A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 500 Kill the Demon King instantly

The White Tiger King was decapitated by two moves and showed no sign of resurrection. He was really dead. Even his body disappeared in the next moment.

Boiling despair spreads.


Every race is different.

Wisdom alone is not possessed by all races.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to unify, even if it is the Great Demon Tribunal, it can only represent part of the demons at best.

But on the contrary, once the integration is completed, the direction of the demon's ultimate body and soul will also cause its loyalty to be infinite or negative.

The Cangpan Demon Kingdom has existed for about a hundred years and has a complete order. The rule of the three demon kings is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has won over most of the intelligent demons.

In this case, after the White Tiger King was beheaded, although all the demons felt despair at first, what followed was the ultimate anger of the Lord's death and humiliation.

Their eyes are about to burst, and they want to move and stretch out their sharp claws, even if they are like moths flying into the flames to take action and avenge the king.

This is undoubtedly a death sentence, but there are many demon generals who are still so determined. Their bloodline contains the factor of fighting bloody battles for the clan.

However, the murderer stood in the sky and did not move for a long time. Even so, the many demon soldiers and generals did not make any move.

It’s not that I don’t want to.

But can't.

The world in their eyes has darkened from the beginning, it is pitch black, without any light, and their bodies seem to be frozen in the darkness!

And between the darkened heaven and earth, a vast amount of transparent spiritual energy appeared after a moment, appearing in all directions, all rushing towards a certain existence.

The spiritual energy gathered into layers of white mist, which was already visible to the naked eye, but disappeared silently into the darkness, in front of the only light.

It was the human youth who killed the White Tiger King with two moves.

At this moment, the names of humans and sheep disappeared. They finally remembered the true name of this group, and countless groups emerged to overwhelm the Emperor of the Red Sky...

Human race!


For some reason, the scene of spiritual energy exhalation that was supposed to be majestic and earth-shattering, in the hands of this young man, seemed to be as natural as a fish playing in the water.

The flowing spiritual energy caused many demons to lose control of their senses, and their minds were taken away. Then one by one, it was as if their souls had left their bodies and entered the world. The world was like a sea of ​​fire, roasting their souls every minute and every second. They realize tranquility in the midst of extreme pain.

One after another, the eyes of the demons lost color and disappeared in the air.

Yun Ye activated the divine method that affected the entire kingdom of demons. Starting from controlling all the demons, he eliminated the threats bit by bit. This was a relatively delicate job. After all, there were many humans present, and they could not be wiped out with a single mental bomb. They can only be killed one after another.

This process was undoubtedly very mana-consuming, and Yun Ye had to swallow a large amount of spiritual energy.

At the same time, the huge aura naturally formed a barrier, isolating the inside and outside of the demon kingdom to prevent the Great Demon Tribunal from coming again.

Immobilizing these monsters is just the passive effect of the barrier.

"The more demons are killed, the more energy is gathered, and the more powerful the critical manifest king becomes. There are three demon kings in this demon kingdom. Although it is not as massive as the world god's tentacles, they will definitely be marked, and they will be with us. The purpose of the action is inconsistent.”

Tomorrow I can see the detailed rules of heaven and earth, so I taught Yun Ye how to avoid it. This kind of barrier cannot be completed casually.

Although Yun Ye is not afraid of the Great Demon Tribunal, if his whereabouts are known, it will cause a lot of trouble. It is easiest to keep everything shrouded in fog.

It is said to be a precise killing, but in fact everything happens in just a few seconds.

The entire demon kingdom was wiped out in a matter of seconds after dozens of troubled times, thousands of catastrophes, and countless chaos.

His corpse was instantly swallowed up by the debris of the universe and turned into nourishment for the rapid growth of the Tiangan Universe.

The entire Cangpan Ling Mountain was completely quiet, and a large number of humans were at a loss. They had been like this for many years, and they did not dare to move at all, lest it be a scam.

After Yun Ye gave the instructions, these humans suddenly understood the current situation and gathered one after another to wait for the matter to end.

As for letting them escape down the mountain.

As big as Cangpan Mountain is, a mortal would probably not be able to complete it in several years. Instead, he would die at any time due to various dangers, which is just a waste of life.

"The Demon King of Cangpan Demon Kingdom is too careless. He hasn't woken up yet. Is he going to die in his sleep?"

He was actually quite satisfied. With this time, his strength was fully restored.

"Demons take a long time to grow. Most of them choose to sleep to resist the loss of vitality and survive longer. What's more, the king of the demon country has specially set up a barrier. It's not surprising that they can't be awakened."

Tomorrow spread his hands, "Wouldn't it be nice to die in your sleep? According to the memories of these troubled times, the positions of the two demon kings are very clear, and they can be killed in one go."

"That's right." Yun Ye raised his hand, condensed the thunder spear with the power of creating the world, aimed it at a certain place and threw it suddenly.


The auras of the two country-destroying demons swayed and they avoided the attack. They had been prepared, but Yun Ye did not succeed in the sneak attack.

A giant snake and a toad appeared. They were extremely large in size, but they quickly shrank when fighting against Yun Ye, reducing the area affected by the attack.

The two country-destroying demons glanced at the sealed world, and their murderous intent boiled...

They can't escape unless they kill this person!


Both ends of the country were traveling through space, trying to kill Yun Ye on the spot, but a true magical power exploded.

King Cangpan's snake tail flicked, as if everything in the world was attracted here, Yun Ye couldn't help but come to it, and then the huge force that shattered the space exploded. The huge demon essence gathered to bless the body, and one tail fell down to crush Yun Ye on the spot.

Yun Ye took a step, and the inexplicable footsteps sounded again. King Cangpan's movements suddenly froze. He waved his hand casually, and the black hole condensed, pressed on its long tail, and forcibly crossed one and a half realms to knock King Cangpan away. Bloody scales were flying everywhere.

"not good……"

After King Cangpan flew out, the shadow of death had covered all his senses.

It knew that although it didn't seem to have suffered too many injuries, its soul was being wiped out starting from the tail that was attacked, and it couldn't resist at all.

After an instant, King Cangpan's eyes were empty, and his soul was wiped out with one blow.

It just fell. The huge demonic element fixed its body in the sky. The demonic element decomposed into demonic energy, which burst out radially from the body.

A strange phenomenon appears in the sky!

At this time, the combo attack of King Nine Tongues also arrived. It also sensed the decline of King Cangpan's aura, and it seemed to die instantly, but it obviously couldn't stop when it was in front of it. Nine red swords that penetrated everything suddenly shot out, trying to nail Yun Ye. kill.

But Yun Ye was too quick. He stepped out with one step. King Nine Tongues' nine eyes widened slightly, and a hole suddenly appeared on his face, penetrating through his body.

Instant kill!

Only half of the Nine Tongue King's brain was destroyed, and his soul was not completely dead. It finally asked:

"We have no grievances. Who are you? Why do you want to destroy our demon country?"

"Why not enslave our clan and destroy it?"

Yun Ye glanced at it and said calmly.

"It turns out that you are the king of humans, so there is nothing you can do about it. But if you can devour my demon kingdom, there will always be demons who can devour you. I will wait for you in hell, the king of humans..."

The last soul fire of King Nine Tongues was extinguished, and a large amount of demonic energy lost control and surged towards the sky, forming a strange phenomenon in the world.

These high-purity energy clouds refused to come to anyone at night, and as the universe contracted and expanded, they swallowed up the two demon kings.

The fragments of the universe that were originally separated did not even have planets. After absorbing three country-destroying monsters, the world developed and evolved on its own, and a planet-sized universe was reopened in an instant. The effect was astonishing.

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