A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 518 A member of the demon, world order

The figure of the Divine Thunder Demon King reflected in the heavens, and his power sharply sublimated, and he actually returned to the form of the ancestor Thunder King.

It was a monster with a thunderous mouth and a thunder hammer. It was not big in size, only a hundred meters tall. Compared with many monsters that can be hundreds of meters tall when moving, the thunder monster lineage does not win with size, but even so, the god The intimidating power of the Thunder Demon King at this moment far exceeded the expectations of many real people.

"As expected of...a descendant of the emperor!"

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

The three real people also launched the Heavenly Road Sublimation, blocking it at all costs, and black talismans were thrown out by them and placed in all directions.

"Not enough, this is not enough, you are too weak!"

The Divine Thunder Demon King roared and turned into thunder, intertwining and colliding with three escaping lights in the sky. This was a speed that could not be observed even in the Xuan Realm. The battle entered from the material world into the Xuantian, and then from the Xuantian into the blue sky, and the aftermath was Let the barrier waver and be about to collapse.

The three real people vomited blood one after another, and their real bodies disintegrated. Even if they had formations, they would be wiped out.

The power gap is too big.

Without formations, facing the Divine Thunder Demon King alone would inevitably lead to him being killed in a very short period of time.

"Sacrifice my Taoist weapon and die!"

Determination flashed in the eyes of a real person. The Taoist weapon borrowed money and turned into the power to kill demons. A large number of order chains wrapped around the Divine Thunder Demon King and penetrated its defense, directly damaging its origin.


The Divine Thunder Demon King broke the rules of destroying the country. He was one step away from the king of the manifest world. He also activated the Heavenly Road Sublimation. He had already obtained the power of the king of the manifest world. He actually withstood the power of the Taoist weapon and struck violently. The barrier wants to escape.

It has never heard that the strongest man in mankind is willing to give up his life and Taoist weapon to kill it. This form of Taoist tool will not last long before it will be killed. It is better to wait for a few turns and this person will die. !


The barrier is largely broken, and the Thunder Demon King is about to escape.

As a result, the black talisman came into play, activating Yun Ye's sealed power. The barrier was immediately stabilized, and the threads of fate slowly wrapped around the Divine Thunder Demon King, affecting its judgment and causing it to make constant mistakes.

The three great masters immediately surrounded and killed him, and they fought bloody battles for ten days and ten nights!

The Divine Thunder Demon King is still gradually heading for defeat. In terms of power, it completely crushes the three great masters, but with Yun Ye controlling it, it is not qualified.

If it weren't for the knitting of fate, Yun Ye wanted to kill a few real people by the way, and didn't take action himself, it would have been a dead demon long ago.

But even though it was in a critical situation and almost certain to die, the Divine Thunder Demon King instead inspired its fighting spirit, and its will became more and more vigorous. Even if the power of Tianlu Sublimation disappeared and its physical strength gradually became scarce, it was still fighting bloody battles, using all means to fight and continuously recover. A body destroyed by Taoist weapons.

Its vitality is too strong, and the three great real people are too far apart from its strength, so they can only rely on borrowed and advanced Taoist tools to cause damage.

"This is very abnormal. The Taoist weapon has advanced to the continental realm. In theory, it can obliterate the realm of real people. Why is this great demon king still immortal after losing the power of the Celestial Road sublimation?"

After ten days of bloody battle with real people, I couldn't help but roar.

This demon king is too difficult to kill, many times more difficult to kill than a real human being. If there is no barrier to block it, the three of them may not be able to survive even if they burn all their lives.

"I'm afraid it's close to the King of the Manifest Realm, and it has a power close to the throne, so it can resist! My Taoist weapon is just a borrowed debt to advance. It is essentially inferior to the real Continent Realm Taoist tool and cannot be completely wiped out. Not surprising either.”

"But no matter how difficult it is today, we must kill him. If this demon king continues to practice, I am afraid he will become the king of the manifest world and swallow us up in one bite. We will use all our strength to obliterate it!"

"It seems that we can no longer hold back today. Even if we sacrifice the Taoist weapon, we will kill him. We will establish a contract and the trinity will share the last Taoist weapon!"

"Taoist weapon, now!"

Under the intervention of fate, the three of them signed a very powerful divine law contract. The only monk who did not borrow the Taoist weapon would share the control of the Taoist weapon, a trinity. In exchange, the other two people would do their best to destroy the Taoist weapon themselves, even if they borrowed money.

