A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 516 Weaving Destiny

"Pan Qifeng is dead? He was chasing a spirit realm and died? Is he such a useless judge?"

At the headquarters of the Third Spiritual Army in Frontline Spiritual City, the palace palace was filled with clouds and smoke. Wanqi Shouyun, the only Xuanfa adjutant, sat on the throne and spoke.

"Sorry, Wanqi Xuanguan, the pursuer seems to have used some kind of strange power. Even if Pan Qifeng was suppressed and killed, divine magic cannot restore the scene at that time. He himself should not have such strength, maybe it is a coincidence. We don’t dare to hide such important information as to what kind of treasure we have obtained.”

Your Highness, a Dharma realm monk lowered his head and said respectfully.

Xuanjing monks have insight into cause and effect and can sense fuzzy feelings. This is a battlefield. No matter which Xuanjing realm has full sensory perception, it is difficult for anything to be hidden from them. Even if there may be treasures, the people below do not dare to act recklessly.

"Oh, treasure?"

Wan Qi Shouyun appeared in front of the astral chart, but he didn't take it seriously. From his level, the Dharma Realm was just an ant, and he could kill it instantly with just a single force.

In his opinion, using the spiritual realm to counterattack the legal realm is just like that. It is really not worth mentioning. How can it happen that it is a treasure even for the mysterious realm.

However, the divine horoscope deduction was only the beginning. Wanqi Shouyun frowned slightly: "I can't deduce it anymore..."

He shook his head, his mana boiled, he reconstructed the astrolabe and performed the deduction again.

He is not a divine magic cultivator and cannot use the Xuantian divine magic. He just used the magic realm magic at random. If he cannot deduce it, it means nothing.

Nowadays, the world has changed greatly, and the fourth day has appeared. The secrets of heaven are already in chaos, and the effects of divine magic have been weakened a lot. A little bit of ability can isolate the divine magic deduction just now.

Now he is using a lot of mana to expand the scale. If it still doesn't work, then he may have encountered something interesting.

The astrolabe keeps moving, tracing cause and effect.

Although Xuantian can visually see cause and effect, all kinds of information are constantly changing. If he cannot make inferences based on existing information, he will not be able to learn advanced deductions.

A magical method like the Nine Lives Divine Method, which can set nine conditions for deduction, will have excellent results regardless of backward or forward deduction.

"It failed. It's interesting. It's quite interesting. It seems that it is necessary to send out the Qianyuan Guards. As soon as possible, lead the team to find this person."

Wanqi Shouyun said.


A figure appeared immediately, a young man with a flamboyant temperament. After accepting the order, he turned into a rainbow and left.

The heads of the Dharma Realm cultivators in the main hall were lowered. The Qianyuan Guards were directly affiliated with major aristocratic families and sects. Their talents and resources far exceeded those of the seven spiritual armies. Their strength was naturally among the best in the Dharma Realm. A team of There are ten people in Yuan Wei, all capable in all aspects, and they are professional in performing tasks.

It's difficult for divine magic to work from a distance, so get close enough. If that doesn't work, use other methods to track it. It's impossible for people to evaporate out of thin air.

"What are you still doing here? Get out."

Wanqi Shouyun waved his hand.


The great monk of Dharma Realm obeyed the order, took a step back, then turned and left.

The moment Wanqi Shouyun relaxed, darkness spread, instantly covering the hall like a capture net, and the connection between the inside and outside was directly cut off.

"Who dares to sneak into Lingcheng and attack important members of the dynasty? Please tell the truth quickly, otherwise your whole family will be exterminated!"

Wan Qi Shouyun could see at a glance that this was a method that could never be used in the legal realm. He stood up suddenly, and under the operation of the huge magic power, it condensed into an entity and grabbed the great monk in the legal realm with his giant hand.

To capture the thief, capture the king first. No matter what the shady role is, defeat the caster first!

A mere Dharma Realm person dares to show off his power here. He really looks down on the power of the powerful. This is a gap that cannot be reversed by talent!


The giant hand wiped out all the spiritual energy in the hall. Although it was not a mysterious method, with the blessing of the mysterious person, it was unstoppable and the energy was highly compressed.

