A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 499 White Tiger King

Under the forcible orders of the seven demon generals, a large number of demon soldiers had to surround and kill them. However, they just appeared and froze when they saw Yun Ye.

They saw a monster that amounted to despair...

Yun Ye did not sit back and watch the situation continue. With limited power, he needed to kill some in advance and squeeze out time to recover his power.

Therefore, his figure slowly disappeared.


The sound of footsteps pressing down on the world sounded, and he traveled hundreds of miles in an instant. All the barriers along the way exploded and were automatically dissolved by the force of creation, and the black hole condensed in Yun Ye's hand.

Immediately afterwards, the black hole instantly spread at the end of the line of sight, swallowing up all the demon soldiers and demon soldiers wherever it passed, directly clearing the sky.

The seven demon generals gathered together watched everything happen, but they were powerless.


Their bodies were also twisted, captured by gravity, and instantly crushed into dust, unable to even utter a cry.

As the black hole disappeared, the dust that was compressed to the extreme silently smashed through the ground, falling to no one knows where.

Yun Ye killed a group of demons in an instant and smashed countless barriers throughout the demon country. The demon country was completely shaken, and the auras revived one after another. However, as soon as they were born, they were frightened by the tragic battle situation.

"Use the secret method immediately to awaken the king. Only the king can suppress this human-goat!"


"Wake up the king!"

Many demon generals burned their lives and completed almost half of their lives in an instant, before they managed to shout loudly, shaking the sky.

The three great kings have been practicing all year round and are sealed by layers of barriers. No matter how loud the outside movement is, they cannot wake them up. They can only be notified through secret techniques.

The power of these demon generals is too weak, and they are unable to move under the pressure of Yunye's despair level. They need to burn their lives before they are allowed to break through.

A large number of demon generals were shocked and angry when they discovered this. They roared in disbelief, their voices rising one after another.

"A disaster is coming! Please revive me, Your Majesty!"

"King White Tiger, please revive!"

"The enemy has entered the demon kingdom!"

They all use various secret techniques to awaken and allow the kings who are practicing to appear.

During this process, the monsters were annihilated one by one silently, but they had no idea what was happening, and they were unable to resist.

All that could be heard was the sound of footsteps echoing continuously, and the heaven and earth seemed to be echoing with ripples.

They could only keep yelling, hoping that the king would wake up quickly.

"Who is disturbing me!"


Several demon generals were exploded into a pulp, and were swept into their bloody mouths by a gust of wind.

This scene made all the demons happy instead of surprised!

They are saved. Finally, a king wakes up. It is the White Tiger King. His killing power is extremely terrifying. He will definitely be able to completely suppress that weird and terrifying human-goat!

The White Tiger King was awakened by his subordinates and revealed his true form in anger. He actually entrenched himself in a large lake and got up amid the sound of water waves.

This white tiger is a thousand meters long and is the greatest demon among the great demons. When the demon kingdom revives, the color of the sky and the earth changes, the demonic flames surge, and tens of thousands of bones pile up into mountains.

A radius of thousands of miles immediately turned into a demonic realm, showing the strength of the White Tiger King.

There is no doubt that this is a country-destroying monster!

Originally, the demons at the level of destroying the country must be stronger than most real people. In this era of the advent of the world god, the White Tiger King has taken it to a higher level and stepped into the upper level of destroying the country, which is enough to take most of the real monks as supplements.

Because of this, the White Tiger King was very confident and had time to reprimand his subordinates coldly: "You are so incompetent. You want to wake me up just because of something? What's the use of you?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. The enemy here is the Demon King. Although the great king can easily suppress it, it is too powerful for us. The seven generals were killed at a glance from the air. We are not the enemy of one unit at all, but If you seek the protection of your Majesty, please show your supreme majesty and make this man and sheep worship you."

While all the monsters were trembling, a three-meter-tall frog stood out. It spoke very artistically.

"Oh, they are a bunch of trash, but I still need to suppress them!"

"Human sheep, if you dare to disturb my peace, I will let you taste the endless punishment of this king! I will let you cut your flesh for a hundred years and provide me with spiritual nourishing meat day and night!"

The White Tiger King took advantage of it. He shot his huge vertical pupils at Yun Ye and laughed, thinking about how delicious the meals would be in the next hundred years.

"Being killed by a human and sheep in the demon kingdom is a great shame and humiliation. It's a pity that we don't have the strength to deal with him, otherwise he will be bitten to death!"

"Didn't it mean that humans and sheep can no longer see the big demon? Why is there still a demon king? Could it be that he comes from other places?"

"No matter what these things are, no matter where they come from, if they bring disgrace to the demon country, the king will definitely let him come back without coming back. He is already dead, and this is enough!"

The demon generals stared at Yun Ye with strong murderous intent. The demon king who could threaten their lives would naturally die if he could. However, they did not notice at all. As they stared at the target, they gradually began to see Things that should not be seen, the body and soul are being confused and deteriorated by this.

The power of the world cannot be touched by some unknown people, even just by sight!

The White Tiger King didn't pay attention to this. It took action, and the dark magic sword fell from the sky with its claws. It was like a metal sword made of condensed stars. It was sharp and could cut everything.

Yun Ye didn't even raise his head, looking at the White Tiger King, letting the dark magic sword land, then smash into pieces in the sky above him without hurting him at all.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and all the contempt shown by the White Tiger King disappeared without a trace. It suddenly roared, "You are really the Demon King? You dare to invade Cangpan Mountain, are you trying to bully my three brothers into being powerless?!"

Roaring like the power of the sky, huge skeletons came from the horizon, like messengers from hell, making this demonic realm more and more weird.

"They are a race that is not good at space arts, but they can be killed quickly."

Tomorrow said calmly.

Yun Ye nodded, shrouded in the power that created the world, and took one step forward. The scenery of the Demonic Realm was shattered. The White Tiger King suddenly saw that his power was swept away in an instant. The little human was standing in front of it without knowing when, and slowly stretched out his hand.

The hand was smaller than even a hair on it, but when it was pressed down, it felt as if the world was shattering. It was extremely small under this palm.

"What kind of method are you using?"

"My true body and magical powers, hold on to me!"

The White Tiger King roared angrily, stimulating his meager divine beast bloodline and displaying the highest level of combat power. His body quickly shrunk and condensed into a glowing white tiger, wrapped in a band of light, and his pupils turned into flames. It was a divine abnormality!

Its huge demonic energy solidified into a white tiger and rushed out, carrying infinite demonic energy and transforming into a Hades tiger. It fought against the opponent's palm. For a moment, the Hades tiger was like an old thing that had been weathered for a long time. It was pressed to the bottom and directly smashed its front paws. With half of the shoulder slap shattered, a massive amount of demonic energy immediately overflowed violently.


These were the last words of the White Tiger King. Yun Ye took another step forward and appeared behind the White Tiger King. Between the two points, the dark cutting line that tore the space had not healed for a long time. The White Tiger King's body and head were separated, and his soul and the fire of life were separated. Extinguished on the spot.

The entire Cangpan Demon Kingdom.

There was dead silence.

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