A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 481 Half-Step Profound Realm

"No, we are too weak, we can't stop King Dong at all... It's only ten minutes, even the Ascension of Heavenly Road can't stop this monster!"

Shui Qingya and the others looked desperate.

In ten minutes, they ascended one after another, and even put the formation into a state of destruction and liberation. It can be said that they have exhausted their tricks.

But even so, they couldn't even last ten minutes!

Now Shuimingqin is the only one who has not used Heavenly Road Sublimation. Even if it can be blocked for a while, what's the use?

What can you do in ten minutes?

If they didn't have a panacea, it would take them dozens of days to regain their strength. How could they complete a breakthrough in cultivation in such a short period of time?

Even if there is some elixir in this cave, ten minutes is too short!

Lights flickered throughout the control room.

The sound is approaching every moment.

Everyone's hearts were beating violently, and they had never experienced their own weakness and powerlessness before. They all gritted their teeth and stared at the door of the cave in front of them!


Dong Wang penetrated the rock formations all the way. Even the rock formations with enhanced molecular density were like dust in his hands. It could reach everyone in a dozen seconds at most.

Shuimingqin gritted her teeth, she had to enter the state of heavenly sublimation!

“Heavenly Road—Sublimation!”

She was not in good health, and the side effects of using the Pilgrimage Sublimation were extremely severe, but when the trouble came, she had no way to back down.

Shuimingqin gained new power, approaching the real person, and his aura was as deep as the abyss.

She fired a large number of magic spells to straighten out the chaos and damage of the formation, and blocked them all before the East King. As a result, the stability of the formation increased dramatically.

"Are you coming again? It's obvious that even with the ascending bloodline, he's just a bigger ant. I didn't expect that with the help of this formation, I could stop Gu Yi for a while."

Dong Wang frowned. The Kingdom of Tomorrow is really weird. It has a history of less than six hundred years, but it can develop so many terrifying technologies.

They, the top monks, might even be surrounded and killed by low-level monks armed with invincible weapons. How treasonous is this?

A monk in every realm is supposed to suppress everything and stand aloof. If he is reduced to being surrounded and killed by lower-level monks, then what is the purpose of practicing?

In the final analysis, the reason why the development of the monk world has stagnated is because there is no need for development. All three methods have their own way to the imperial road. If anyone wants to completely innovate the three methods so that he can rise to the top, he will inevitably face the old age. The resistance of the forces.

And after plundering your achievements, they may not be promoted. Some things may be sealed because they are unfavorable to high-level monks.

A real person absolutely does not want a powerful person who practices evil spirits to appear, even if this trick can only make his death slower.


King Dong also could not allow exceptions to appear, so he blocked the spiritual method and blocked the possibility.

It's just that he didn't expect that even so, there were still people who went against the will of heaven and inherited a huge amount of knowledge through the heavenly path, and were only one step away from breaking his blockade!

The rock formations shattered silently.

Swallowed by the black tide.

The black tide sometimes gathers and sometimes disperses. When it disperses, the space is disturbed, and the flaws are revealed. When it gathers, it turns into a black wheel, shattering everything in its path.

This kind of power gives everyone the feeling of being sharpened by divine magic. The power of divine magic is highly compressed into a blade, capable of cutting everything.

It's just that Dong Wang's magical blade is unimaginably huge and they can't stop it. It's actually very simple in nature.

Shui Mingqin is far more powerful than anyone else, because she has cultivated to the perfection of the spiritual realm and is stuck on the eve of the Dharma realm. The benefits of the realm to her make her more able to withstand it...

Of course, it was just an increase in the spiritual realm, but it was nothing. Therefore, she had just touched the threshold of the great perfection of the profound realm, relying on the heavenly path to sublimate to be able to deal with the real person.

With the blessing of this great formation, she delayed Dong Wang's footsteps, but Dong Wang still walked in front of everyone step by step and tore the last wall apart.

For a while.

This scene seemed to last forever.

Shuimingqin's expression was gloomy and despairing.

Dongwang raised the corners of his mouth and smiled half of his face. He opened his arms and said: "It seems that your wait is over. I haven't moved my body like this for a long time. As a reward, I promised Nuoer that he would not die for ten years and enjoy it." All Souls Bite!”

This is unspeakable torture.

"It's over. It seems that the only one who can survive is Shui Changdong..."

Under Shuimingqin's pale face, she sighed helplessly. The power belonging to the sublimation of Tianlu dissipated, and she sat down on the chair unable to do so.

Most of the people gritted their teeth and wanted to resist, but the moment they saw Dong Wang, they fell to their knees, but they were so scared that they wanted to commit suicide.

What a powerful existence this is, they are so insignificant that they have no right to move!

Looking at this scene, King Dong was extremely satisfied. This is the feeling, to dominate everything and control life and death. He was once controlled by Lord Luo, but at this moment, it is his time, and no one can stand above him anymore. !

King Dong laughed, and the black tide surged out, threatening to engulf everyone in the blink of an eye.


The scorching breath suddenly erupted, and the black tide was swept away like a ride across the border.

Dong Wang couldn't help but frown and looked into the depths, hearing a shaking sound.

The stone door deep in the control room opened.

Everyone's body shook, and they immediately showed expressions of ecstasy, and they all looked at the source of power...

"King Dong, are you so cruel to your descendants?"

Before I saw the person, I heard his voice first.

Yun Ye stepped out of the darkness step by step, the black sun turning behind him, and a white sublimation spiritual outfit draped around his body, looking opposite and harmonious.

"In just ten minutes, half of my feet stepped into the mysterious realm... Sure enough, I can't understand the super genius, nor can I agree with him."

King Dong didn't care about any descendants at all. He stared at Yun Ye for a while, sighed, and then the black tide spread, and the anti-world full of resentment descended, covering the world.

He was completely tempted to kill, and the thought of not killing was blocked. How could someone with such a talent be allowed to live?

If this person lives, he will die.

A mountain...

No room for two tigers!

"It's not the time for a decisive battle yet, but I think you won't let us go easily."

Yun Ye has not yet opened up Xuantian to gain quantitative and qualitative changes in his mana. He only has part of the power of the Xuan realm and is still unable to fight against Dong Wang.

"Soul crushing!"

When Dong Wang raised his hand, the black mist from another dimension had bitten in front of Yun Ye, crossing the space to obliterate him. He was the master in this reverse world.

"The Third Transformation of Dafa - Rebirth of Life!"

Ten statues of clay stood up, transformed into human forms, and stood in front of Yun Ye.

All this black mist was absorbed by the doll. Not only did the black mist not destroy the doll, but it made its human characteristics more and more obvious.

Dong Wang frowned and kept injecting new power. The black tide he drove was still not exhausted. It was endless. He wanted to see how much he could eat.

The dolls welcome all comers, dark textures appear on their bodies, and their auras soar simultaneously.

Everyone present couldn't help but be horrified. This puppet made from the spiritual soil of the cave had actually been upgraded from the perfect level of the Dharma Realm to the Dacheng Realm of the Mysterious Realm.

When the Mysterious Realm reached its peak, the puppets could no longer withstand the power, so they killed Xiang Dongwang. For a moment, the power of heaven began to boil, and all kinds of brilliance arose. Everyone's perspective was attracted by the ten puppets.

"Heavenly Road Sublimation! How is it possible! Shui Changdong has clearly not completed the resurrection of the holy blood!"

Shuimingqin and others were all shocked by this scene and couldn't believe it.

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