A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 486 The Return of the Eastern King

"Changdong, this secret realm is not a formation. We can't intervene. Do we have any chance of winning?" Shui Mingqin said.

Everyone looked at Yun Ye seriously. They really all relied on this monster who had been sent down from the sky.

"You must have entered this secret realm because you had a chance of winning." Yun Ye showed a surprised expression, as if asking how he could ask such a question.

"...Then it's best. We can't estimate your strength. Just don't make wrong judgments." Shuimingqin paused before speaking.

"If you can't hold it, there are still some of you. If you use the Heavenly Road Sublimation again, you should be able to hold it. My strength is still not enough." Yun Ye was modest.

"..." Everyone.

The water dance song used by Tianlu Shenghua for the second time has not awakened yet. The price is a bit high. Could this person deliberately want them to experience his sister's feelings?

No guarantee!

Everyone thought this and silently stopped talking.

The stronger Shui Qingya and others become, the more silent they become. They know how hard it is for them to speak.

Compared with them, Shui Changdong is an angel. He can waste their lives without any meaning even when his strength exceeds that much.

Yun Ye raised his head, he had just used the True Immortal Technique, and I am afraid that all kinds of disaster beasts have come after hearing the news.

Hong Tian did not explain clearly the dangers of using the True Immortal Technique, but Yun Ye knew that using the True Immortal Technique was not just as simple as attracting the surrounding disaster beasts.

"The Supreme Emperor is dead, what can be done that can make a monk of this level die in battle?"

Yun Ye sighed.

He was basically certain that the current doomsday scene should be the result of the opening of the great sacrifice.

Someone successfully completed the great sacrifice and summoned the gods of the next world, causing the emperor of the Immortal Dynasty to fall.

As for the reason...

He wasn't quite sure what happened, but before he died, he sealed himself to prevent the Grand Ceremony Key from appearing.

Perhaps the Kingdom of Tomorrow was destroyed, so the seal was lifted.

However, this possibility is somewhat low.

The seal is a double seal of time and space. It slows down infinitely on the time level and banishes on the space level. If someone forcibly lifts the seal, his body will be directly banished to an unknown space.

To be able to complete the great sacrifice and recall the world gods in just a few years, it would be difficult for Yun Ye to imagine what really happened if he didn't have a plan in advance.

In other words...

Yun Ye shook his head, let's deal with the present first. Although the emperor died and it was no longer the time of reincarnation, the real immortals would probably not ignore such a big thing. Hong Tian wouldn't say anything about it. Maybe you can't think of it.


A loud roar penetrated the space and reached the secret realm. The entire secret realm shook, and the amplitude was far greater than before.


Yun Ye's pupils shrank slightly.

Although this secret realm has been ruined and can be invaded by real people, it is still a small world in nature. The impact of the outside world actually shakes the entire small world?

Is there a scourge of troubled times that far surpasses ordinary real people?

Yun Ye had no way of knowing what was happening in the outside world, but the world kept shaking. After a long time, a tiny crack appeared in the sky.

The secret realm was indeed somewhat destroyed!

Yun Ye did not watch, and activated the space spirit method to repair the crack. However, after all, he only used the space spirit method, not to create the world.

The real damage to this secret realm is not something he can interfere with.

A full half year later.

King Dong did not attack again, and Yun Ye was able to practice peacefully.

Yun Ye knew very well that the current stability was just the calm before the storm. Dong Wang must be preparing, and it was impossible to let him advance to the profound realm.

The talent he showed was too strong. If he didn't kill him, King Dong would have no choice but to escape. Is it really possible for a person who calls himself a king to accept this outcome?

Yun Ye felt that it was impossible, so he could only desperately build the framework and complete Xuantian as soon as possible.

"It's almost 30% completed now. It's troublesome. It's quite troublesome. Is there really enough time?"

The Xuantian composed of the ten zodiac signs is too huge. Even if Yunye has a large amount of elixirs, the elixirs need time to digest. Even if the best elixirs have almost no impurities, unlimited use will still reduce the quality of his own mana and require time to purify it again.

And if you want to get around this, the only way is to use true immortality...

It's a pity that once the true immortal method is used, the disaster beast will be attracted for unknown reasons. Don't make it so that Dong Wang did not destroy the secret realm, but the disaster beast came in instead.


Yun Ye sits cross-legged in the void, with some of the foundations of Xuantian's self built around him.

It is the superposition of one rainbow ring after another.

The diameter is very large, and there are gaps between each rainbow ring, but a strong isolation barrier is naturally formed. Even the area where the rainbow ring has not yet been set up is shrouded in this barrier, and the final form is a "sphere".

Yun Ye is now constantly increasing the number of rainbow rings until all the gaps are filled, forming a perfect infinite heavenly stem ball and completely advancing to the mysterious realm.

It is currently 30%, and it is not possible to inject mana to affect the stability of Xuantian.


Yun Ye felt violent vibrations in the outside world and chaos in various spatial information. His expression immediately changed and he returned to the secret realm.

"Bang! Bang! Bang -"

I saw a sword thrust from the extremely distant sky, a sword penetrated the space barrier of the secret realm, and the aura of its sword edge suddenly spread to the entire secret realm.

"Pierced directly. This is bad news. I still underestimated Dongwang's power... Moreover, it seems that there won't be any Yin Yue to come to the rescue."

Yun Ye knew that it was the last moment, so his spiritual thoughts spread and contacted everyone.

Still in a daze, everyone heard his voice immediately.

"Everyone forms a formation to suppress this sword. The secret realm is not so easy to be completely destroyed. You buy time and hold it for me even if you die!"


Everyone was awestruck. The restriction imposed by the Yin-Yang Spiritual Law on Yun Ye only restricted him from killing without reason or deliberately trapping him.

In the current situation, as long as Yun Ye really has no strength left, Yun Ye can use divine magic to control them against their orders.

Shui Riyue was the first to carry out the Celestial Path Sublimation and used a large formation to unite all forces to block the attack.

In the past six months of practice, they have basically reached spiritual perfection, their strength has greatly increased, and the wounds caused by the Celestial Path's sublimation have also been repaired by elixirs.

The strong men of the Saint Clan have two opportunities to use the Heavenly Road to Sublime, which is enough to resist for a period of time!

On the other side, Shui Wuge guarded Yun Ye, counteracting all the power that shook and spilled from the sky.

Yun Ye sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, and his consciousness came to Xuantian.

He looked at the 30% complete self Xuantian, put his hands together, and started his craziest gamble.

"Mu Yin - Death!"

"Muyang - life!"

"Fire Yin - Transformation!"

“Fire Yang—energy!”


Under the constraints of Xuantian, the ten energies converged and began to collide and merge with unimaginable complexity.

The Eastern King has arrived, and there is no time for him to practice peacefully.

30% of Self Xuantian, in terms of stability.


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