A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 517 World-Class Spiritual Technique

Yun Ye's control spread like a virus.

Destiny weaving is something that even a weak person cannot hear. Even if they hold a Taoist weapon, they cannot detect it unless the rules are specially formulated.

However, why can high-level monks resist the power of Taoist tools?

Naturally, the power of Taoist tools has its limits. As the cultivation level becomes higher and higher, and more and more mysteries are mastered, the monks will get closer to the rules.

Dao tools with too little reverberation cannot restrain these high-level monks.

Destiny weaving is a force that is close to rules. All Tao tools need to be faced seriously, and a large number of reverberations must be used to resist resistance.

Today's Qianyuan Dynasty can't even suppress the Divine Thunder Demon King, let alone the power of Destiny Weaving that relies on the creation of the world.

So Yun Ye started from a small family, controlled one after another, and then collected intelligence to find a stronger family. He was very cautious in this cycle. This weaving of fate consumed a lot of power, and it took Yun Ye a year to complete it. The comprehensive erosion of the Qianyuan Dynasty.

To a certain extent, the efficiency of using Destiny Weaving is far inferior to killing people directly, but it is safer and can get a lot of puppets.

These puppets will not notice that they are being controlled at all, and will act as usual on weekdays. Even Taoist tools can be used.

Once Yun Ye gives an order, they will follow their instincts and execute the order as if inspired by a god. When they reach the maximum level, they will lose themselves and complete the order at all costs, even suicide. However, in this case, the Taoist weapon will also be ineffective.

Today's Yunye has weaved a large network in the Qianyuan Dynasty, and all possible futures can be realized under control.

After all, the entire monk class of the Qianyuan Dynasty has been manipulated. Even if it is only slightly influenced, the power of the intersection and reverberation of fate is enough to burst out huge energy, allowing Yun Ye to exert an ability to interfere with fate that cannot be demonstrated by one person.

And under the control, Yun Ye can also easily swallow the power of the monks who died in the battle. Cooperating with Tiangan Universe, it is really scary and weird.

If this power is obtained by another person, it may not be impossible for one person to rule the world.

As long as there is no large-scale intervention in destiny, this method has no burden. On the contrary, the more people it controls, the more people it can influence.

"The super-enhanced version of world-class religion, or Alaya consciousness..."

This is the definition that Yun Ye weaves for fate.

Although after spreading to the world, even with the size of the Tiangan Universe, it will never be able to interfere with destiny on a large scale, but the silent influence is feasible, just like a widespread religion and doctrine, and it will subtly make people recognize him. Constructed rules.

This degree of influence can already be called the collective subconscious of mankind, that is, Alaya consciousness, which has become the underlying structure of mankind itself.

The person who became a similar being in earth mythology is called Tathagata.

The Hongtian Realm should be Hongtian. She is the first Supreme Emperor to borrow human collective consciousness to complete Taoist tools. She should also have a similar consciousness of law integration.

"The layout is complete, and the ending of the Divine Thunder Demon King is about to begin."

The world chessboard is presented in front of Yun Ye. He plays chess with Ming Ming and interferes in everything in the Qianyuan Dynasty, just like the game is aimed at maximizing interests and guiding the future to the one he wants.

On this chessboard, all human beings have lost their own selfish desires and serve completely for all. After countless calculations by Yun Ye and Tomorrow, they will reach the best ending. Monks continue to die, using their own deaths to guide the God Thunder Demon King into the trap. .

Real people cherish their lives.

Normally, it is impossible to kill oneself in order to kill the Divine Thunder Demon King.

But Yun Ye can exert influence through fate, making these real people wake up and fight for the righteousness. It has only been a year since the Qianyuan Dynasty has become monolithic... Or in Yun Ye's eyes, it is monolithic, even if the real situation is still divided by factions. However, Yun Ye can take advantage of it and exert a monolithic effect.

The war with the Demon King gradually regained the victory after Yun Ye's control began. Several great masters no longer stingy with knowledge, and used the profound realm to deploy top-notch profound formations to surround and kill the Divine Thunder Demon King. With the help of Dao weapons, They actually reached an even match and even started to counterpress.

Human potential, when fully liberated, is indeed infinite.

In particular, due to Yun Ye's public bloodline, there are actually many geniuses with extremely spiritual bloodline among civilians. These geniuses were only fully discovered at this time. Once we have knowledge, resources, and talents, there is actually no bottleneck for humans. , even increasing energy faster than improving physical fitness.

The killing rule is a rule of diminishing intensity. After the "quality" reaches a certain level, you can only challenge higher-level opponents, otherwise the killing income will be reduced to very low.

But the cultivation level is different, but the quantity increases, the quality does not change, and the attenuation is much less than forcibly accumulating physique. The only difficulty is the lack of methods and falling into the bottleneck of a large realm.

With the concerted efforts of the Qianyuan Dynasty, this barrier was broken, and human potential began to explode. A large number of monks followed the army to fight, and entered the Dharma Realm from mortals in one year. Their growth was astonishingly fast, and there were even many Dharma Realms relying on He followed the rules of killing to improve his computing power and physical fitness, and forcibly advanced to the mysterious realm.


"Boom boom boom!"

The divine thunder swept across, killing countless humans and demons. The huge killing power immediately surged into the sky like a thunder god, the Divine Thunder Demon King.

Its aura has reached its peak, and it is only one step away from the realm of the King of Manifest Realm.

"The quality of human soldiers has been greatly improved recently. Hahaha, I'm so happy. It's coming to an end soon. I can finally step into the manifest realm!"

The Divine Thunder Demon King waved his claws and fought with the three real people. The night was torn apart and the momentum was extremely huge.

The three real-person mysterious treasures were used in turn to suppress the Thunder Demon King.

Unfortunately, the Domination Path is extremely effective on humans, but not on demons. It is completely opposite to the Tomorrow Path, making it difficult to gain an advantage.

The Divine Thunder Demon King suddenly roared and displayed his true body's magical power. He suddenly grew thunder wings that covered the sky and the sun. He flew thousands of miles with one flap of his wings and beat a real man to the point of vomiting blood.

The injured real person was horrified and retreated while fighting. His fighting methods were quite conservative. This gave the Divine Thunder Demon King an even greater advantage and injured three major real people in succession.

The unstoppable Divine Thunder Demon King laughed loudly and fought until he lost himself. The demon's reserve power far exceeded that of human beings, and even many real people could not match it. Its power could not be exhausted first. Even if the Qianyuan Dynasty killed people, the latter would not be able to do anything with it. .

Then, something unexpected happened.

A dark barrier suddenly rose, sealing off the inside and outside to prevent the Thunder Demon King from escaping.

However, the Divine Thunder Demon King was not surprised but overjoyed. With its pair of red pupils and its body that could still see traces of bats, it burst out a massive amount of evil energy.

"I am worried about how to make you stop running away. Come on, let's start fighting!"

"The Heavenly Road ascends, the true form of the Thunder Emperor!"

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