A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 496 Cangpan Demon Kingdom

The clone is created from a part of the universe. It is no different from the main body, and its power is almost the same. It can use the power of creating the world, and even the sword of tomorrow. The only weak thing is the endurance. If you really want to fight, you need to save your power.

But it doesn't matter, the clone's mission is to travel to the Red Sky Realm and understand the situation in today's world.

This is an exploration mission. Fighting should be avoided as much as possible without causing too much noise. This does not require high battery life.

For the first stop, Yun Ye chose to cross the rolling mountains and go to the Feng Dynasty, which was adjacent to the Luo Dynasty.

It's not that he chose this intentionally, it was mainly because he was walking towards the center of the Red Sky Realm. The Feng Dynasty happened to be in this direction. Why not come since there was a familiar name?

After actually arriving in the continuous mountains, Yun Ye read the history and learned that this place is called the "One Hundred Thousand Miles Cliff". The various geographical environments are extremely steep and have various special environments, such as the white-bone spiritual wind that sweeps away all flesh and blood with just one blow. Continuous swamps flashing with purple thunder and exploding fire...

It's the environment.

There are a large number of earth-zodiac demons, or disaster beasts, still entrenched in these environments, which are even more dangerous.

With Yun Ye's divine will, which can now be called the will of the world, he can easily bypass all dangerous lives and cross a hundred thousand miles of cliff without any movement.

But this kind of behavior is obviously not something that normal people can replicate. Under normal circumstances, even if a Xuanjing monk reaches the Hundred Thousand Miles Cliff, there will be no scum left behind.

Only real people can cross it easily from high latitudes directly without taking the path of the material world. Otherwise, there is no such thing as a hundred-thousand-mile cliff to destroy the country-level monsters. Generally, real people can only become prey in their mouths.

In this operation, Yun Ye was just an ordinary traveler, and did not use his magic power to cross in an instant. Accompanied by Ming Ming, he enjoyed the scenery and explored all the way, treating this as a trip, a trip that could grow himself and sublimate his soul!

He fought with dragons in the clouds, caught mermaid-like demons in the water, and saw a small demon kingdom while walking in the forest.

Tomorrow is like a spirit of flame, following Yun Ye, and she is also thoughtful.

"Demons can be divided into two types, one is the living demon, representing the yang zodiac sign, and the other is the dead demon, representing the yin zodiac sign."

"Beings like demons often follow instincts even if they are intelligent. It is not easy to form a demon kingdom. There is only one reason why we can encounter them. These demons have become demons."

After returning tomorrow, everything she experienced will be known to Yun Ye. The super virus released by the light was actually to transform all life from the yang zodiac sign to the yin zodiac sign. Some big monsters can retain their memories after the transformation, but gain order and form... Out in small groups.

With the strength of these demons, even a dozen members can become a nation.

This is never a good thing.

Every human being has spiritual roots, which is good food for demons. If demons become a country, then humans with large numbers and simple reproduction will inevitably become targets. Yun Ye noticed that this is the same reason for this country of demons.

He had a hunch that the rest of his journey would be mainly dealing with monsters.

Now that demon disasters are spreading all over the Red Sky Realm, there are definitely not a few of these demon kingdoms.

Cangpan Mountain.

This is a spiritual mountain with countless spiritual species. It naturally gathers a large amount of spiritual energy, and every piece of soil is filled with spirituality.

This kind of top spiritual land is naturally inhabited by virtuous people and is occupied by the strongest demons on this hundred thousand mile cliff.

This strongest demon calls himself the Cangpan King and establishes the Cangpan Demon Kingdom. There are two equal-ranking White Tiger King and Nine Tongue King, as well as dozens of powerful demon generals and hundreds of demon soldiers. The most powerful force can see the sky-shaking demonic energy thousands of miles away.

"General Black Tiger has an order to eat meat pie. The three of you immediately get the ingredients and let the chef steam them!"

"As you command!"

The three demons set out separately.

One of the dark tigers came to its own territory and patrolled the sky. Where it passed, there were a large number of human tribes. When they saw the huge shadow passing by, they all shivered. They bowed their heads and shouted loudly, "Your Majesty."

The Dark Tiger enjoyed it very much. With a loud roar, hundreds of mortals were swept up by the strong wind with dull eyes, and followed it as it patrolled the sky and crossed the border.

After turning around in a circle and seeing the number, even he felt distressed. Ming Hu stopped and turned back to the territory of General Black Tiger in Cangpan Mountain.

When the underworld tiger flew away, only a mess was left in the underworld tiger's territory. Countless mortals hugged their heads and cried, not daring to be angry or speak out.

Three ragged savages were lying in the mountains, burying their bodies in the soil.

In a flash of spiritual light, he resisted the ghost tiger's random roar.

"The tiger demon is gone! Gone!"


"Go quickly! There are still people alive!"

The three of them looked up, their expressions were crying and laughing at the same time. They were extremely ugly. They stood up suddenly and rushed towards their village.

I saw that many people in the village had their internal organs shattered by a loud roar, and they were so angry that they did not become the food for the underworld tiger's breeding.

They could only linger on the spot, groaning in pain. Many of them crawled out of the fields while vomiting blood, so that others could see where they were.

After the three savages rushed out, they crossed several miles in a very short time and ran to the front of the village. Emerald green light emerged from one of them, but it was the power of the wood spirit root. He suddenly held down an old man who looked old, but was actually only thirty years old. A 20-year-old man's injuries were visibly relieved.

"Ahem...haha...go save the others, I don't have to, it's much better!" The old man coughed up a mouthful of blood and pushed the Mulinggen Savage away.

The Mulinggen savage did not hesitate, immediately let go and ran to the next dying person.

Although the other two people had no healing ability, they were extremely powerful and could carry people extremely quickly. In a blink of an eye, they gathered all the living people in the village, saving the Mulinggen savages from wandering around.

They were very experienced. This was not the first time they had encountered this kind of thing. Maximum efficiency increased the survival rate. Injuries that would have resulted in death were all managed to survive under the power of Mu Linggen.

But after they cured the people, when they counted the number of people, they found that there were only less than a hundred people left in the village that originally had more than a thousand people. They couldn't help but feel sad and couldn't help crying.

They are really like pigs and sheep, but why are they living so hard?

However, after crying loudly, they could only wipe away their tears and get into the house.

After the Dark Tiger left, a few more hand-sized goblins appeared in a blink of an eye. They looked strange and terrifying, had wings, and looked like flying insects. They circled along the road where the Dark Tiger flew, and sprinkled a lot of Scale powder.

Wherever the scale powder falls, desire arises from the heart, and the human village turns into a land of wild beasts. Even if a large number of people have just died, even when sadness is in the heart, this desire will not be affected.

This is the best way for the Demon Kingdom to replenish its population, and it will work every time.

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