A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 512: Canonization, Divine Seal and Departure

Feng Xie is just the name of the body.

The person who really controls this body is a veritable old monster. He devoured the soul of the body and reincarnated, and has survived until now.

You should know that when the Feng Dynasty was established, Feng Ci was already more than a thousand years old and had lived most of his life.

The wonderful life of being powerful and omnipotent made him feel unimaginable fear. He didn't want to die, and wanted to live and enjoy it all.

But the life span of a cultivator is determined by the rules. No matter how much human life is devoured, the life span of the real person realm can only be forcibly extended from 1,600 years to 2,000 years.

How can this be enough?

Feng Ci frantically searched for a way to extend his life. With his qualifications, it was impossible to advance to the honorable position, and he could only extend his life through evil ways.

But this secret technique is obviously extremely rare and cannot be found casually. For this reason, he found Shen Ming and exchanged a secret technique of reincarnation. After practicing hard for hundreds of years, he finally learned the technique of reincarnation through the method of demotion. Feng Ci immediately began to cultivate the container.

This is the beginning of the miracle of the Feng Dynasty. An old monster is constantly reincarnated and controls everything in the Feng Dynasty. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the Feng Dynasty to perish.

It was not until the light of the light released a demonic virus that was enough to corrode the monks, causing a large number of chaotic worlds to gain the power of destroying the country, and even Feng Ci was powerless, that the Feng Dynasty perished, but he still did not die, but just hibernated.

But unfortunately, there is no perfect reincarnation secret in the world. Every reincarnation will consume the soul. No matter how detailed the preparation is, Feng Ci is exhausted, most of his memories are lost, and he is heading towards collapse.

Even if Yun Ye does not kill him at this time, after taking Su Xinshan's body, he can only survive for a thousand years at most.


The scream of the soul stopped abruptly, and Yun Ye, who had completed the reading, crushed the soul.

Yun Ye turned his head and looked at Su Xinshan.

The latter was pale and kept retreating. She had no idea of ​​fighting, but as she retreated, she found that she had nowhere to exert her strength.

The black-haired young man just glanced at her indifferently, and then ignored her and walked towards the imprisoned Tian Jialun.

This time, Su Xinshan found that she was annihilated from her feet.

"No...no...I don't want to die..."

Su Xinshan was no different from the previous five people. She didn't know how many rebels she had killed.

She raised her hand to Yun Ye, not wanting to disappear from this world, but in the end she turned into ashes without leaving any trace.

Tian Jialun watched everything happen silently. He had been imprisoned for who knows how many years. He had undergone a huge change and looked at everything calmly.

Bai Jiyuan and others explained what happened to him. Tian Jialun listened silently and didn't say much. He just summoned the Taoist weapon and handed it to them.

Then, he left without saying a word.

"Chief, you still need to govern in the future. Don't think about leaving. We should strive for self-improvement and never give up!"

One of the four suddenly shouted.


Tian Jialun didn't stop, but raised his clenched right hand.

Yun Ye leaned against the wall and watched Tian Jialun leave. He knew that Tian Jialun was just disappointed with the current situation of Tomorrow Country. After accepting it, he would still be the ambitious chief.

Unfortunately, the world is so cruel...

Yun Ye snapped his fingers, and his vision changed. He connected with his main body and came to the Tiangan Universe.

The main body sat in front of the star, taking in the entire universe, and constantly refining the secret realm it had swallowed.

Seeing the arrival of the clone, the main body casually threw a divine seal.

Everything was broken.

Yun Ye's consciousness returned again, but a green divine seal was floating in front of him, blooming with all kinds of great power far beyond the real realm, huge, vast and pure.

"The canonization is not an empty position, and there will be divine power accompanying it. Even if there is no divine position, it can only exert one tenth or one hundredth of this power, which is enough to clear the two states. Even if the power of the Dao weapon is lost afterwards, it doesn't matter."

As soon as Yun Ye finished speaking, the Dao weapon held by Tian Jialun shattered and turned into an echo that poured into the Tomorrow Sword.

Tian Jialun's Dao weapon had the Dao weapon disaster, and the echo obtained during this period was only one tenth, and the majority was the echo obtained during the Tomorrow Kingdom period, about five million.

During this process, Yun Ye saw the secret of the Dao weapon. He smiled and flicked his fingers, flicking away part of the echo.