The great cultivator of the Dharma Realm raised his head indifferently, waved a hand and a black ball appeared in front of him. The giant hand was swallowed up in an instant and failed to exert any effect.

"Jing level...three-level spiritual method? It's actually a three-level spiritual method at the level of sutra? Who wants to do something to me? This is not a small trick. Moreover, are you really in the realm of law? It's unwise to attack me in Lingcheng, No matter who is behind you, you will die here today!"

The Xuantian Gate opened behind Wanqi Shouyun, and the prelude to the activation of the mysterious method began, as if overwhelming energy was about to explode, spreading from higher dimensions.

The cloud energy was born and condensed into an individual holding a sword and spear and wearing armor, resembling a heavenly soldier.

Mysterious method - Yun Bing!

The moment these cloud soldiers were formed, the seven cloud spears were already in front of the great monks of the Dharma Realm. As a mysterious method, ordinary power could not stop it. The power of the Dharma Realm versus the power of the Xuan Realm was like hitting a stone with an egg, which was completely different from what happened just now. ending.

But unfortunately, things did not develop as Wanqi Shouyun expected. The seven cloud soldiers who were the first to arrive began to twist from their spears. The closer they got, the more terrifying the distortion became. They could not get close to the great monk of the Dharma Realm himself.

After being twisted to the extreme, the seven cloud soldiers were immediately sucked away along the spiral trajectory and disappeared into the black sphere without leaving any breath.

At this time, Wanqi Shouyun finally realized that the situation was not good. Even the mysterious method could be ignored. This was definitely not something that ordinary three-level spiritual methods could do. No matter how high the Heavenly Road bonus was, he would not be able to ignore the mysterious method. There could be such an overwhelming advantage.

This black ball spiritual method is essentially superior to the mysterious method...

Which real person took action against him?


It shouldn't be.

Before this big battle, Xuanjing can still play some role, so why should we attack him?

Wait, could it be the kid who got the chance earlier?

After all, he controls the affairs in this area, and it is indeed possible for that boy to seek revenge!

In this case...

"Qianyuan Zunding Dao Weapon!"

A dragon-patterned cauldron emerged, and the Dao domain spread, covering the strange Dharma realm monk in front of him. The rule judgment was completed instantly, and the chain immediately appeared out of thin air, locking the Dharma realm monk. Under the power of the rules, the Dharma realm monk's The power disappears directly and there is no ability to resist.

Immediately afterwards, the black curtain covering the hall also cracked and shattered.

Obviously, the Dharma Realm Great Monk has lost the power to resist.

"Sure enough, this kid doesn't have a Taoist weapon to fight against?"

Wanqi Shouyun nodded slightly.

The characteristic of ruling tools is that they are particularly good at rules such as domination and coercion.

In the same way, the mandatory rules formulated by Tomorrow Road are definitely not as good as the ruling tools. This is a tool specially used to maintain the upper and lower levels. As long as there are no tools, no matter how strong the spiritual method is, it will be defeated.

He sat back on the throne again and activated his divine magic to control the mortal divine monk: "Tell me, who are you and why did you attack me!"

"Congratulations, join us."

The great cultivator of Dharma Realm looked up and actually smiled.

Wan Qi Shouyun immediately felt inexplicably irritated. How dare a prisoner dare to be so...arrogant...

"...how could...this happen...when..."

Wan Qi Shouyun showed a look of horror. His body stiffened at some point, as if it was controlled by spider threads and turned into a puppet. Neither movement nor strength could be used freely. This was obviously fatal. He unknowingly fell into the hands of the enemy!

Another dimension.

The thread of fate hangs impressively over Wanqi Shouyun, completely holding his future in his hands.

This is a destiny weaving that far surpasses the frost spirit method. Even if it is a Taoist weapon, there are no traces of manipulation. After all, what a destiny person is born with is a conceptual future that has nothing to do with the body and soul. It is like a high-level monk's order. Low-level monks do things the same way, can this be considered control at the spiritual level?

Of course it doesn't count.

The Taoist weapon disappears and no longer works.

Soon, Wanqi Shouyun forgot all this and waved his hand: "What are you still doing here? Get out."

"Yes!" The great monk of Dharma Realm retreated as ordered.

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