A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 504 Two Split Factions

"The seal of the World God's tentacles is completed, the chief died in the battle by light, all members of the Tomorrow Society observe a moment of silence..."

"The scope of the World God's tentacle rules only exists within the secret realm, and the outside world has no way of knowing it. The plan to raise gu has begun."

"A few years later, countless viruses fought each other, and the ultimate virus that was enough to break through the monks' spiritual defense was born. It was released from the secret realm and the Luo Dynasty was destroyed."

"The secret realm is about to collapse..."

"Everyone withdraws from the secret realm, goes to the 100,000-mile cliff, completes the crossing, and reaches the Feng Dynasty."

"The Wind Dynasty has been destroyed, and there are demonic corrosive bodies walking everywhere. There are many in troubled times. The area where it is located is a restricted area of ​​life, and the legal realm can also be infected."

"It was observed that the sealed body of the World God was floating, the seal was loose, and the Tomorrow Sword was suspected to be contaminated - the attempt to recover it failed, and was completely destroyed."

Yun Ye discovered that from here on, the Tomorrow Society would enter the splitting stage, about a hundred years later.

One hundred years is enough for too many things to happen. In order to break through the real people, Zhuo Qilian left independently to go to a wider world. A large number of senior members of the Tomorrow Society died in battle or died in the war, as well as the harsh environment and divergent ideas. This all contributed to the split of the Tomorrow Society. .

The underworld faction is controlled by the borrowed light faction. They pursue high-pressure management policies, strictly allocate resources, and focus on supporting a few people for growth. They hope to gain the power to clean up the surrounding environment and regain resources as soon as possible. According to the borrowed light plan, they surpass all forces and develop rapidly. grow.

The Shucheng faction is controlled by another group, and the leader is Tian Jialun. Their faction believes that survival is the top priority. Cleaning up the disaster and returning to the top are too far away and unrealistic. Any demon in troubled times can make today's tomorrow The country has suffered heavy losses, and acting forcefully under the current situation is just an excuse to sacrifice most people.

After a certain conflict, the two factions completely split and even started a war. This further curbed the development of the two factions and trapped them in the Feng Dynasty. The achievements of the next hundred years could not change the overall situation.

"A war actually broke out? Would Tian Jialun do this?"

No matter whether it is cloudy night or tomorrow, I don’t believe it.

This man loves peace very much, and the Taoist weapon's true name even wants to influence his enemies. It is difficult for the two of them to imagine Tian Jialun disregarding the overall situation.

There must be fraud in it.

"There's no way of knowing exactly what's going on or even what we should be doing."

Yun Ye sighed.

The persona he gave himself in this life was that of a super genius who inherited the bloodline of the Kingdom of Tomorrow, and he had some reasons to interfere in the affairs of the Tomorrow Society.

However, it is not very strong, and it is definitely not possible to meet those old people and show familiarity.

Now is the era when the world gods are coming, and the true immortals are paying attention to the Red Heaven Realm like never before.

He has completed the creation of the world and may have become the only star in the sky.

As conspicuous as the sun.

If there was still some possibility in the past that the real immortal would not notice him at all, then in this life, the probability will increase to a point that cannot be ignored.

He couldn't make a wrong move, otherwise he would be doomed again.

"The problem can be seen from some clues." Tomorrow said.

"Well, after coming here, the Tomorrow Society had gathered some local forces, and these people belonged to Shucheng. Since then, Shucheng has increasingly advocated comfort and stability, which eventually led to splits due to various reasons." Yun Ye said.

"Tian Jialun should not be able to accept the plan of borrowing money. Although it can concentrate on big things and develop rapidly, it is too depressing. Tian Jialun will not like his personality. It is normal to have conflicts." Tomorrow nodded.

It's normal to have conflicts, but the outbreak of war may not have been Tian Jialun's original intention.

Yun Ye recalled the various information he had seen, and stopped at the words "Evil Spirit God Plan." "Perhaps it is also related to the fact that the high-level officials in the underworld are too radical. The Evil Spirit God Plan has indeed tapped all the potential, but it will also Causes congenital defects...for example, apathy, in which case they simply cannot understand what ordinary people are stressed about."

Tomorrow stepped forward to take a look and found that all the high-level officials in the underworld were indeed beneficiaries of the Evil Spirit God's plan, or had the evolutionary bloodline of one of the Evil Spirit Gods.

"Although the flaws of the first-generation Evil Spirit God clone have been resolved, have the hidden dangers not been completely eliminated?" Tomorrow said.

"It's possible." Yun Ye said, "The problem is from various aspects. One is that genes have capacity limits, and they may have given up some things for stronger power. Secondly, there are no hidden dangers, they are just contemporary, and their heirs may not be the same. Well, we didn’t have time to be perfect back then.”

"From the fact that only a few people from the Shui clan have inherited the evolutionary bloodline, we can know that it is difficult for this thing to be born, and even the physique of the Saint clan is not suitable."


The alarm suddenly sounded, the entire data storage room turned red, and a large number of footsteps rushed from the outside.

"Looks like he's been discovered."

Yun Ye and Ming Ri looked at each other, their figures blurred, and left directly from high latitudes.

at the same time.

Many Xuanjing monks came to the data room. One of them held a Dao weapon and looked at the empty data room. He couldn't help but frowned: "There is nothing. How is it possible? Who just unlocked the highest authority, and just said The device can indeed locate the presence of someone..."

"So the other party has left?" someone said from the side.

"Under normal circumstances, if there is someone, should he be able to leave? The barrier here has not been touched at all and is intact. How can I leave?" said a calm man.

All three were silent.

If it wasn't for them to have problems, then the other party could come and go freely, so he was naturally stronger than all of them.

"Look what he looked up."

"Retrieve query records."


The record cannot be deleted, and this function is not set up, so the three of them clearly saw all the information that Yun Ye queried.


The man in black slammed the table.

"He actually accessed all the information in the database. Doesn't this mean that almost all our secrets have been known to this person?"

"It's best to just do this. If other places are also affected, the problem will be huge! Check the second database immediately to see the status of top-secret information!"


Some of the people left and were kept under surveillance the entire time.

Yun Ye and Ming Ri turned into shadows and followed these people, directly reading their memories and confirming the authenticity of various records through their cognition.

After finally reading all the secret information and reading hundreds of high-level officials, Yun Ye finally pieced together the original story of what happened over the years.

In fact, the moment Borrow dropped the super virus, differences arose in the Tomorrow Society.

Calling the gods of the afterlife with countless mortal lives is indeed the best way to break the situation, but most members of the Tomorrow Society cannot accept it.

After this incident, there was no problem with borrowing light, and the Taoist tools were still intact, but some bystanders reported that the Taoist tools were covered in dust.

The dust on the Taoist weapon is not destroyed, but it can no longer be summoned or used. It will be unsealed after certain conditions are met.

The main reason for this situation is that they were unable to stop the massacre of tens of billions of mortals through the use of light.

Use the wrong method to do the right thing.

This reality of having to do something conflicts with their ideas, causing the Taoist tools to become dusty and lose their effectiveness.

Tian Jialun almost became one of them, but he still believed that only by using the right method can they get the right results. If they can't do it themselves, then they should use external forces to complete it with more efforts, sacrificing others at every turn to achieve the so-called strategic goals. , which seemed to him too cold.

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