A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 497 Behead your dog

The only three people who were awake naturally saw this scene, but they did not dare to hinder it at all.

If the population growth does not meet expectations, the demon country will judge it as losing value, devour the whole village, and then move the population from other places.

In addition to aphrodisiac, the monster's scale powder can also greatly increase the chance of pregnancy. If you don't give birth at this time, it is impossible to obtain the population the monster clan needs during normal periods.

The only thing that gives them some comfort is probably that the monsters will provide each village with a large amount of food, ensuring that they can eat and drink even if they don't farm. If you don't talk about the shortcomings of short life, it is better than dying of exhaustion under the exploitation of landlords. Take it easy in the fields.

However, they still tried to escape. No matter how their elders tried to dissuade them, young people like them would not believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes.

The result was that they watched the people who left the village turn into monsters, and in the end they wanted to kill them. If there was not some kind of power in the village that did not allow the little monsters to break in, they might have suffered a lot of casualties.

As for challenging the Underworld Tiger King...

The Tiger King could flatten mountains with just one breath of his breath. Just looking at such a mighty power made them heartbroken, let alone a challenge with a sword?

At this moment, one of the three people suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky, showing a look of extreme horror.


I saw the black wind blowing in the distance, and the huge black energy-condensed tiger's head suddenly poked out, laughing loudly, "I said there is a problem, it turns out that there are a few human sheep that can use spiritual power, I just caught a few to have a taste !”

The black whirlwind flashed past, and the desperate pressure made everyone kneel down on the spot, unable to offer any resistance at all.

"Ah ah ah, why, why don't you give us a way to survive!"

The one who spoke out was the man with Fire Spirit Root. He lay prone and roared in pain. He had no intention of resisting at all and could only lament his own powerlessness.

He was born with the power called the fire in his heart, and his five senses were sharp. It was this fire in his heart that blocked Minghu's exploration, treating them as weeds and not paying attention.

But in the final analysis, this is just Minghu not paying attention carefully. Otherwise, with their level, how could they hide it from Minghu?

Even if Minghu is just a miscellaneous soldier in the demon country, he is a wise and famous demon. At least he has the realm of catastrophe and can destroy this area with just one breath.

The man with fire spirit root can clearly understand the power of Ming Hu. If the other party is the ocean, he is just a drop of water. The difference is immeasurable. If the other party does not want to eat his teeth, he has no room to struggle at all, and he can only resent it. His own powerlessness, and then he closed his eyes and waited for death.

Just when the three of them were swept up by the whirlwind and about to be swallowed into their mouths, time seemed to freeze at this moment...

The sound of faint footsteps sounded steadily.

That wasn't the sound that echoed when someone stepped on something. It was a sound that was more special and incomprehensible to them. It took away all their attention in an instant.

Even the black tiger demon is like this. Its eyes are about to burst, and it kicks into the distance. It doesn't dare to look away for a moment, for fear that it will die in the next moment.


A light flashed slowly, beautiful and bright.


The tiger's head and body were separated. In surprise and anger, its demonic body crashed to the ground with a huge amount of demonic energy, creating a huge crater.

It's dead!

I only witnessed a beautiful slash at the end, and died helplessly under this incomprehensible power!

Losing control of the underworld tiger, the three of them immediately fell down. Although they did not fly very high, it stands to reason that they would not be injured, but they did not expect to be rescued. They only thought of protecting themselves at the end, and they all fell badly.

But none of this mattered. They all stared blankly at the dead Minghu, the fear in their eyes filling their whole bodies, almost making them tremble and wet their whole bodies.

Minghu died, such a powerful demon king died, and a more powerful demon king appeared?

Why kill the Dark Tiger Demon King?

What happens to them next?

Swallow it easily?

"Tap tap tap!"

The three spiritual root resuscitators could clearly hear someone approaching step by step, and the heavy voice echoed, but no one dared to look back.

Under normal circumstances, only people or the demons of desire can enter this village, and other little monsters and monsters are not allowed. If they break in by force, they will only be destroyed by ashes.

But the owner of this footsteps is obviously an exception. Even the Dark Tiger Demon King is dead. There is absolutely no way that anything can stop him here!

The three spiritual root resuscitators had a flash of thought and immediately knelt down on the ground without looking up at all!

The rest of the villagers were even more so. They were extremely frightened. Not to mention looking at it, they even wanted to stop breathing.

This is their way of survival. As weak people, they can only use this method to reduce the killing and torture of demons.

The footsteps stopped in front of Ming Hu's body, as if he was checking something, and there was no sound after that.

Yun Ye stood in front of Minghu's corpse, and divine magic invaded, breaking through all barriers and reading the memory.

After that, Yun Ye was silent for a long time.

"Tomorrow, it seems that our first stop will be the Cangpan Demon Kingdom."

The spirit of the flames shuttled back and forth, and its power enveloped all the villagers, including the thousands of people sleeping next to the corpse of the underworld tiger. Therefore, they were not eroded by the power after the death of the underworld tiger.

"Well, let's start quickly. This is a sin we created and we should bear it."

Tomorrow said.

Yun Ye nodded silently. Because of the plan to borrow light, the entire Red Sky Realm was almost overturned, creating the most favorable opportunity in history.

It was precisely for this reason that he gave up the path of tomorrow and switched to the path of kings, hoping to unify the red sky and re-establish order as quickly as possible.

In fact, he also thought of the virus plan in his last life, and he was fully capable of creating the greatest disaster in history, causing the so-called Immortal Dynasty to be destroyed in an instant.

But he is an idealist after all. He is not as good as Borrowing Light, who has the decisiveness to sacrifice everyone to achieve his goals. As a leader alone, Borrowing Light is far more qualified than him.

With a sweep of Yun Ye's divine thoughts, Minghu's corpse was swallowed into the fragments of the universe and transformed into pure spiritual energy or matter.

Now that he has opened up the world, both spiritual energy and matter can become nutrients, and destroying the Cangpan Demon Kingdom will accomplish more than once... Although, he may just want to destroy the Demon Kingdom.

He turned into a breeze and disappeared.

The villagers prostrate themselves like this for more than ten hours. When someone fell down and nothing happened, the three spiritual root resuscitators dared to raise their heads.

Finally, they found that there was no one in front of them, and there was no trace of Ming Hu's body. There were only a large number of sleepy villagers from various places.

They immediately understood that the other party was not a demon, but a human being, a powerful person from their human race!

"God shows his spirit!"

"Your Excellency, please accept our worship!"

"We are determined to offer sacrifices sincerely and ask the immortals to protect us!"

All the villagers bowed their heads and worshiped, as if they saw hope.

The three spiritual root resuscitators looked at this scene and cried and laughed. They cried because they saw the ignorance of these villagers, but they laughed because they did see hope.

They jumped up and started yelling.

"Save us, save us!"

"We are human beings, and we also want to save everyone. Great Immortal, we want to practice!"

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