Another Taoist weapon was upgraded to a state-level Taoist weapon, and its effectiveness increased dramatically. It finally overwhelmed the Divine Thunder Demon King and quickly tore it into pieces, completely breaking down the resistance.

"Restore once, destroy once! I want to see how much demon power you still have to restore yourself!"

There are real people roaring.

However, the more the Divine Thunder Demon King dies and the more desperate he becomes, the more amazing the power he conceived becomes.

After its breath declined to the extreme.

It suddenly grinned: "Although I have the blood of the Thunder Emperor, do I really think that it is so easy to approach the Emperor? Today, becoming the Immortal Yin Thunder Demon King is the first choice!!!"


The power of the demonic disaster erodes the God of Thunder Demon King. It is actively eroded by the demonic disaster, transforming from demon to demon, with its nature reversed, its strength reversed, and its bloodline reversed.

The terrifying atmosphere spread to the sky, and countless demons rushed down from the sky. It was unknown where they came from. It was obvious that the space here had been blocked.

"The world is coming..."

A real person murmured to himself, his expression extremely ugly.

To achieve high status, humans need to ascend to the red sky and gain authority.

Demons don't have such troubles. They are physically invincible and can directly step into the dimension that matches their own strength and build their own domain.

The kings of the manifest world are not the kings of demons in the "manifest world", but the kings of the manifest world. They can do things like bringing Xuantian down permanently, and build their own absolute realm, the demon kings of the manifest world. , it is those human beings who can create the fourth heaven on their own, the peerless beings among the peerless.

Although the kings of the manifest world are generally weaker than these fourth-day peerless beings among humans, they are too strong compared to ordinary revered ones.

Even though the Divine Thunder Demon King only half-stepped into the manifest realm at this moment, indescribable fear burst out in the hearts of the three great masters...

Invincible, invincible, invincible!

Completely invincible! ! !

And this extremely desperate situation happens to be the moment when the weaving of fate is most effective.

"This is a fight for humanity!"

Yun Ye gathered the survival belief of the entire Qianyuan Dynasty and instilled it into the bodies of the three great immortals. The three great immortals suddenly entered the heavenly sublimation form for the second time, with firm eyes and desperate intentions. After receiving the support of Yun Ye's huge computing power, various Strength begins to surge.

"When did the change happen? Are these three humans completely desperate? Without Taoist tools, how can humans occupy such a huge territory again with their weakness and struggle!"

The thought of the Divine Thunder King flashed through his mind, and he suddenly roared, killing the three great masters.

The three great masters abandoned their past appearance and roared the same way. Holding Taoist tools and treasures in their hands, they started a new round of war and completely burned themselves out.

"It's not the power provided by the Great Demon Tribunal, it's the demon forces from the other side. Sure enough...the demons have talented people among them and are cultivating strong ones."

Yun Ye frowned.

There are too many demon races, and their total power completely exceeds that of the human race. No matter which dynasty, they can only set up spiritual towns and cannot completely wipe out the demons.

Even the Great Wilderness Lingze, where the Yuntian Lingzong and the Mengze Lingzong are located, has various restricted areas, and is home to many troubled demons that the two major Lingsects dare not provoke.

This kind of situation is common in the areas that Yun Ye has traveled through. History does not lie, and demons are indeed powerful.

Maybe someone is surprised.

Why are demons so powerful yet still retain so many human dynasties? Logically speaking, shouldn’t they just start a war and destroy them?

Are you afraid of the true immortal?

actually not.

In fact, humans are also members of the demon race, at least that's what the demons think, and they don't feel that humans are any different from them.

Some monsters call humans human sheep, which is often not an insulting description, but to them, ordinary humans eat similar food to pigs and sheep, and only high-level monks can use the clan name.

Human beings can occupy so much territory. For them, it is no different from some large demon clans occupying a continent and an ocean. They will not deliberately start a war. Only a very small number of demons living in groups will worry about the race's living space being squeezed, so they will unite and build a The order of demons has been established, and sanctions will be imposed on humans if they cross the line.

The Great Demon Tribunal was born for this reason.

However, since this organization is called the Great Demon Trial, its targets include all races of demons. Whether they are humans or certain special demon races, as long as they cross the boundary, the clone of the king of the manifest world will come, and even the real body will come. The powerful power inside Even Yun Ye felt threatened by the existence, so he gave in.

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