This part of the echo actually re-condensed the Dao weapon, without completely destroying Tian Jialun's Dao weapon.

It turned out that as long as you are promoted to the rank of honor, you can see through the secret of the Dao weapon and calmly separate the echo.

Yun Ye has already created the world, and the general rank is far inferior, so he can naturally do the same thing.

"The Dao weapon was shattered and reassembled..."

"It is worthy of being a being that fights with the tentacles of the world god. It is really impossible to measure it with common sense!"

This is completely beyond the scope of common sense for the four people, but compared to this, fighting with the world god is even more incomprehensible to them.

Yun Ye, who has achieved this, can no longer separate the echo.

"I thank your majesty on behalf of the chief..."

Bai Jiyuan looked up, but there was nothing in front of him, only a divine seal and a Dao weapon floating in the air.

Everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

There was only one voice echoing in the air.

"The other half will be dealt with tomorrow. With this divine seal, the New Heavenly Dynasty will understand your identities."

"Farewell, everyone."


Yun Ye didn't know how big the Red Heaven Realm was, but he felt it should be a long journey, and it wouldn't be boring with tomorrow's company.

After leaving Shucheng, Yun Ye headed towards Leimozhou.

Along the way, Yun Ye saw many members of the Tomorrow Society using wind pillars to hunt or move. They have mastered a technique that allows their bodies to merge into the wind channel without being harmed. Although there is a time limit, they have mastered this technique. Surgery can indeed greatly improve survival rates.

Every place has its own way of survival. Human beings are very adaptable. Since they can survive, they must have corresponding "solutions".

Although there are only two states, Fengmo State has a harsh environment and has no living space for mortals. The proportion of monks is far higher than that of the three states of the Luo Dynasty, and their strength is naturally stronger.

The real person who supported the Luo Dynasty at the beginning was not all of the Feng Dynasty. At least the ruler Feng Ci did not show up. This person is worth the entire Luo Dynasty. His strength is not at the same level. The old monster is still good, but compared to Yun Ye is too weak.


Lightning flashed, and the ground was filled with thunder snakes, making it difficult to set foot on.

This is the scene after the thunder spirit energy gathers. Even thunder zodiac monks have to be careful, but once they can handle it, it can be regarded as a spiritual place.

Yun Ye and Ming Ri sighed.

"Is there Thunder Snake Land after the Sandstorm Pillar? The humans in these two states are really miserable..." Tomorrow said.

"Actually, there are benefits. At least it will be much easier to practice these two zodiac signs, and the average strength will far exceed that of a mediocre environment like the Luo Dynasty." Yun Ye said.

"Yes, the road to heaven requires the superposition of methods. If a zodiac sign is universally accepted and strengthened from generation to generation, it will indeed be stronger. Each region has its own characteristics. These two states have the zodiac sign of wind and thunder, and the Luo Dynasty is open to all rivers. Dongwang City is a fusion of zodiac signs." Tomorrow nodded.

In fact, the characteristics of the East King City are very prominent. In the absence of spiritual methods, the strength of aptitude depends entirely on the zodiac sign. This means that any strong zodiac sign can be cultivated. It does not matter that the geniuses in the clan do not have suitable spiritual method training and are forced to be treated as waste. .

In just over a hundred years, the Yin and Yang zodiac signs and the three zodiac signs have appeared in Dongwang City.

If it continues to develop, there is a high probability that four or five zodiac signs will be born. At that time, if you practice spiritual methods, you will soar into the sky and be out of control.

Unfortunately, he was interrupted by Yun Ye.

With Yun Ye's talent and power, once the unification of Hongtian is completed, there is a high probability that it will enter an era of explosive evolution.

The characteristics of East King City have also been diluted.

Three updates today, but I don’t know how many days I can last.

The further the story goes towards the core area, the more powerful the aura becomes, and there will be more and more various wonders.

But the problem is, it’s very troublesome to describe it. The current pace is so fast, I have to update it every day, and I can’t think about it~~~

The most frightening thing is that I have no energy at all during the day, and I put off writing until night every time. In the past few days, I went to bed early to adjust my biological clock. It turned out that it was completely useless. One day of delaying the manuscript was ruined, and I burst into tears.

Finally, thank you everyone for voting and subscribing. This article, which is very tiring to read, can be a high-quality article. I didn’t expect it.

Although the next book has the same world view, it will be written in a lighter tone so that everyone will not feel tired after reading it.

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