A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 513 Divine Thunder Demon King, Bloodline of Thunder King

The two of them, as always, maintained their spiritual thoughts within a fixed range and acted according to their feelings.

There are no traces of human beings in Leimo Prefecture. Even the lightning protection buildings that were once built were completely damaged due to lack of maintenance.


The bat-like thunder demon burst out with yellow lightning, streaking across the ground, bringing huge electricity towards Yun Ye.

This was no ordinary lightning, it had the destructive power of at least the Dharma realm, and it was simply terrifying to the extreme.


This thing is simply an overwhelming social creature!


Hundreds of human-sized thunder demons flew by, bursting out lightning, trying to surround Yun Ye.

Yun Ye's behavior was also very strange. He was killing them one by one, without killing them all in one breath. This undoubtedly aroused the anger of the thunder demons.

They came one after another, killing in a steady stream.


After reaching the number two hundred, the fog in Yun Ye's eyes dispersed, and a strong correlation guidance was completed.

That's right.

The reason why Yun Ye came to the material world and was exposed to these thunder monsters was actually because of a premonition.

Before the advent of the World God, the Thunder Demon was only a disaster-level demon at best. Now in this era, it can actually reach the level of destructive power in such terrifying numbers?

Although it is not a realm, the destructive power of the realm is still too terrifying. With so many realms in an area, the spiritual energy is simply not enough to support them.

Even monsters have their own ecology. The more powerful monsters are, the rarer they are. When it comes to high-level monsters, they almost never live in groups.

Unless the spiritual energy is so strong that it can form a lake and you can swim around at will.

Lei Mo State is obviously not in this range, and even the spiritual energy concentration is still very low. It is not as good as the Luo Dynasty, and theoretically cannot support the growth of so many thunder demons.

"If we provide all the areas within these thousands of miles to this group of thunder demons, we can barely support them, but the thunder demons are not powerful demons. What's more, they have turned into dead thunder demons and lost their ability to reproduce. Every one who dies will lose one." …”

The nature of the dead thunder demon is different from that of the black tiger general. One has no intelligence and the other has intelligence. The former cannot cultivate his own powerful offspring.

This amount is unusual.

Cause and effect are connected.

Yun Ye's gaze suddenly projected thousands of miles away.

Picture after picture flashed by, roaring demons were fighting with humans, and blood was being shed everywhere.

A being with thunder wrapped around his body, standing high in the sky like a thunder god, fought against many strong human beings, and had an overwhelming advantage.

Zooming in and out, a huge country of demons appears. Mass-produced demons are constantly heading to the front lines, encroaching on many surrounding countries.

There are humans and demons among them, and no one will be refused.


The shout was vaguely heard by Yun Yejie, who had just stepped into Lei Mo State, and it spread at least two hundred thousand miles away.

Yun Ye and Ming Ri looked at each other with solemn expressions.

"This kind of power...destroys the country at an extraordinary level!"

"It seems that this Lei Mo State has given birth to a monster, and a demon is about to rise against the sky!"

Demons grow slowly and require thousands of years of daily practice. They often sleep in one place, reducing the loss of life span.

But after the arrival of the World God, the rules of killing enveloped the Hongtian world. As long as you kill, you can continue to grow. For talented monsters, they are like a fish in water.

This talent refers to the bloodline advancement path. If the power contained in the bloodline is enough to allow the demon to grow to the king of the manifest world or even the demon emperor, then it is entirely possible to achieve it through massive killings with the World God's killing rules.

As for the demon in front of him, his bloodline power is obviously far greater than that of Feitian Zhan. There is no special threshold to intercept him. As long as he has enough strength, he can advance all the way.

Given some more time, this demon will probably advance to become the King of the Manifest Realm and become one of the sources of the demon bloodline.

Moreover, Yun Ye can assert that this demon is by no means a special case. There are countless demons in the Red Sky Realm, and there are many beings with powerful bloodlines.

The collapse of the Immortal Dynasty is directly related to the arrival of the World God himself and the fall of the Emperor, but the second factor must be related to the demons becoming significantly stronger.

"With this hand, it seems that the human forces in the Red Sky Realm have been severely damaged..."

"Let's go take a look!"

Yun Ye used the art of cause and effect to locate the exact location of the battlefield. With one step, the world changed and the sound of fighting could be heard endlessly.

He was like a ghost. He glanced at it and then disappeared again. Instead of doing anything rashly, he headed towards the surrounding human dynasties.

The remaining human dynasties have all established barriers to isolate themselves from the erosion of demonic disasters. This obviously requires huge spiritual energy, and only a few spiritual cities can do it.

These spiritual cities are bursting with spiritual energy and have few mortal residents. In order to resist the evil disaster, the major forces have opened up their spiritual knowledge and selected geniuses to join the war.

The atmosphere in Lingcheng was very depressing, and many monks were having a lot of discussions.

"The Divine Thunder Demon King has launched a war again. His strength is becoming more and more terrifying. Even if the three real people attack at the same time, they can't do anything to him. If it were not suppressed by Taoist weapons, I am afraid that the battle line has reached Lingcheng, and we can only rely on the super formation to resist!"

"They are growing so fast. Where are the real people from the dynasty and the Holy Sect? Is it possible that even the Holy Sect, with its countless geniuses, has no monks who can keep up with its growth rate?"

"It's too difficult. Although the Thunder Demon is lowly and can only linger in the spiritual realm, it truly has the blood of the Thunder Emperor. If it has enough power to inspire it, it can directly enter the manifest realm!"

"If you are really so strong, why didn't you show it in the past?"

"How to show it? In the past, there was no such weird killing rule that enveloped the world. This is a rule that directly enhances any power through killing. Even a thunder demon with thin blood can rise up and trace back to its ancestors! If it were changed to a normal situation, at least it would be It takes a top-notch precious medicine to awaken the Thunder Demon’s Demon King bloodline!”

"A top-notch treasure requires the support of super spiritual veins for thousands of years just to mature. If the thunder demon is so lowly, where can he find it?"

"Yes, I am afraid that only the source race of this top-notch treasure, the God Thunder Demon, can complete the cultivation, and it cannot be too much. At most, it can barely awaken the bloodline. It is impossible to compare with this killing rule. I am afraid that the God Thunder Demon King has already We have to go back to our ancestors and go straight to the Lei Emperor’s descendants.”

"The emperor's own descendant? So terrifying?!"

"It's not as scary as imagined. Talent is talent, and means is means. It cannot be generalized. The emperor's parents are only terrible in terms of talent, but in fact, there are almost no ones who can really chase the source of blood. Demons are different from us humans. Parents become emperors. It won’t be stopped by the fourth day!”

"What? Isn't it possible for the demon to have multiple emperors appearing in the same generation?"

"Don't mislead me. No one knows the specific situation. This statement is just a guess. Are there multiple emperors? If it is true, the human race has long been extinct. How can it still occupy large tracts of land? Could it be that this ambitious God Thunder Demon King is Is it a special case? Only it will establish a demon kingdom and attack humans?"

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