A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 487: The Ten Heavenly Stems, Create the Heaven and Earth!

What did the King of the East do in the past six months?

It's very simple. The King of the East left an avatar to monitor the place, and then the main body returned to the King of the East City to borrow the spiritual vein to restore the lost power.

Then he waited for the disaster beast of the country to go away, and led away other troubled times and destroyed countries in the surrounding areas.

In half a year, he relied on his powerful strength to forcibly lead away all the troubled times and destroyed countries within ten thousand miles of the Yingyue Secret Realm.

The distance was far enough for him to have enough time to destroy the secret realm and kill Yun Ye and others.

Although he refined another sword, it could temporarily seal a large amount of his space power and true essence, and burst out the power of the true law level.

The spiritual law of the true law level will actually attract the attention of high-level disaster beasts, so the first time may be bad luck, so the big disaster beast came to the door, and the reason needs to be verified.

But when he was approached for the second time, and saw with his own eyes that this country-destroying disaster beast tore through space to kill him, he understood that Yun Ye must have some means to attract the country-destroying disaster beast. If he didn't solve this problem, he would just be doing useless work.

So the final arrangement was the formation.

He planted a large number of formation flags to block the space, preventing the external disaster beasts from quickly traveling to the location of the secret realm, and at the same time covering his breath of using the true method, leaving no loopholes.

It is worth mentioning that these formations are all real person-level formations, and the driving force is the true essence, so all the consumption is borne by the King of the East.

This is enough to show how much the King of the East values ​​it. He has no intention of holding back and is going for a decisive kill.

After making these preparations, the King of the East came to the location of the secret realm and launched his power to search.

The advanced Xuan realm has the technology of injecting mana into the different space to locate it. As a real person cultivator, the King of the East will naturally be more proficient.

He quickly found the coordinates of the secret realm, and without saying a word, he directly used the real sword to burst out the power, destroying the space barrier of the secret realm.

At this point, the King of the East basically has a sure victory. Even if he senses that he is blocked by the sublimation of the Heavenly Road, he doesn't care.

Everything is a dying struggle. He, a real person, has even set up the formation. With two kings and four twos in his hands, can you still sneak away?

It's impossible!

In the secret realm, in order to survive, everyone burst out the power of the sublimation of the Heavenly Road one after another, forcibly delaying time, and they gradually feel the fluctuation of palpitations coming from somewhere in the secret realm. This is an indescribable palpitation, as if the world is beating.

Although the specific situation is unknown, this undoubtedly gives everyone some thoughts. Perhaps this is Shui Changdong's trump card. As long as they hold on to the last moment, someone will save the situation.

After a round of sublimation of the Heavenly Road is used up, they will start from the beginning and force the second sublimation of the Heavenly Road.

They can only fight hard at this time. Once the King of the East breaks into the secret realm, the strongest Shui Mingqin will be annihilated in an instant!

As a weak person, only with the help of the space barrier of the secret realm can there be a blocking effect!

Everyone present is clear about this.

Compared to the two monsters, Dong Wang and Yun Ye, they are too weak, and that is why they must not miss any chance to win, even if they have to fight!

Their enemies are real people, and they can't win with a half-hearted mentality!


A huge hole exploded in the sky of the secret realm, and two giant hands suddenly grabbed the two sides, trying to tear it apart.

Boom boom boom!

Massive attacks bombarded from the ground, weakening the giant hand, but it looked so powerful, but the actual damage to the giant hand was very small when it fell.

"A group of ants!"

Dong Wang didn't care about anyone except Yun Ye, but he was blocked many times, and he couldn't help frowning. One of his fingers broke, turned into a black puppet and slashed at the ground formation with a sword.


It looked like a sword, but it was actually a meteorite impact, containing the power of the true law. The entire formation disintegrated on the spot, and the weak could not even make a sound before it was annihilated into ashes.

It was Shui Mingqin who sublimated the heavenly road in a flash and stood on the same level as the black puppet, so he blocked the attack and fought with it.

But even so, looking around, there were heavy casualties. Even Shui Riyue in the first echelon was too weak because of the second use of the Heavenly Road Sublimation. Half of her body was shattered and she was about to die.

