A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 488 Downgrade of the True Immortal Technique

"The Ten Heavenly Stems and Ten Methods will create the world!"

Just like it literally means.


This was opened up.

Amidst the chaos, among the ten interlaced lights, yin and yang are beginning to separate, the turbid air sinks to become the earth, the clear air rises to form the sky, and the sun, moon and stars light up in order to establish order.

As the earth shook, squeezed and separated, mountains and basins appeared, and metal materials gathered during the changes and turned into veins.

Immediately afterwards, the spring water gushes out, like the blood of the planet, gathering into a great river and flowing on the surface.

Where the river passes, vegetation grows and blooms rapidly.

Everything is being created out of thin air.

The desolate world suddenly became full of life.

As the vegetation completely expanded, birds, animals, snakes and insects also appeared one by one, forming a complete ecological chain.

Water vapor circulates, dark clouds gather, lightning and thunder thunder.

"what happened!!!"

Everyone fell into a daze.

The entire secret realm, based on the cloud night, is like burned paper, reorganized in the flames, the grass spreads under the body of Suimei Qin, and the softness of the grass can be clearly felt with both feet. It is different from the slightly false vision, this is completely Real change.


The heavy rain poured down, and Shui Qingya was soaked all over. The smell of blood on her body that was so strong that it could not be dissipated disappeared in an instant and was washed clean.

She stared blankly at the opening of heaven and earth and the birth of the world, feeling indescribable shock.


Lightning fell from the sky and struck beside the water, sun and moon. Thunder snakes walked on the ground and spread in the heavy rain.

Only half of Shui Riyue's body was left, and her energy was like a gossamer. Her black and white eyes showed an infinite desire for life.

However, she was dying, so badly injured that she had no hope of rescue.

The thunder fell, and she was affected, her body was slightly paralyzed, and small electric currents were beating.

"It doesn't seem to hurt so much anymore——"

When Shui Riyue thought like this, she suddenly realized that the missing half of her body had recovered at some point.

The sun and moon in the sky cycle rapidly, switching hundreds or thousands of times in just a few seconds.

The water, sun and moon were dull.

no doubt.

At this moment, some kind of miracle that she couldn't understand was happening in this secret realm!

"The secret realm is being swallowed up and covered by a brand new world..."

"That's right, this is creating a new world, this is..."


Dong Wang froze, but his mind was still spinning. He was the only person present except Yun Ye who could understand what was happening at the moment.

What is happening in front of you is the supreme power of the monk.

You can't go wrong, this is exactly...

Yin Yang and Five Elements!

Create the world!

The great monk in ancient times could create the world with great magic power and become the master of the world!

Among monks, this being has another name.


There is naturally a god in mythology, and the existence that can be recognized as a god is the Lord of the World and his subordinates. They will break out of the framework of monks!

"Creating the world is the ultimate power of monks. Even the weakest world, its creator will gain infinite power, transcend the realm of monks, and become the closest existence to immortality. Ancient monks called the living world the cave sky, and the dead world It’s a secret realm!”

"Everything in front of me is undoubtedly the grand scene of the opening up of a new world! But...how is this possible? How can this be allowed?!"

Dongwang's eyes were filled with blood.

Whether the world is created with yin and yang or the five elements, the moment this power is born, his realm is meaningless.

Even in the most splendid era, there are probably very few great monks who can open up caves.

How could he, a mere frog in a well in a borderland, be able to welcome the birth of such a being?

What's more...

Xuanjing Kaitian!

Among the remaining history, only the Shenmie clan from ten thousand years ago could do this, and that was a being who could compete with the unenlightened true immortals!

How could such a monster be born in a place like this?

Could God be playing tricks on him?

Let him rise up in the wind and fall down with the wind?

"Oops! Something's wrong!"

Yun Ye forcibly opened up the world. He did not want to create a stable world, he just wanted to use the power of creation to obliterate the Eastern King!

However, as soon as the world opened up, it went in a direction beyond his control!

The worst outcome he expected was death, but now things have taken a worse direction. It's not that the world has collapsed and the Red Sky Realm has been blown up. His power is far from reaching this level.

On the contrary, the world he created has become extremely stable and has even begun to evolve on its own. It can almost be said to be perfect to the extreme!

Then here comes the problem.

What went wrong?

It's very simple. With Yun Ye's current power, it is simply impossible to open up the world and stabilize it. This is something that only monsters of the level of Dao Lord in the future can do.

He was able to do it because he paid the price.

Real magic!

This was something completely beyond Yun Ye's expectation. He couldn't open up the world by himself, so he used the three true immortal methods to combine into one to stabilize it.

As a result, this true immortal method was directly integrated into the new world he opened up!

As the Lord of the World, Yun Ye clearly knows that this is not a simple problem that he cannot use the true immortal method!

The entire rules of the True Immortal Law have been taken away!

From now on, Hongtian’s Immortal Technique will fall to the level of Immortal and lose the power of its rules!

"How could this happen! Isn't the source of the power of the true immortal method not in the red sky? This power of rules is actually integrated into the world of Tiangan?!"

Yun Ye couldn't understand why this happened, but he didn't want it to happen at all.

Hong Tian’s immortal magic is not his power!

Taoist scriptures and immortal magic are also completely different things!

The Taoist Code is a condensation of the path, something that witnesses the birth of the True Immortal. In essence, it has nothing to do with the True Immortal.

However, the immortal method is different. It is the power condensed after the true immortal becomes an immortal. It is essentially a branch of their own true immortal power!

Yun Ye's seizure of this true immortal spell means that Hong Tian has permanently lost this part of his power!

How could such an outrageous thing happen?

"can not stop!!!"

However, even Yun Ye, the master of the world, could not reverse the rules that had been established. The power of the red sky was completely decomposed into a part of the world, and no clues could be seen anymore.

No matter how he recalls the memories Hong Tian instilled in him, the True Immortal Technique cannot be activated. The power belonging to this memory has disappeared!


Xuantian shook.

The vast world of Haoran is expanding and extending unstoppably. Yun Ye has no other choice but to concentrate on understanding this process of opening up the world.

He usually practices in a more logical way, but when it comes to opening up the world, he has more of a hazy feeling that cannot be made clear, no matter how he understands it.

Finally, Yun Ye stopped worrying about these things and called these hazy things "Tao". What he felt when he realized Tao was completely indescribable, let alone teachable. It was like a person who understood the composition of the universe and then kept trying to describe it. Same.

Let’s not talk about the ultimate of the universe. Even in modern science, there are a large number of parts that ordinary people cannot understand and are only the domain of super geniuses.

Only by raising these fields to countless levels can it be possible to approach the ultimate universe. This kind of thing cannot be described from Yun Ye's perspective.

Even if you describe it, you will have to spend your whole life just to describe an insignificant corner, and you will never be able to put together a complete picture.

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