A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 514 Tomorrow Never Sets

Yun Ye and Ming Ri leaned against the wall and couldn't help but fall into silence.

They know the difference all too well.

The most important power of human beings is cultivation, skills, and knowledge.

Things like bloodline have been decided since birth and have no place to grow.

The demons are different. Their inheritance is only bloodline, and knowledge is completely incidental. Each clan basically has only one source, and all descendants are evolving towards the source. After countless generations, they have formed an evolutionary system dominated by bloodline.

The dead zombie evolves into the living zombie, the living zombie evolves into the spiritual zombie, the spiritual zombie evolves into the flying zombie, and finally becomes the king of the manifest world, the immortal zombie.

Even if the evolution bifurcates in the middle, it won't determine the overall situation. If you want to become the strongest form, you still have to evolve into the immortal zombie.

This mechanism determines that demons do not need any additional conditions and can become stronger as long as they continue to meet the evolution conditions.

The rules of the World God obviously provide a perfect platform, allowing these monsters to skip the long wait and go directly to the final stage.

Humans, on the other hand, will be stuck by the barriers of the realm and cannot become unlimitedly stronger like monsters. The gap will widen. The longer time goes by, the more terrifying this gap will be. Monsters who are already stronger than humans will clan, I am afraid that as long as one or two clans have careerists this time, it will be enough to turn the human order upside down...

Yin Yuekong chose to kill the world god and come to the world. Does this mean he wants to destroy the world?

The Killing World God is completely the eldest father of demons. It can qualitatively change the strength of the demon clan. Even if humans have emperors, it will be difficult for them to have an advantage.

In this case, even if the emperor becomes enlightened, will he really not be attacked by a group of monsters and destroyed without even gathering the echoes?

"Of course, there is also a possibility that Yin Yuekong only mastered the method of killing the World God and had no choice at all."

"If this is the case, then the problem will be huge. If it continues to be gloomy, the spiritual veins will also dry up..."

Yun Ye raised his head and saw the sky of eternal darkness after the Emperor was polluted on his fourth day.

After more than a hundred years, the fourth day is far from dissipating.

Yingyue Tian, ​​founded by a certain person in Yingyue Tianmen, has not completely dissipated even after its death for thousands of years.

The Fourth Heaven of the Imperial Way is far more powerful than the Yingyue Heaven. Unless there is external interference, it will only take more time to dissipate.

As for external interference...

When the second emperor becomes enlightened, he can immediately erase the fourth day left by the previous emperor.

Based on Yun Ye's current strength, he believed that it would take at least a hundred thousand years for the fourth day to dissipate.

If an honorable position creates its own fourth day, then this time will be shortened. It may be that the fourth day of a distinguished position will be shortened by thousands of years.

It only takes less than a hundred dignitaries to create the fourth day, and the fourth day of the Imperial Way can be completely wiped out.

However, this is obviously impossible.

It would be good if a few of the fourth-day lords could appear in thousands of years. How about dozens of them in a short period of time?

"We're not too late. It's only been over a hundred years. The influence of Eternal Darkness is not big yet. Before then, we can just unify Hongtian and eliminate the World God."

Say tomorrow.

"It can't be that simple. I'm afraid disaster has already struck before we gather the strongest power. Why did the emperor fall immediately after the arrival of the World God? What's so special about him that he must die?"

"It's a Taoist weapon!"

Yun Ye said.

"You mean, the World God wants to swallow the Taoist artifact?"

Tomorrow's eyes moved, thinking of the hundred years that he had sealed the Tentacles of the World God.

"To put it bluntly, true immortals are just the result of instilling the power of Taoist weapons. Since the World God wants to devour true immortals, he will naturally also want to devour Taoist tools."

"It is indeed possible to unify the red sky, but it is difficult to achieve the subsequent accumulation of repercussions. You must have the strength to fight against the World God before you advance to a higher form. Only then will it be possible for you to become the most powerful Taoist weapon and work together to defeat God of the World.”

"Is this possible? The World God is a life on the same level as a true immortal. If this can be achieved, why did the top monks in the past summon the World God?"

Yun Ye said.

Even if the World God is weaker than the True Immortal, it is still at the same level. If a mortal can compete, then there is no problem in confronting the True Immortal, and it is enough to become an Immortal.

"If there is some information that we don't know, it is that the Grand Festival Plan did not consider the remedial measures after the Emperor's failure."

Tomorrow also frowned. She also realized the seriousness. Isn't this an endless cycle?

But soon, Ming Ming asked again: "In that case, how did Hong Tian become enlightened? There should be multiple world gods in her era. How did she become an immortal under the gaze of the world gods?"

"Before Hongtian, there was no such thing as a Taoist weapon. Humanity's history of countless years of blood and tears has been accumulating 'responses to demons'. She became an immortal with the human race as the eternal protagonist, skipping the accumulation stage, but we can't , we have to collect feedback bit by bit," Yun Ye said.

"The World God should only pay attention to high-level Taoist artifacts. It should be feasible to gather at the last moment. During this period, the Heavenly Stem Universe will be used to eliminate the Tao Domain. The World God should not be able to penetrate the universe and detect me." Tomorrow said again.

Yun Ye shrugged, clasped his hands behind his head, and just looked at the deep and dark sky. He said: "This is indeed feasible, but unifying the red sky requires Taoist tools, such as... divine destiny."

"They have been collecting echoes for who knows how many years. It is not surprising that they have the most advanced Taoist weapon. How many such forces are there in the Red Sky Realm? Without equivalent Taoist tools, will they allow me to become the final winner?"

"This is the chance to become an immortal, the battle of the ages. As long as you gather the echoes in this era, there is a 50% chance of becoming an immortal, rather than becoming a puppet of a true immortal. You have to give up the chance to become an immortal and record the new Red Sky rules."

"This kind of opportunity, those immortal clans and sects that exist nowhere, have the Dao Canon, and have countless forces with a solid foundation..."

"Will they be willing to give up?"

"I see."

Ming Ri said that this kind of hell difficulty has always been like this, even if you have the power to create the world.

This is the hardship that the strongest road needs to face. If a hero does not create miracles, will he still be a hero?

Ming Ri smiled and said: "But we have no choice but to move forward, right? No matter how many possibilities there are, we have to fight hard, right? Time and time again, this is exactly the promise you made to yourself when you awakened the power of reincarnation, do it, that's all!"

"Indeed, do it, that's all. This world has actually been shrouded in eternal darkness. No matter how many heroes work hard for it, it can't change a bit..."

"Hahaha, until I came! This life is the time of creating the world!"

Yun Ye's figure disappeared.

Tomorrow smiled and turned into flames, disappearing into the alley together.

In the distant Fengmozhou, the underworld and the tree city sang a ballad:

"Tomorrow will never set, even if it is covered by eternal darkness, the sun will still be there, unswerving and undiminished..."

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