A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 509 Breaking into the Tree City

Su Xinshan's appearance was indeed beyond Yun Ye's expectations.

When he was liquidating, he didn't care how many people escaped, nor did he confirm Su Xinshan's death. After all, in his opinion, the characters with the most Dharma realms were inconspicuous on the battlefield where the Mysterious realm fell, and there was no need to pay attention. .

Unexpectedly, those already famous beings fell one after another, but Su Xinshan has lived until now, and has even reached the perfection of the mysterious realm, only one step away from the real person realm.

"Everyone has his own opportunity...but it's really unlucky."

The past scenes were reflected in Yun Ye's pupils, reflecting most of the events of the past hundred years. This kind of historical retrospection was very energy-consuming. His whole body seemed to be covered with some kind of flame, which was constantly spreading towards the surrounding time and space.

Follow him step by step towards the tree city.

The footsteps echoed, gradually resounding throughout the tree city.

His figure began to emerge from reality and could be observed.

When Yun Ye seriously activated his power, the noise was too great to be ignored, and facing an opponent like Shucheng, there was no need to hide anything.




Residents in various streets of Shucheng looked up with surprised and uncertain expressions.

What sounds did they seem to hear?


"Is this what happened?"

In the noisy city, the sounds are quickly disappearing, and everyone is inevitably attracted. Only the sound is left in their eyes.

Everything else was occupied, and they could still ask questions and move for a short period of time, but after they completely noticed the footsteps, almost everyone was stagnant and unable to make any movement at all.

Their brain's ability to understand is so congested just by hearing the sound that it can no longer process anything, even a brief moment of thought.

And this impact is far more terrifying than all of them imagined.

First it spread from mortals, then to the mortal realm, the spiritual realm, then to the legal realm, and finally...

All the mysterious realms in the upper levels of Tree City were frozen on the spot, unable to move. The only thing they could do was to think with extreme rigidity.

"Impossible...I...Xuanjing...are also...plotted against?"

"Real person?...It's impossible...what level of power is this..."

"Start...the magic circle quickly!"

In the central sun tree, many people in the profound realm were shocked. They stretched out their hands and wanted to use their spiritual thoughts to activate the tree city array. This is an array with the sun tree as the base and mana as the source of power. They have accumulated a huge amount of mana over the years. The efficiency far exceeds that of pure spiritual power. Although it is not as large as the super formation, it is slightly better in effectiveness.

As long as they activate this great formation and fight with equal strength, they will be able to counteract the strange footsteps that erode their minds!

However, they are powerless, and spiritual thoughts are also part of their thinking. Their inability to resist shows the overwhelming weakness of spiritual thoughts.

In this case, how could they possibly activate the magic circle?

And this is also the weirdest part. The opponent's attack did not substantially damage the tree city. It seemed that they knew the principles of the tree city magic circle, so they chose the simplest way to bypass the magic circle.

But how is this possible? This is the crystallization of the highest technology of the Tomorrow Society. Even senior executives like them have not used it a few times. How do outsiders know about it? !

Sun Tree Underground.

"This is……"

The man who was entangled in chains and suppressed here suddenly raised his head. He was also awakened by the footsteps penetrating the space, showing a shocked look.

It is simply unbelievable that this power can penetrate layers of barriers and affect the ground?

"Su Xinshan, wake up! Didn't you hear? There's some invasion!" the man said.

"It's just an invasion by foreign enemies. It's enough to leave it to the people above. With the help of the magic circle, the country-destroying beasts can also be repelled." The green-haired woman leaning on the stone pillar opened her eyes and glanced, then closed them again. Don't care.

"It's so easy. This kind of power is obviously beyond the limit. Many people will die if you rely on them alone. Do you want to break your promise?" the man said angrily.

"Being a prisoner is like a prisoner. It's not suitable for you to pray for mercy from the enemy, Chief Tian Jialun." Su Xinshan said calmly.

"What on earth do you want to do? After staying here for a hundred years, what is there that deserves your attention? The Tree City, which does not even have super spiritual veins, can only allow you to advance to the true realm. Even if you stay here What can you do here!" Tian Jialun looked ugly.

Seeing that Su Xinshan had no reaction, he continued: "Taoist weapon? Even if you want a Taoist weapon, you should smash it directly when you use that kind of power to disintegrate the power of the Taoist tool. Why do you continue to stay here, even Destroying the foundation of Tomorrow's Way will only make you get less and less repercussions...ah!"

Lightning flashed from the chain, interrupting Tian Jialun's subsequent words, but he suppressed his voice because he was used to this level of punishment.

Every time he asked something, once the other person got impatient, lightning would immediately appear.

After countless inquiries, he has confirmed a large amount of information through the psychological mapping that will be studied tomorrow. The other party may think that he has said nothing, but he has already figured out the ins and outs of the matter, not 100% but 89%.

But the problem is how to get out of trouble. The other party has a method that can invalidate the Taoist weapon... This is simply unheard of. If he cannot resolve this ability, he is only in the Xuan realm, and it will be difficult for him to fight against Su Xinshan, a monk in the real realm.

Practically speaking, Su Xinshan, who has not practiced the extremely spiritual method, is not very strong. With the power of Shucheng, she can completely compete with her.

But now that Shucheng has been corroded, and Feng Hao is assisting this woman, it is impossible to take it back actively.

Only by relying on external forces can we have a small chance.

Could this turmoil be an opportunity?

Tian Jialun spoke again, disturbing Su Xinshan, and silently waited for the opportunity.

If there is a chance, he must seize it. The treasures obtained by countless sacrifices cannot be buried in his incompetence.

"Tap tap tap..."

Inside the Sun Tree, footsteps came closer than ever before, and a young man with long black hair walked towards him in the haze.

"It's actually a human being!"

"Can a human being with this kind of strength be the true genius..."

Everyone in the Xuan Realm present had their pupils shrinking. They did not expect that they were human beings. In this desolate desert, no outsiders have arrived for a long time.

What's more, he is such a powerful monk!

Some people have violent mood swings, reflecting strong thoughts, excitement, anger, malice and fear.

Some people are roaring in their hearts, wondering who the young man in front of them is and why they invaded Shucheng.

This is just a borderland, what is its value?

There are also people who are excited and hopeful. The situation that has remained unchanged all year round may have a breaking point!

But more importantly, there is despair and fear.

Despair is because the members of the Tomorrow Society know that their ideas are absolutely unacceptable to the world. If the other party has malicious intentions, they can be said to be dead.

The fear is because Su Xinshan's followers are worried that this man will take action to wipe them out and take away their rights and status.

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