A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 503 Underworld and Intelligent Tomorrow

"The underworld and the tree city, judging from the memories read by the divine method, are indeed the Tomorrow Society, but they are divided into two parts and multiple branches."

Yun Ye said.

"Is it because of the impact of our previous battle?"

Tomorrow frowned.

"No, Hell and Shucheng have been at odds with each other for many years. Our appearance only allowed them to establish more branches and spread more."

Yun Ye shook his head.

During the ten years of fighting, because the World God's tentacles were too powerful, he could not distract himself, and many people must have been involved.

This decentralized strategy can reduce losses under normal circumstances.

"Let's go to the underworld and the tree city."

Are the only forces left in the Feng Dynasty’s territory are the Tomorrow Society?

If so, there is no need to pay attention to the two states of Fengyu. He can continue to move forward to see more of the details of the Red Sky Realm.

When will he encounter the Tianzong Tianmen and even the Immortal Clan above the Saint Clan?

I wonder if it is possible to encounter an existence like the Kamimie clan in this era?

The Five Elements Cave Heaven and the Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven, which one is stronger and which one is weaker?

The two states ruled by the Feng Dynasty were in ruins.

The once prominent force has become history.

After traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, Yun Ye only saw chaotic and even country-destroying beasts wandering and dormant, and basically no trace of humans.

Only the sun trees that appeared from time to time told Yun Ye that human activities had indeed always existed here, but they were very hidden and forced underground.

As a nearly invincible monk, Yun Ye easily overcomes various difficulties and found two major bases belonging to mankind.

Underworld, this is an underground city located about two thousand meters underground, relying on the roots of the sun tree to provide light and energy.

Tree City, a bright area surrounded by a large number of sun trees in a circle, was disliked by the disaster beasts, so it became a gathering place.

After all, disaster beasts are dead and ghostly objects corroded by demonic disasters. They are restrained by the Sun Tree and will not approach the Sun Tree unless necessary.

Yun Ye came to the underworld first. He quietly crossed all the obstacles and arrived at the gate of the underworld.

The passage between the gate and the ground is made of silver to prevent destruction by earth-zodiac demons.

From time to time, people would go out or return here, and there was more than one passage. Yun Ye stood at the door, staring at all kinds of people who looked like adventurers, but were named "Monks of the Hunting Department" by the underworld.

These people all have the same characteristics, simple, heavy and numb due to vicissitudes of life. Only a few monks still retain their agility, and most of them have just started hunting missions.

"There are no strong people here, and the pressure of survival is enough to overwhelm most people."

Say tomorrow.

"There are only a few people in the Xuan Realm in the entire base. Because of the various powerful disaster beasts, their range of activities is too small and resources are seriously insufficient. However, since the resources are so scarce, why will the association be split into two tomorrow? part?"

Yun Ye crossed the gate with Tomorrow in confusion.

All the guards turned a blind eye to them, completely unaware of their existence.

This is also natural. Yun Ye has mastered a universe and his computing power is endless. It is not difficult for him to make everyone invisible to him.

The gate to the underworld is very large, twenty meters high, and it is obviously not just for letting people in and out.

Inside the underworld, it is even more spacious. The sky is simulated by a magic array, various buildings are arranged in an orderly manner, the roads are spacious and not crowded, there are large square gardens, and the greening is quite good. When combined, these give people the most intuitive feeling. easy.

This is also natural. In this kind of world, it is very important to create a safe environment.

Yun Ye can see everything with a step of several hundred meters. All kinds of information wherever he passes is naturally collected and compiled into a book by the universe.

He and Tomorrow walked and read, gradually understanding the underworld.

The end of the road is naturally the data storage room of the underworld. This is the core secret place of the underworld. It stores almost all the information and can only be queried with the corresponding authority.

"A success?" Tomorrow said with a smile.

"There are star-level computing power deductions. If it still can't be cracked, then I will accept it." Yun Ye shrugged, put his hand on the machine, and spread his spiritual power.

"Please verify...verification successful."

"Please authorize with the highest authority...obtain authorization."

"Unblock all data...unblocking completed."

"The person with the highest authority will always obey your orders tomorrow."

A virtual image of a girl appeared, with red textured long white silk stockings, a fire-colored dress, long sleeves, and fire lotus spinning on the black hair.

She smiled at Yun Ye.

"Hey, tomorrow, they made you a part, and there was a projection, but they actually chose the period of a little girl... Good taste!" Yun Ye commented.

After advancing to the continent realm Taoist weapon, Tomorrow's posture became more mature and solemn, her dress became a long skirt, and the iconic white silk with fire pattern was no longer there.

At this time, Tomorrow is more like a passionate queen who can turn into the sharpest sword, rather than a cute mascot that comforts the soul.

"Speaking of which, why am I not blue? During the Tomorrow Kingdom period, I have always been blue." Tomorrow's focus is very unique.

"Hey, that makes sense. Why isn't it Blue Tomorrow?" Yun Ye asked Smart Tomorrow.

"Because the two forms represent different meanings!"

"The Tomorrow Zhanquan Sword is red when it is at a disadvantage. It is enthusiastic and warm, and has the meaning of encouraging people."

"The advantage is blue, calm and rational, which can prevent the holder from straying from the road."

"Our current situation requires a 'light' that illuminates the heart more than a 'reason' that is so rational that it makes people collapse. Tomorrow won an overwhelming victory with a 94% advantage, so it was established as the most intelligent appearance in the underworld. And character.”

Smart Tomorrow said with a smile, she called herself ‘Tomorrow’.

"Ah this..."

Yun Ye found that this seemed to be the case.

However, as a holder, he spends most of his time practicing, practicing, practicing, and has never thought much about the difference between red and blue tomorrows. Could it be a coincidence?

"It's not a coincidence. The past me did have such a meaning. Only when I grow into the complete form I have now, my personality will be closer to unity, because at this moment, the path has been completed and I am no longer a child who needs to be taken care of."

As a Taoist weapon, Tomorrow gave a positive answer.

"I see. In fact, I liked you better when I was a child. Of course, Tomorrow is not bad now, which is very reassuring."

Yun Ye said, putting his hand on the machine and starting to enter the database to read the huge amount of data.

The next second, the reading ends and everything has been recorded in the mind.

At his level, he no longer uses troublesome means like reading. Obtaining information in this way is too slow, and even scanning with divine consciousness is too slow. Direct memory reading is the method that tomorrow's monks should have .

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