation in my previous life. In this life, I am better than my previous life in all aspects. Is there any reason not to improve in this moment?"

Yun Ye swallowed the treasure pill wildly, and the huge medicinal power was converted into heavenly mana and injected into the Nine-Star True Heavenly Instrument to support his calculations and resist the erosion of Xuantian.

In fact, the magic pill can already restore mana quickly. It is impossible for Yun Ye to lack mana if he directly uses the magic pill.

The progress was maintained perfectly, and finally at the eleventh minute, Yun Ye completed the crack ahead of schedule, and his figure turned into a rainbow and escaped into Xuantian.

The vast Xuantian completely unfolded towards Yun Ye, and massive information about space and cause and effect poured in.

Yun Ye has already entered it once. Even if he doesn't open up Xuantian for information processing, he can actually understand it a little. In this state, his control over spiritual methods such as causal space has made a qualitative leap.

Although he had greatly improved his understanding of this type of spiritual method in his previous life, the previous life was the previous life, and this life is this life!

If you don’t return to the mysterious realm, you won’t be able to see space and cause and effect with your naked eyes, and you won’t be able to obtain massive information. What’s the point of knowing words but not being able to see them?

Only by directly seeing the space can he reach the point where he can tear apart the space with just his magic power. At this time, if he uses the space spirit method, the power will never be as powerful as before.

"What will happen if I find Xuantian in my previous life at this time?"

Yun Ye's thoughts flashed through his mind.

But then, he saw violent turbulence in the outer formation, and the outer formation was completely destroyed. Dongwang began to go deep underground and approach the cave.


Not enough!

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