A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 501 Sun Tree in the Desert

After Yun Ye destroyed the Cangpan Demon Kingdom, he gathered everyone and taught them the extremely spiritual method, allowing them to practice in Cangpan Mountain.

Three demon kings died in Cangpan Mountain, and their auras were enough to prevent all demons from approaching. Yun Ye also set up some restrictions, which were enough for them to protect themselves.

In a few years, or decades, the Xintian Dynasty's sphere of influence will expand to this point, and they can just merge into the Xintian Dynasty.

Yun Ye continued to move forward without looking back.

Yun Ye moves forward in the dark night, and from time to time he can see light in the dark night, or volcanoes, or special environments, or magical medicines and plants.

Although the sky is completely dark, the world has not fallen into deathly silence. As long as there is spiritual energy, some lives can still grow tenaciously.

In the lake that was once about the same size as the ocean, Yun Ye had seen countless luminous spiritual grasses, which directly illuminated the large lake. There were intelligent demons similar to mermaids inside.

It can be said that no matter whether it is the sky, the ocean or the earth, all species are adapting to the environment.

It took Yun Ye three days to cross the 100,000-mile cliff. After pushing aside the last pile of fluorescent weeds in front of him, he completely entered the realm of Feng Dynasty.

As far as the Feng Dynasty could see, there was a desert, only yellow sand and hurricanes raging.

In some areas, there were even cyan wind pillars standing there. Yun Ye got closer and experimented, and found that these cyan wind pillars were actually the spiritual winds of heaven and earth. The smallest wisp of spiritual wind that made up these wind pillars could easily cut through high-level spiritual weapons.

And in this desert, even the shortest wind pillar is more than fifty meters long. If a person who masters the wind spirit method breaks into the spiritual realm, he will probably never return.

I don’t know if this is the norm. If it is, in terms of living environment, the Feng Dynasty is obviously much worse than the Luo Dynasty. Not only are deserts everywhere, but even walking on the road may be killed by wind pillars that appear out of thin air.

And Yun Ye walked some distance deeper, and from time to time he would encounter demons and disaster beasts of the earth, fire or wind zodiac. Their strength ranged from high-level demons to catastrophes, with a higher proportion of disaster-level ones in the middle, and catastrophic beasts were not included. few.

Judging from the level and frequency of demons alone, this Wind Dynasty is not even suitable for low-level monks to survive. The quality is too high and too strong.

In the Luo Dynasty, it is probably an area like the Great Wilderness Lingze, but the problem is that the concentration of spiritual energy in this desert is much lower than that of the Great Wilderness Lingze. If the monks practice here, their growth rate will definitely not be able to keep up with the demons.

"Yun Ye, that's...the lighthouse in front of you?"

Tomorrow pointed to the distance and said in surprise.

Yun Ye squinted his eyes and also saw the looming lighthouse in the dark night. He thought about it and activated a small amount of world will.

In fact, the exploration of spiritual consciousness is risky nowadays. In this era, there may be pollution everywhere, and casual spread of spiritual consciousness is very likely to cause serious damage.

At the same time, the divine consciousness will sweep over the demons, and the monsters will react keenly. The divine consciousness will sweep over humans, and those who practice divine magic among humans will also be aware of it. Only when the strength is fully present, the divine consciousness will not be detected by others. perceived.

If Yun Ye randomly spreads his spiritual consciousness while investigating, there is a possibility of alerting the enemy and even being designed to backfire. Therefore, whether it is the Hundred Thousand Miles Cliff or the current Feng Dynasty, Yun Ye only maintains a distance of about one hundred kilometers around him. Spiritual exploration.

He is now in the Mysterious Realm and has completed the baptism that created the world. There is no doubt about the strength of his spiritual thoughts and there is basically no need to worry about being contaminated.

Within a range of one hundred kilometers, the intensity of spiritual thoughts and the reaction speed of spiritual thoughts are also at their highest. Yun Ye can respond before alerting the enemy.

What's more, after the creation of the world, Yun Ye borrowed the Tiangan Universe to even use the will of the universe and the will of the world. This kind of will is so illusory that even Yun Ye himself cannot understand it, let alone other people.

For these reasons, Yun Ye was not stingy when it came to using his spiritual thoughts.

"The visual distance is about five hundred kilometers. It is not easy for light to penetrate such a distance."

Yun Ye's spiritual thoughts suddenly spread, covering the entire area five hundred miles ahead in a straight line. In this brief moment, he read all the information and contracted his spiritual thoughts, leaving no chance for counterattack or gap.

"How about it?"

Tomorrow asked, she was blocked by the power of creation and could only follow Yun Ye, unable to see what happened by herself.

Otherwise, based on the range of tomorrow's Taoist tools, five hundred kilometers is obviously a drop in the bucket.

"It's a lighthouse, but it's not a lighthouse..."

Yun Ye murmured to himself.

"This is the Sun Tree?"

Tomorrow, who received the memory at the same time, said in surprise, "Only Tomorrow Kingdom can plant this kind of tree. Why does Feng Dynasty have it?"

The Sun Tree is specifically used to make Sun Stars. After countless iterations, it cannot reproduce on its own or it will degenerate.

The technology for cultivating the Sun Tree is extremely sophisticated, and without the foundation of the Kingdom of Tomorrow, any mistake will trigger a Sun Star explosion that is countless times greater than a nuclear explosion.

Being able to plant sun trees as lighthouses must have mastered the industrial foundation of the Kingdom of Tomorrow. This is not something that can be easily replicated. There must be a large number of technical personnel.

"It is possible that they were people from the Kingdom of Tomorrow. The Kingdom of Tomorrow did not perish after you were sealed, but hid in the secret realm. However, the secret realm has no way to heaven and cannot stay for a long time. They should have come out after the emperor fell and the Immortal Dynasty disintegrated." Yun Ye said.

"This is indeed the most likely conjecture. There is no one around the Sun Tree. It seems to be just used as a lighthouse. I don't know where their base is. Maybe we can go find them and ask what happened next... We can also try to privately Chat." Tomorrow said.

"Private chat?" Yun Ye was stunned, "You mean the talker network?"

Tomorrow's Taoist Equipment has built a lot of things during the Kingdom of Tomorrow period. The career system, information storage, and the Taoist Equipment Network were the first to be completed.

As long as they are within the range of the Taoist weapon, the Taoist tool users can communicate with each other, which is safer and more reliable than any divine method.

The Tomorrow Sword has reverberated over 100 million times, and the diameter of the Dao domain has reached 100,000 kilometers. A state is actually only 30,000 to 400,000 kilometers. This range is indeed enough to contact the people you want to contact, but if there is no Tomorrow Dao Weapon user here, it will be all To rule as a Taoist envoy is to declare war nakedly.

Although it is not impossible for Asuka to be exposed, his information was exposed from the very beginning. Unless he killed all the insiders in one go, there would still be hidden dangers.

"Let's forget it. It's troublesome to use the will of the world directly, but it's more reliable." Yun Ye objected.

"Then try the previous spiritual contact. Even if they change the signal, there are only a few fixed ones to choose from." Tomorrow said again.

Yun Ye nodded. Even if he found out he was an enemy after connecting to the contact channel, it was hard to say who should be worried.

After all, his strength is clearly written on his panel now: EX.




Yun Ye snapped his fingers and activated his spiritual technique.

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