"Shui Changdong!!!"

Shui Mingqin seemed to see her own end. The divine consciousness that had advanced to the realm of law burst out and covered the entire secret realm. If they didn't save the situation at this time, they would be dead!

However, her divine consciousness did not receive a response. Although the inexplicable throbbing was still increasing, it was obviously not the time yet.

She had no choice but to fight.

Focus all her energy and do what she can. Whether she can survive or not, she no longer hopes -

Leave it to God!

The secret realm was lifted up again, and the whole secret realm was completely unstable. The ground cracked, and the space cracks spread everywhere. The flowers, plants and trees withered rapidly, and it looked like it was about to be destroyed.

This is also natural. The core part of the secret realm is the space barrier. This is a device that connects the void and absorbs the power of the void. Once it is destroyed, the void will invade, and the corrosion of the world will be visible to the naked eye.

Thus, a vortex of void was formed.

Various substances, the spiritual energy in the secret realm, and the power of the void in the outside world, all mixed together, like the sharpest blade, directly cutting the giant energy hand controlled by the East King.

The latter snorted coldly and stepped back a little. Astonishing power immediately fell from the blue sky, covering the entire secret realm, and began a thorough world invasion.

True people can be different from powerful people. Only true people are enough for them to fight against a small-scale world like the secret realm!

In the fierce confrontation.

Dongwang overwhelmed the secret realm and was finally able to force his way in. However, as he stepped into the secret realm, the secret realm could no longer bear his weight and collapsed further.

Especially in the area where Dongwang is located, both space and matter are being annihilated by flying ashes and returning to the endless void.

"It's over."

"It's over."

Everyone gives up struggling.

In the face of such great power, the whole world must surrender, let alone mere ants and dust like them?

Perhaps dying earlier would be a relief.

And something surprising happened to everyone.

After Dong Wang stepped into this world, he remained motionless. He did not let the power of destruction come and sweep away everything. Instead, he stared at something and stood motionless for several seconds.

Just when everyone was breathless for this kind of tranquility, and the pressure was so great that they almost wanted to kill themselves.

Dong Wang moved.

In fact, the moment King Dong stepped into this, he regretted it...


The heartbeat spread slowly and steadily, forming beautiful ripples.

In the eyes of Shuimingqin and others, this feeling is just an inexplicable palpitation, and they cannot know what it is.

But Dong Wang was different. He clearly saw, heard, and felt it.

All his eyes were fixed on one point.

It is the young man sitting cross-legged on the high mountain. He is hundreds of years younger than him. Even among mortals, he is just an adult...


This heartbeat is infinitely long.

"Impossible! How could it be so unreasonable! Unusual! Something incredible happened!!!!"

Dong Wang suddenly turned around, his figure blurred at this moment, trying to cross the space——


Yes, there is only one word, escape.

The moment he saw and heard it, this was the only thought he had left.

Just like Shuimingqin felt endless despair about his power, the moment he saw "something" and heard "something", there was only endless despair in his heart.


This is not something that should exist!

It's not something he should challenge, don't even think about it, don't have such ridiculous thoughts of defeating or destroying it!

Go and escape with all your might!

However, everything was too late. King Dong's figure froze, and his power of space, which was so fast that it could span thousands of miles in an instant, completely failed at this moment.

Suimingqin and the others also enjoyed this kind of treatment, which was a good thing for them, because time also froze at this moment, and their bodies that were on the verge of collapse miraculously stopped deteriorating.

Before they had time to think about anything, a great sublimation happened in front of them.

Regardless of line of sight or distance, everyone saw and heard everything clearly.

It was as if someone was chanting, perhaps a voice from the world, majestic and sacred.

"Mu Yin - Death!"

"Muyang - life!"

"Fire Yin - Transformation!"

“Fire Yang—energy!”

"Tuyin - the earth!"


"Golden Yin - Taiyin!"

“Golden Yang—Sun!”

"Shuiyin - breed!"


"Ten methods of heavenly stems!"

"Creation of heaven and earth!"

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