A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 508 Old acquaintance of Yuntian

Shenming may be a Red Sky realm-level force, and its facilities have been deployed on border continents, and probably on other continents as well.

Yun Ye also vaguely realized why the Divine Order would become an obstacle to him on the causal level. After all, he was traveling to unify the red sky and explore the enemy's strength.

Divine destiny triggered this condition, so he discovered it.

All problems stem from lack of strength. In his subsequent travels, he will analyze the hidden forces in the entire Red Sky Realm.

Not short of a divine order!

"Although the Ten Heavenly Stem Techniques are powerful, it is also much more difficult to achieve perfection. Currently, I have only achieved a small degree of success. I am afraid that after all the secret realms have been devoured, the main body will be able to reach the great level of the profound realm, or barely reach perfection... This is too scary. "

Yun Ye's teeth were a little sour. Every secret realm was a cave in the past, containing all the talents of a great monk. With more than a dozen secret realms devoured, he couldn't even guarantee the perfection of the mysterious realm. The difficulty of this practice was almost as difficult as that of a real person. A monk in the realm.

"Don't be ignorant of your blessings. A real monk who has been practicing for hundreds of years can't catch up with your progress in one year. What's more, the power is completely unequal."

Tomorrow said with arms crossed.

"Perhaps, compared to the difficulties I face, I hope to become an immortal one day and skip such a long and tiring race. Or the enemy can play gourd dolls to save grandpa, giving me a thrilling adventure that I can overcome with perseverance. , and finally grew to be the strongest, defeating all opponents and winning the beauty home.”

Yun Ye said.

"Well, the rest are possible, but the last one is unlikely. - You are surprisingly unfavorable to women."

Tomorrow commented.


Yun Ye took a breath of air. Is this because he has no luck with women?

This is how he keeps himself clean!

Don’t get the crux of the matter wrong!

"Huo Huo..."

Looking down at the cloudy night tomorrow.

She was very aware of Yun Ye's psychological activities. Although she didn't say it out loud, the two of them had almost the same thoughts.

"Tree City has arrived."

Yun Ye couldn't resist the contemptuous look and quickly changed the topic.

Tree City.

This is an area surrounded by sun trees.

Each sun tree is hundreds of miles apart, but the light still shines brightly on the world, even if the sky is completely dark.

Plants and elixirs cannot be eroded by the evil disaster virus, and they do not have this evolutionary direction, so the Sun Tree is extremely resistant to evil disasters.

Under the light of the Sun Tree, ordinary demonic disasters can be eliminated, and powerful demonic disasters can also be suppressed, which greatly expands the scope of tomorrow's actions.

There is even an ecosystem formed under the Sun Tree, where demons that have not transformed into beasts live here and spontaneously protect the Sun Tree.

For an organization, this kind of ecology is a good thing. The strong and weak are orderly, so that the new generation can grow easily. From the beginning, it is as difficult as Yun Ye, and no matter how many people there are, it is not enough to die.

This is the case in the underworld. Without a difficulty curve, it can only be guided one-on-one by a powerful teacher.

To a certain extent, Shucheng has better choices, greater development space, and more productive forces.

"Is that...drill training?"

Yun Ye's figure flickered, crossing a hundred miles in one step, and came to a forest.

There is an abandoned school in the middle of the forest. It is very large and covered with a large barrier, blocking the light of the Sun Tree.

This setting gives people a bad feeling.

After Yun Ye stepped in, the situation was indeed not good.

There were bloodstains and corpses everywhere. Some bloodstains were deeply imprinted on the stone bricks, exuding extremely strong resentment. This was not something that could be accumulated in a short time.

"The Taoist tools here have calamity, and I'm afraid they will come back to bite the Taoist tools sooner or later."

Tomorrow suddenly spoke.


Yun Ye said nothing, silently watching the century-old history of this school, replaying the fights that had happened here.

"You have only one condition for graduation: survive."

"Survive in this trial field and you will graduate."

"Of course, those who are willing to live are just the weak. The strong will hunt down the beasts and plunder the enemy's points. The better your results, the greater your value."

"The exam begins!"

In a recent exam, about a hundred people participated, and only ten survived. It was a complete survival of the fittest, and every examinee was very ruthless. They were probably positioned as "tools" since they were young, so they worked hard to win, almost No complaints. To be more professional, they should be called "Dead Soldiers".

And looking back in history, the further forward, the more normalized the examination content is, until the initial examination.

The first exam was announced by Tian Jialun. The content was only about hunting disaster beasts. Those who succeeded could join the hunting department. It was used to show the newcomers blood. If they failed, they would lose their qualifications for graduation, but at least they would lose their lives. will be thrown away.

And as time goes by, the exam becomes more difficult, and life is gradually no longer guaranteed. If you die, you are dead, and the corpse will become a disaster beast for the next assessment.

"It seems that something went wrong in Shucheng. Tian Jialun was controlled... or maybe he died."

Time fragments are compressed.

As if in the altar space, Yun Ye followed the same method and observed what happened to Shucheng in the past hundred years.

And this kind of observation follows cause and effect. Countless unimportant pictures flash by, and a ray of light only stops at a certain meeting a hundred years ago.

"Congratulations on joining, Feng Hydrogen Zhenmo, and everyone else who is willing to work hard for tomorrow!"

Tian Jialun shook hands with a green-haired man, sealing the historic cooperation between the two parties.

Zhenmo, this means the king of the desert. Feng Hydroxy is the representative of the local forces after the collapse of the Feng Dynasty. There has been friction with the Tomorrow Society before, but Tian Jialun believes that the current environment is already very difficult and humans should not continue to fight.

If Feng Hao is willing to give up some power, he can abandon the past grievances and allow Feng Hao to join the Tomorrow Club and become a member of the First Number.

The first one is the highest decision-making level. Tian Jialun undoubtedly spent a lot of money and made huge concessions, so Feng Hao agreed and joined Shucheng with the remaining forces of the Feng Dynasty.

Yun Ye also noticed that in addition to Feng Han, there was another person who decided the future direction of Shucheng, and that was a woman shrouded in mist.

With Yun Ye's power, it was difficult to stop him. Naturally, he could see everything at a glance. Then he was surprised to find that he was an acquaintance.

This woman has a pair of emerald-colored pupils, like a kaleidoscope, which is constantly rotating and fitting inside. It is a pair of very beautiful spiritual eyes.

Her long emerald hair, naturally shawl-shaped, and her breathtakingly beautiful face made her look like a fairy walking out of the forest.

This is Su Xinshan, a super genius who was once born under the throne of Qushuang.

"I didn't expect that after seven hundred years, Su Xinshan is still alive, and has even reached the stage of perfect Xuanjing. Did she flee to Feng Dynasty after the collapse of Yuntian Lingzong?"

Yun Ye was full of surprise.

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