A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 495 Devouring the Secret Realm

With Dongwang City as its foundation, the Xintian Dynasty was established.

The purpose is very simple, to become an immortal through the imperial way and to rebuild the human race.

As the ruler of the Xintian Dynasty, Yun Ye was given a very common title, the Water King, and he might have a chance to get the title of Water Emperor in the future.

The question is that the history of the previous generation of Water Emperors has been erased, and no one in modern times knows of its existence, so naturally they will not avoid its title.

The Xintian Dynasty uses water and fire as its symbol, so the throne in the Xintian Palace is also made of water and fire gems. One side is extremely tyrannical, and the other side is extremely gentle. If you don’t have a certain level of cultivation, you can’t even get close to this throne.

The Xintian Palace is similar to the Lingxiao Palace. It is an open-air palace surrounded by fairy air. All the kings and ministers have their seats, as if the stars are gathering and dispersing.

With the ability of a cultivator, naturally, there is no need to care about the distance that causes the sound to be inaudible. According to the status, the seats are constantly moving away, just like the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

At this moment, a young man is sitting on the throne. He wears a water-colored robe as the king's clothes and flips through the treasure book in his hand with a relaxed look.

The technology of Tomorrow Country was used internally, gathering all the information of the entire Dongwang City, but Yun Ye still completed the reading in a very short time.

Dongwang City actually has only one core technology, that is, spiritual equipment, and all other things are behind Tomorrow Country.

It can be said that after reading the whole article, Dongwang City has only four words, wasting time.

As for whether Dongwang has inherited the inheritance and treasures of the Luo Dynasty...

The answer is also negative.

The precious inheritance of the Luo Dynasty is in Luozhu. Others, even if they are real people, cannot have a complete inheritance, and Dongwang naturally cannot be ranked.

And Luozhu died in the hands of a demon of the level of destroying a country, and the inheritance was naturally cut off. Even if Dongwang seemed to have sent people to look for it, they only found magic skills and some treasure fragments, not even a mysterious treasure. It was probably taken away by the other remnants or demons.

As for the rumor that the Luo Dynasty has the Dao Canon, it is even more nonsense. It is completely a rumor and has not been confirmed. With the size of the Luo Dynasty, it is impossible to have even the canon that runs through the seven realms, let alone the Dao Canon. If it really exists, powerful forces don’t mind plundering it.

According to the memory of the Eastern King, the strongest martial arts of the Luo Dynasty were not even at the Jing level. It was just that the power was increased by the Heavenly Road, and it could barely reach the Jing level. Moreover, it could only be cultivated to the level of a real person at most, which was obviously far from the Dao Canon.

Yun Ye casually asked, "Everyone, how is the cleanup of Luo Territory going?"

"King, most of the three states have been cleaned up in the past ten years. Even the disaster beasts that can destroy a country are not my opponents. I believe that if I spend some more time, the three states can be completely taken back, and then I can unify the border states with this as the foundation!"

Shui Wu Ge stood up with a solemn expression.

Although the realm of those who have obtained the godhood is only the Xuan realm, the power extended by the power of the creation of the world is definitely not something that ordinary real people can match.

If their purpose had not been unclear in the past ten years and they were not sure what Yun Ye needed, the disaster beasts in the three states would have been cleared long ago.

"Yes, reduce the number of disaster beasts to the minimum as soon as possible. Luoyu is too small, and there is a wider stage waiting for us. Everyone, do your best to clean it up. Just as Wu Ge said, after Luoyu is the entire border continent."


After Yun Ye learned some of the situation, he immediately took out a lot of knowledge from the Tomorrow Country as the foundation of the New Heavenly Dynasty and reconstructed the Tomorrow system.

Although the New Heavenly Dynasty has a layer of skin and has the classes of kings and ministers, it is essentially not much different from the Tomorrow Country. They are all centralized management, but they do not promote any morality. Abandoning these, the country's development speed is faster than in the past.

However, this is no longer the focus of Yun Ye's attention. With his strength, no one in the New Heavenly Dynasty can help him. After giving the order, he left Dongwang City directly and went to the secret realms in the current Luoyu.

At present, the fastest way for Yun Ye to improve his strength is to devour the secret realm!

The other cave masters cannot do similar things. The rules between them conflict too much, consuming a lot of effort, but the conversion efficiency is very low.

Only those who can simulate the real world like the Ten Heavenly Stems and transform all kinds of power can be qualified to devour ordinary secret realms.

Yun Ye's first stop is the Rain World Secret Realm.

This is the secret realm where the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony was obtained. The power that once created the Rain World Secret Realm is still quite powerful. Even after such a long time, the scale of the Rain World Secret Realm is still large, comparable to half of the Wasteland State.

Unfortunately, this kind of power is false. In front of the existence that truly crosses the boundary, it is just a sugar pill.

Yun Ye raised his hand and the space shattered. The dimension where it was located was grabbed by Yun Ye and pulled out.

Its huge body shrank infinitely and finally fell into Yun Ye's hand, turning into an irregular glass ball.

Yun Ye pinched the glass ball. The surface of the glass ball was constantly rippled, reflecting the scene inside in the chaos. It was a variety of wonders in the ocean, but as Yun Ye pinched its surface space barrier, its interior was already in chaos, and the world was turned upside down. The high-level officials of the Ocean Empire were extremely shocked and did not understand what happened at all.

"The dead cave has no will to resist, it is too powerless."

The so-called secret realm is nothing more than a glass ball in Yun Ye's view today.

He threw it into the Tiangan Universe and it turned into a brand new planet. Yun Ye, who was too lazy to name it, continued the tradition and called it the third life planet.

In the process of turning into a planet, the rules of the Rain World Secret Realm were gradually swallowed up and turned into part of the cosmic barrier, which increased the cosmic limit a little.

At the same time, the size of the universe increased again, far exceeding half of the wasteland state.

The energy concentration of the Tiangan universe is very low, but the matter of half of the wasteland state is very huge, so it is naturally not possible to simply convert it when the space expands.

Yun Ye continued to decompose the Rain World Secret Realm. After absorbing it for about a year, this secret realm that had been running for at least ten thousand years was completely digested.

The Tiangan universe entered the realm of small success, and its power increased again.

All the demon species, spiritual medicines, magic medicines, relics, and inheritances were also completely cracked and controlled by Yun Ye.

Any knowledge has reference value for Yun Ye. He did not underestimate it because his power reached the limit after the creation of the world. He mastered it after reading it all.

Yun Ye, who can already understand the existence of "Tao", it is difficult for any low-level knowledge to stump him. He basically learns it all at once.

The harvest of the Rain World Secret Realm is undoubtedly satisfactory. Yun Ye determined the future direction and began to devour the major secret realms one by one.

In the process of devouring, Yun Ye did not wait and separated a physical clone that was almost exactly the same as himself, and began to move towards the outside of Luoyu.

The Red Sky Realm has countless secrets, and Luo Yu is very familiar with it. It's okay to make a big fuss about it, but when it comes to going out, he obviously can't be so reckless.

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